COILTECH DEUTSCHLANDInternational trade show for the Coil & Winding industry. Materials and machineries for the production of electric motors, generators, transformers and winding systems |
once a year |
Augsburg (Germany)
Augsburger Messezentrum
04/09/2025 2 days |
EMPACK DORTMUNDNational trade fair for the packaging industry. Experience the entire process and value chain of packaging with your visit |
every 2 years |
Dortmund (Germany)
Exhibition Centre Dortmund
05/07/2025 2 days |
LOGISTICS & AUTOMATION - DORTMUNDAll facets of intralogistics are presented at the regional trade show: From conveyor technologies and sorting systems to storage equipment, automated solutions and e-logistics |
once a year |
Dortmund (Germany)
Exhibition Centre Dortmund
05/07/2025 2 days |
KPA BAD SALZUFLENProfessional design fair. development and supply of plastic products. Discuss your specific projects effectively with experts and suppliers |
once a year |
Bad Salzuflen (Germany)
Messe Zentrum Bad Salzuflen
05/13/2025 3 days |
KUNECOKUTENO is a compact supplier fair for the entire process chain of plastics processing. It focuses on machinery, components, technical solutions and materials |
once a year |
Bad Salzuflen (Germany)
Messe Zentrum Bad Salzuflen
05/13/2025 3 days |
ALL ABOUT AUTOMATION - HEILBRONNProducers, suppliers and distributors of industrial automation technologies use the all about automation exhibitions to share and exchange ideas swiftly and intensely with trade visitors |
once a year |
Heilbronn (Germany)
Redblue Messehalle
05/14/2025 2 days |
ALL ABOUT AUTOMATION - HAMBURGProducers, suppliers and distributors of industrial automation technologies use the all about automation exhibitions to share and exchange ideas swiftly and intensely with trade visitors |
once a year |
Hamburg (Germany)
MesseHalle Hamburg-Schnelsen
06/03/2025 2 days |
LOGISTICS & AUTOMATION - HAMBURGAll facets of intralogistics are presented at the regional trade show: From conveyor technologies and sorting systems to storage equipment, automated solutions and e-logistics |
once a year |
Hamburg (Germany)
Hamburg Messe und Congress
06/03/2025 2 days |
ALL ABOUT AUTOMATION - ZÜRICHProducers, suppliers and distributors of industrial automation technologies use the all about automation exhibitions to share and exchange ideas swiftly and intensely with trade visitors |
once a year |
Zurich (Switzerland)
Ferienmesse Zürich
Aug. 2025 (?) |
ALL ABOUT AUTOMATION - WETZLARProducers, suppliers and distributors of industrial automation technologies use the all about automation exhibitions to share and exchange ideas swiftly and intensely with trade visitors |
once a year |
Wetzlar (Germany)
Buderus Arena, Wetzlar
09/10/2025 1 day |
ALL ABOUT AUTOMATION - DUSSELDORFProducers, suppliers and distributors of industrial automation technologies use the all about automation exhibitions to share and exchange ideas swiftly and intensely with trade visitors |
once a year |
Dusseldorf (Germany)
Areal Böhler
09/17/2025 2 days |
ALL ABOUT AUTOMATION - CHEMNITZProducers, suppliers and distributors of industrial automation technologies use the all about automation exhibitions to share and exchange ideas swiftly and intensely with trade visitors |
once a year |
Chemnitz (Germany)
Messe Chemnitz
09/30/2025 2 days |
FMB MESSESupplier show for mechanical engineering industry. FMB brings manufacturers, designers and purchasers purposefully together and presents the entire spectrum of the supply industry for machinery and plant construction |
once a year |
Bad Salzuflen (Germany)
Messe Zentrum Bad Salzuflen
11/04/2025 3 days |
ALL ABOUT AUTOMATION - BERLINProducers, suppliers and distributors of industrial automation technologies use the all about automation exhibitions to share and exchange ideas swiftly and intensely with trade visitors |
once a year |
Berlin (Germany)
The Station Berlin
01/28/2026 2 days |
ALL ABOUT AUTOMATION - FRIEDRICHSHAFENProducers, suppliers and distributors of industrial automation technologies use the all about automation exhibitions to share and exchange ideas swiftly and intensely with trade visitors |
once a year |
Friedrichshafen (Germany)
Messegelände Friedrichshafen
Feb. 2026 (?) |
KPA ULMProfessional design fair. development and supply of plastic products. Discuss your specific projects effectively with experts and suppliers |
once a year |
Ulm (Germany)
Ulm Messe
02/25/2026 2 days |
MAINTENANCE DORTMUNDInternational Industrial Maintenance Exhibition. From maintenance equipment, spare parts and drive technology to smart maintenance and innovative technical solutions – all this can only be found at maintenance Dortmund – the leading trade show in Germany |
once a year |
Dortmund (Germany)
Exhibition Centre Dortmund
02/25/2026 2 days |
PUMPS & VALVES DORTMUNDIndustrial trade show for pumps, valves and processes in Dortmund |
once a year |
Dortmund (Germany)
Exhibition Centre Dortmund
02/25/2026 2 days |
SOLIDS DORTMUNDIndustry Forum for suppliers and for buyers from end-user industries that manufacture and process powder, granules and bulk solids (including food & beverage manufacturing, chemicals, cosmetics, animal feed and pet food). Handling, Storage, Logistics |
every 2 years |
Dortmund (Germany)
Exhibition Centre Dortmund
03/18/2026 2 days |
ALL ABOUT AUTOMATION - STRAUBINGProducers, suppliers and distributors of industrial automation technologies use the all about automation exhibitions to share and exchange ideas swiftly and intensely with trade visitors |
every 2 years |
Straubing (Germany)
Messehalle Straubing
06/10/2026 2 days |