Fiere di Corsica (Fédération des Foires Rurales Agricoles et Artisanales de Corse)

Fiere di Corsica
(Fédération des Foires Rurales Agricoles et Artisanales de Corse)
Trade shows

Contact info

Le Chateau
Immeuble Mairie
20231 Venaco France
+33 (0)4 95 47 15 19
E-mail Web Site
17 Trade Shows from Fiere di Corsica (Fédération des Foires Rurales Agricoles et Artisanales de Corse)
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
FESTA DI L'OLIU NOVUThe Corsican village of Sainte Lucie de Tallano hosts this craft fair dedicated to olives and olive growing. The opportunity to maintain tradition and establish dialogue between producers and consumers by promoting quality products once a year Sainte Lucie de Tallano (France) April 2025
FIERA DI U CASGIU"A Fiera di u Casgiu" is a regional fair of Corsican farmhouse cheeses. Three sections: the fair, the regional competition for farm cheeses from Corsica, meetings of pastoralism and sustainable development. An ancient Venaco fair tradition once a year Venaco (France) Stade Paul Giacobbi 05/03/2025
2 days
FIERA DI U VINUIsle of Beauty wine and winegrowers fair. There are also many exhibitors of regional products and local handicrafts once a year Luri (France) 05/10/2025
2 days
FESTA DI A NATURAEvery spring, the Corsican village of Murzo organizes this fair which promotes the riches of the natural, cultural and food heritage of Corsica under the theme of the environment and in order to support the local economy once a year Murzo (France) 05/18/2025
1 day
FIERA DI U PANEThe Corsican village of Lumio welcomes you through its alleys to promote the true taste of bread. Artisanal wood-fired ovens, demonstrations of traditional bread making, use of old bread-making tools, conferences... once a year Lumio (France) 06/14/2025
2 days
FESTA DU U GRANUThe "U Granu Anticu" association offers its "Festa di u Granu" between the two Corsican towns of Corte and Aleria. The objective is to make farmers and consumers aware of local wheat production. Many animations once a year Aleria (France) July 2025 (?)
FESTA DI U LEGNU È DI A FURESTA"A Festa di u Legnu è di a Furesta" welcomes you around the themes of the forest. Actors from the entire sector are present. Conferences on the themes of the revival of the wood industry. Activities and games in the forest once a year Vezzani (France) 07/19/2025
2 days
FIERA DI L'ALIVUOlive and Olive Oil Fair in Corsica. "A FIERA DI L'ALIVU" works for rural development, promoting scientific achievements and new economic technologies. For the recovery and preservation of Corsican olive-growing landscapes once a year Montegrosso (France) 07/19/2025
2 days
FIERA D'AUDDÈThe Fiera d'Auddè welcomes you for a convivial moment. Grills, in cantu refreshments, children's games... About fifty artisan stands and a large animal park. Concert on Saturday evening once a year Aullène (France) 07/26/2025
1 day
MERCATU MUNTAGNOLUClose to Corte, the village of Riventosa welcomes you to its "Mercatu Muntagnolu". Showcase of island agricultural and pastoral artisanal sectors, authentic quality products, such as: cheeses, charcuterie productions, honey... once a year Riventosa (France) 07/26/2025
1 day
FESTA DI A CULTEDDA CORSAIn Cuttoli (near Ajacio), "A FESTA DI A CULTEDDA CORSA" offers exhibitions and events on the theme of Corsican cutlery. Exhibition-sale, demonstration of blade forging, bronze casting, horn shaping, leather work once a year Cuttoli-Corticchiato (France) Aug. 2025 (?)
FIERA DI L'AMANDULUCorsican Fair of the almond tree and its by-products. "FIERA DI L'AMANDULU" gives back its letters of nobility to the almond tree through its culture, its paintings, its music and its gastronomy. Many animations once a year Aregno (France) Aug. 2025 (?)
FIERA DI U TURISIMU CAMPAGNOLU"FIERA DI U TURISIMU CAMPAGNOLU" promotes the synergy between Agriculture, Tourism, Crafts, Culture and Commerce, in a prehistoric setting of great importance. Many animations once a year Filitosa (France) 08/01/2025
3 days
FIERA DI BARACCI - ACQUA E SALUTAOn the superb site of the Baracci baths (Olmeto), the fair offers a moment of exchange and conviviality around sports, cultural and musical events free for all. Corsican agricultural and artisanal products once a year Olmeto (France) 08/09/2025
2 days
FESTA DI U FICUFair dedicated to Fig in Corsica. The work carried out on the various varieties known in Corsica and the origin of the establishment of the fig on the island feed the technical part of the "FESTA DI U FICU" once a year Peri (France) 09/13/2025
2 days
U MELE IN FESTAHoney and Beekeepers Fair in Corsica. "U MELE IN FESTA" intends to be the showcase of Corsican honey PDO (Protected Designation of Origin) and its derived products once a year Murzo (France) 09/28/2025
1 day
FIERA DI A CASTAGNAThe Corsican village of Bocognano welcomes you to the "Fiera di a castagna", dedicated to chestnuts and the chestnut tradition. Renovate the chestnut grove, modernize processing, create added value, professionalize an ex-subsistence economy once a year Bocognano (France) Foyer rural de Bucugnà 'U Castagnu' 12/05/2025
3 days
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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