Exhibition Name | Cycle | Venue | Date |
MEOS GEOMEOS GEO drives growth and addresses the critical challenges facing the oil, gas, and geosciences industries. The gateway to the future of petroleum geosciences in the Middle East | every 2 years | Manama (Bahrain) Bahrain International Exhibition & Convention Centre (BIECC) | 09/16/2025 3 days |
JEWELLERY ARABIA - BAHRAINMiddle East International Gold, Jewelry, Clock & Watch Exhibition. Every year, a new range of ultra-high-end jewellery and watches to the Kingdom of Bahrain | once a year | Manama (Bahrain) Exhibition World Bahrain | 11/25/2025 5 days |
BAHRAIN INTERNATIONAL GARDEN SHOWThe Bahrain International Garden Show is firmly established as a leading gardening & agricultural show in the Arabian Gulf | once a year | Manama (Bahrain) Exhibition World Bahrain | Feb. 2026 (?) |