ITE Group

ITE Group
Trade shows

Contact info

107140, Upper Krasnoselskaya 3
building 2
Moscow Russia
+7 495 799 55 85
E-mail Web Site
22 Trade Shows from ITE Group
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
SKLADTECHTrade show for Warehouse and Handling Equipment, Automation Systems and Solutions - together with the largest Logistics Exhibition TRANSRUSSIA once a year Moscow (Russia) Crocus-Expo IEC 03/18/2025
3 days
TRANSRUSSIA / TRANSLOGISTICAInternational Freight Transport & Logistics Exhibition. TransRussia is the largest logistics exhibition in Russia. Held on the same site with a special exposition of warehouse equipment SkladTech once a year Moscow (Russia) Crocus-Expo IEC 03/18/2025
3 days
MITTMoscow International Travel & Tourism Exhibition. MITT is an international platform for countries, regions and companies from Russia and the world to present their travel & hospitality products and services on the Russian market once a year Moscow (Russia) Crocus-Expo IEC 03/20/2025
3 days
MOSBUILDMoscow International Building and Construction, Decoration, Interior Design & Architecture Fair once a year Moscow (Russia) Crocus-Expo IEC 04/01/2025
4 days
ELECTRON TECHEXPOInternational exhibition of power electronics components and systems once a year Moscow (Russia) Crocus-Expo IEC 04/15/2025
3 days
EXPOELECTRONICAInternational exhibition of Electronic Components, Modules and Systems, Embedded Systems and Turnkey Solutions once a year Moscow (Russia) Crocus-Expo IEC 04/15/2025
3 days
SECURIKA / MIPSMoscow International Protection, Security and Fire Regulation Exhibition once a year Moscow (Russia) Crocus-Expo IEC 04/15/2025
3 days
ANALITIKA EXPOInternational exhibition for laboratory technology, equipment and reagents for chemical analysis and diagnostics once a year Moscow (Russia) Crocus-Expo IEC 04/23/2025
3 days
MININGWORLD RUSSIAInternational exhibition of technologies and equipment for mining and processing of minerals once a year Moscow (Russia) Crocus-Expo IEC 04/23/2025
3 days
MIMS AUTOMOBILITY MOSCOWRussian International Trade Fair for Automotive Production, Aftermarket and Service Industry once a year Moscow (Russia) Expocentr' Krasnaya Presnya Fairgrounds 05/12/2025
4 days
PRINTECHInternational exhibition of equipment, technologies and supplies for print and advertising production once a year Moscow (Russia) Crocus-Expo IEC 06/17/2025
4 days
ROSUPAKInternational specialized exhibition of materials and technologies, machinery and equipment for manufacturing of packages. Packages for all industries once a year Moscow (Russia) Crocus-Expo IEC 06/17/2025
4 days
WORLD FOOD MOSCOWInternational Exhibition for Food and Drink Products once a year Moscow (Russia) Crocus-Expo IEC 09/16/2025
4 days
FASTENEXFastenex is the only in Russia international B2B exhibition of fasteners, fittings and tools. It brings together manufacturers and suppliers with thousands of company representatives once a year Moscow (Russia) Crocus-Expo IEC 10/07/2025
4 days
WELDEX MOSCOWInternational specialized exhibition of welding materials, equipment and technologies once a year Moscow (Russia) Crocus-Expo IEC 10/07/2025
4 days
YUGAGRORussia’s largest international agricultural trade show focused on agricultural machinery, equipment and materials for crop production. Related industries: Food Processing Industries Agriculture - Agricultural Machinery, Seeds and Fertilizers, Hothouses once a year Krasnodar (Russia) Expograd Yug 11/18/2025
4 days
PHARMTECH & INGREDIENTSInternational Specialised Forum & Exhibition for Equipment, raw materials and technologies for pharmaceutical production once a year Moscow (Russia) Crocus-Expo IEC 11/25/2025
4 days
WOODEX MOSCOWInternational specialized trade show for timber products, machinery, equipment, materials for timber and woodworking industries every 2 years Moscow (Russia) Crocus-Expo IEC 12/02/2025
4 days
COMTRANSInternational Exhibition for Commercial Vehicles. Trucks and Cargo LCV, Buses and Passenger LCV, Utility Vehicles, Trailers and Semi-trailers, Parts and Components, Service... every 2 years Moscow (Russia) Crocus-Expo IEC 12/09/2025
4 days
DAIRYTECHDairyTech is the only international exhibition in Russia encompassing the full range of equipment for milk processing and dairy production once a year Moscow (Russia) Crocus-Expo IEC 01/27/2026
3 days
AIRVENTAnnual international exhibition of equipment, technologies and services for ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration of domestic, commercial and industrial facilities once a year Moscow (Russia) Crocus-Expo IEC 02/03/2026
4 days
AQUA-THERM MOSCOWInternational Trade Fair for Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning Technology, Sanitary Equipment & Environmental Protection - Including Moscow Pool once a year Moscow (Russia) Crocus-Expo IEC 02/03/2026
4 days
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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