Expotronica Company

Expotronica Company
Trade shows

Contact info

PO Box 28
119313, Moscow Russia
+7 (495) 234-22-10
E-mail Web Site
5 Trade Shows from Expotronica Company
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
ADVANCED AUTOMATION TECHNOLOGIES. PTA ST. PETERSBURGIndustrial automation and embedded systems Trade show. PTA ST. PETERSBURG is a traditional meeting place of manufacturers, distributors, integrators and end users of equipment and services in automation sphere once a year St. Petersburg (Russia) Holiday Inn, St. Petersburg 05/27/2025
1 day
ADVANCED AUTOMATION TECHNOLOGIES. PTA CHELYABINSKIndustrial automation and embedded systems Trade show. PTA CHELYABINSK is a traditional meeting place of manufacturers, distributors, integrators and end users of equipment and services in automation sphere once a year Chelyabinsk (Russia) Chelyabinsk ParkCity Hotel 09/24/2025
1 day
ADVANCED AUTOMATION TECHNOLOGIES. PTA NOVOSIBIRSKIndustrial automation and embedded systems Trade show. PTA NOVOSIBIRSK is a traditional meeting place of manufacturers, distributors, integrators and end users of equipment and services in automation sphere once a year Novosibirsk (Russia) Novosibirsk Expocentre 10/29/2025
1 day
ADVANCED AUTOMATION TECHNOLOGIES. PTA EKATERINBURGIndustrial automation and embedded systems Trade show. PTA EKATERINBURG is a traditional meeting place of manufacturers, distributors, integrators and end users of equipment and services in automation sphere once a year Yekaterinburg (Russia) Novotel Ekaterinburg Feb. 2026 (?)
ADVANCED AUTOMATION TECHNOLOGIES. PTA UFAIndustrial automation and embedded systems Trade show. PTA UFA is a traditional meeting place of manufacturers, distributors, integrators and end users of equipment and services in automation sphere every 2 years Ufa (Russia) Holiday Inn Ufa Sept. 2026 (?)
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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