Rota Ltd.

Rota Ltd.
Trade shows

Contact info

4, Anthousas Ave.
15351 - Pallini
Athens Greece
+30 2.111.801.801
+30 2.111.801.810
E-mail Web Site
5 Trade Shows from Rota Ltd.
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
MOSTRA ROTAMOSTRA ROTA is an Athen's exclusive trade event for interior design, houseware and decoration twice a year Athens (Greece) Athens Metropolitan Expo Sept. 2025 (?)
ATHENS INTERNATIONAL BOAT SHOWATHENS INTERNATIONAL BOAT SHOW is addresed to all those to love sea recration, extreme water sports and sea-related tourism, but also to those who are interested in boating, sailing, fisging and diving, covering any level of professionalism & every need once a year Athens (Greece) Athens Metropolitan Expo 12/03/2025
5 days
LAIKI TECNHILaicki Techni is the largest trade show of souvenirs in Greece. Priceless objects of greek artistic creation from the greek tradition, which fully capture the tourist market once a year Athens (Greece) Athens Metropolitan Expo Jan. 2026 (?)
PAROUSIESPAROUSIES is the largest exhibition in Greece dedicated to souvenirs, offering market insight and solutions to all trading needs of retail stores once a year Athens (Greece) Athens Metropolitan Expo Jan. 2026 (?)
TECHNIMASouvenirs Expo in Greece. Leading exhibition of artistic handicraft and limited production objects, representing the largest folk art and tourist item associations in the Country once a year Athens (Greece) Athens Metropolitan Expo Jan. 2026 (?)
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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