Pyramids Group

Pyramids Group
Trade shows

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34 Trade Shows from Pyramids Group
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
BASRA OIL & GASInternational Oil & Gas conference and Exhibition in Iraq. BASRA OIL & GAS will enable vistors to explore the largest and most dedicated oil & gas event in Iraq and network with valuable contacts once a year Basra (Iraq) Basrah International Fair Ground March 2025
ERBIL BUILD EXPOInternational Building & Construction Exhibition in Iraq once a year Erbil (Iraq) Erbil International Fairground 05/20/2025
4 days
HITECH - INTERNATIONAL ICT EXHIBITIONSyria's HiTech Conference on Intelligent Systems. This scientific event aims to bring together academic researchers and those interested in the field of artificial intelligence to exchange their experiences, research results and projects once a year Damascus (Syria) Damascus International Fairground 05/27/2025
5 days
SYRIA BUILDEX INTERNATIONALBUILDEX attracts the most important companies working in various fields of construction technologies and materials sectors from Syria and the world every 2 years Damascus (Syria) Damascus International Fairground 05/27/2025
5 days
THE INTERNATIONAL SYRIAN INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITIONThe International Syrian Industrial Exhibition is a key industrial economic event, fostering connections among industrialists, experts & decision-makers in Syria. It showcases the latest products and technologies from local and international manufacturers once a year Damascus (Syria) Damascus International Fairground 05/27/2025
5 days
MOROCCO FASHION STYLE & TEXAt MOROCCO FASHION STYLE & TEX, the most prestigious textile manufacturers of African and Mediterranean Region meet buyers, presenting the latest technology and design textile products once a year Casablanca (Morocco) Office des Foires et Expositions de Casablanca (OFEC) 05/28/2025
4 days
MOROCCO HOMETEXMorocco International Home Textile Fair. With the participation of domestic and international home textile professionals Morocco Hometex presents high quality products once a year Casablanca (Morocco) Office des Foires et Expositions de Casablanca (OFEC) 05/28/2025
4 days
MOROCCO TEXTILE EXPOMorocco International Fashion Textile & Accessories Fair. This platform allows national and international companies of different industry sectors to show and promote their skills, meet partners and find international brands twice a year Casablanca (Morocco) Office des Foires et Expositions de Casablanca (OFEC) 05/28/2025
4 days
SYRIA AGRITEXSyria International Agriculture, Greenhouse and Livestock Technologies Fair. A hub for innovation, collaboration, and growth, connecting industry professionals, farmers, and technology providers from around the world once a year Damascus (Syria) Damascus International Fairground 06/26/2025
4 days
UGANDA BUILDInternational Building, Construction, Energy, Electricity and Municipal Equipment Exhibition once a year Kampala (Uganda) UMA Exhibition Centre Lugogo 08/07/2025
3 days
CAIRO KIDS & MOTHERCairo International Exhibition for Moms and Kids Fashion & Products twice a year Cairo (Egypt) EIEC (Egypt International Exhibition Center) Sept. 2025 (?)
JORDAN FASHIONTEXJordan International Fashion Textiles, Leather & Home Textile exhibition twice a year Amman (Jordan) Sept. 2025 (?)
SYRIA VIP MACHITEXSyria International Textile Machinery, Technologies and Equipment Exhibition once a year Damascus (Syria) Damascus International Fairground 09/03/2025
4 days
IRAQ BUILD EXPO BAGHDADInternational Building, Construction, Energy, Electricity and Municipal Equipment Exhibition once a year Baghdad (Iraq) Baghdad International Fair Grounds 09/08/2025
4 days
SAUDI FASHIONTEX EXPOSaudi International Fashion, Textiles and Leather Exhibition. This platform allows national and international companies of different industry sectors to show and promote their skills, meet partners and find international brands from several countries once a year Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) Jeddah International Exhibition & Convention Center 09/25/2025
4 days
SAUDI SHOES EXPOSaudi Arabia International Footwear Fashion, Leather, Accessories Exhibition. A significant trade show for professionals in the footwear, leather, and accessories sectors, aiming to connect brands, suppliers, and buyers from the Middle East and beyond once a year Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) Jeddah International Exhibition & Convention Center 09/25/2025
4 days
CAIRO FASHION & TEXInternational Fashion, Garments, Accessories and Textile Exhibition. Cairo Fashion and Tex is the first and only international exhibition specialized in yarn, textile, garment and it’s trimming supplies and accessories in Egypt twice a year Cairo (Egypt) Cairo International Convention & Exhibition Centre Oct. 2025 (?)
LIBYA OIL & GAS FAIRLibya Oil, Gas, and Renewable Energy Exhibition is the unique oil and gas show in Libya every 2 years ? (Libya) Oct. 2025 (?)
MACHI TEX EXPOEgypt International Exhibition of Sewing, Textile and Embroidery Machines once a year Cairo (Egypt) Cairo International Convention & Exhibition Centre Oct. 2025 (?)
TANZANIA BUILDInternational Building, Construction, Energy, Electricity and Municipal Equipment Exhibition every 2 years Dar Es Salaam (Tanzania) Diamond Jubilee Hall 10/16/2025
3 days
ALEPPO GENERAL TRADE FAIRAleppo (Syria) International General Trade Fair once a year Aleppo (Syria) 10/20/2025
5 days
SYRIA MOTOR SHOWSyria International Motor and Automotive Exhibition. From cutting-edge vehicles to advanced automotive technologies, this event is your gateway to the future of mobility once a year Damascus (Syria) Damascus International Fairground 10/22/2025
4 days
SYRIA FOODPEXThe SYRIA FOODPEX expo is the premier event for professionals, businesses, and enthusiasts in the food and packaging industries. It serves as a dynamic platform for showcasing innovation, connecting industry leaders, and exploring the latest market trends once a year Damascus (Syria) Damascus International Fairground 11/06/2025
4 days
SYRIA LIFESTYLE FAIRThis Expo for Furniture, Décor, and Home Appliances, provides a valuable opportunity to showcase products as: Home furnishings, office furniture, hotels & touristic facility furnishings, landscaping & gardens, lighting, electrical/electronic equipment... once a year Damascus (Syria) Damascus International Fairground 11/20/2025
5 days
ERBIL OIL & GASInternational Oil & Gas Exhibition & Conference once a year Erbil (Iraq) Erbil International Fairground Dec. 2025 (?)
MOROCCO LEATHER & SHOESMorocco International Exhibition for Leather, Footwear & Accessories Fair once a year ? (Morocco) Dec. 2025 (?)
MOROCOCO TEXTILE MACHINERYMorocco International Textile Machinery Exhibition once a year Casablanca (Morocco) Office des Foires et Expositions de Casablanca (OFEC) Dec. 2025 (?)
SOG - SYRIA OIL & GAS, ENERGYSyria Oil, Gas and Energy & Electricity Exhibition. The ideal meeting place for businesses and experts from around the world to discover innovative solutions, foster collaboration, and discuss the future of the oil, gas, energy, and electricity industries once a year Damascus (Syria) Damascus International Fairground 12/03/2025
4 days
SYRIA HVAC, W EXPOSyria's Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Water Exhibition. An interactive platform for specialists in the fields of HVAC and alternative energy to communicate with their peers and with prominent industry leaders every 2 years Damascus (Syria) Damascus International Fairground 12/15/2025
5 days
CAIRO INTER LEATHERCairo International Leather and Shoes Fair. The biggest Leather trade show in the Middle East Region once a year Cairo (Egypt) Cairo International Convention & Exhibition Centre 12/18/2025
4 days
ROMANIA FASHIONTEXROMANIA FASHIONTEX – Romania International Fashion, Textile & Accessories Fair brings together the most prestigious textile manufacturers alongside East European and Balkan buyers while presenting the latest technology and design textile products once a year Bucharest (Romania) Romexpo Jan. 2026 (?)
CAIRO MOTHER & LA PYJAMAInternational exhibition for Mother & kids Fashion & Products once a year Cairo (Egypt) Cairo International Convention & Exhibition Centre Feb. 2026 (?)
ERBIL AUTOSHOWInternational Automobile, Automotive, Commercial Vehicles and Spare Parts Exhibition. The unique autoshow in Iraq and one of the most significant milestones in the development of the region once a year Erbil (Iraq) Erbil International Fairground 02/10/2026
4 days
BUILD EXPO BASRAIraq International Building & Construction Exhibition. Building, Construction and Municipal Equipment Exhibition, the biggest construction fair in Basra every 2 years Basra (Iraq) Basrah International Fair Ground Sept. 2026 (?)
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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