Fira d'Igualada

Fira d'Igualada
Trade shows

Contact info

Carrer de les Germanes Castells, 25
08700 Igualada Spain
+34 93 804 0102
+34 93 805 4802
E-mail Web Site
7 Trade Shows from Fira d'Igualada
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
AUTOMERCATOne of the major second-hand car fairs in the Catalan country. Automercat is the used car show, where dealers display 300+ vehicles over a weekend. Semi-new, 0 km and used vehicles fully guaranteed once a year Igualada (Spain) Fira d'Igualada 03/29/2025
2 days
TASTA'MTasta’m is an original gastronomic fair that combines tastings and music in the context of cultural events in Igualada once a year Igualada (Spain) Recinte firal de l'Escorxador, Igualada 06/27/2025
2 days
FIRA D'ARTESANIACraft Fair of Igualada. You will find all kinds of local products made in an artisanal way, from food to fashion accessories or clothes twice a year Igualada (Spain) Passeig Verdaguer, Igualada Sept. 2025 (?)
FIRANOAIAIgualada Multisectorial Fair. The great economic showcase of the Anoia region once a year Igualada (Spain) Passeig Verdaguer, Igualada Sept. 2025 (?)
MERCAT MENSUAL D’ANTIGUITATS, COL·LECCIONISME, ART I ARTESANIA.The meeting point for all lovers of art and craft, antiques and collecting (coins, postcards, 'xapes de cava', records... ) making sales, purchases and exchange once a year Igualada (Spain) Fira d'Igualada Sept. 2025 (?)
FIRA DE NADAL DE IGUALADAThe 'Fira de Nadal' is a craft market for Christmas products. Every year it is held in the old town of Igualada, the first three weekends of December. Typical food products, decoration products, gifts... once a year Igualada (Spain) Dec. 2025 (?)
FIRA DE REISThe Fira de Reis is one of the oldest Catalan fairs. About 250 exhibitors + a hundred antique dealers once a year Igualada (Spain) Passeig Verdaguer, Igualada Jan. 2026 (?)
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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