STOFFEN SPEKTAKEL LUXEMBOURGExpo of fabrics and textiles. Experience the latest fashion and warm colors at the cozy fabric markets |
unknown |
Luxembourg (Luxembourg)
Parc des Expositions Luxexpo Kirchberg
02/15/2025 1 day |
STOFFEN SPEKTAKEL HARDENBERGExpo of fabrics and textiles. Experience the latest fashion and warm colors at the cozy fabric markets |
unknown |
Hardenberg (Netherlands)
Evenementenhal Hardenberg
March 2025 |
STOFFEN SPEKTAKEL HAARLEMMERMEER (VIJFHUIZEN)Expo of fabrics and textiles. Experience the latest fashion and warm colors at the cozy fabric markets |
unknown |
Haarlemmermeer (Netherlands)
Expo Haarlemmermeer
03/02/2025 1 day |
STOFFEN SPEKTAKEL GRONINGENExpo of fabrics and textiles. Experience the latest fashion and warm colors at the cozy fabric markets |
twice a year |
Groningen (Netherlands)
03/05/2025 1 day |
STOFFEN SPEKTAKEL KORTRIJKExpo of fabrics and textiles. Experience the latest fashion and warm colors at the cozy fabric markets |
twice a year |
Kortrijk (Belgium)
Kortrijk Xpo
03/09/2025 1 day |
STOFFEN SPEKTAKEL ZUTPHENExpo of fabrics and textiles. Experience the latest fashion and warm colors at the cozy fabric markets |
once a year |
Zutphen (Netherlands)
03/16/2025 1 day |
STOFFEN SPEKTAKEL MONSExpo of fabrics and textiles. Experience the latest fashion and warm colors at the cozy fabric markets |
twice a year |
Mons (Belgium)
Lotto Mons Expo
03/23/2025 1 day |
STOFFEN SPEKTAKEL HASSELTExpo of fabrics and textiles. Experience the latest fashion and warm colors at the cozy fabric markets |
twice a year |
Hasselt (Belgium)
Trixxo Arena
03/26/2025 1 day |
STOFFEN SPEKTAKEL GENTExpo of fabrics and textiles. Experience the latest fashion and warm colors at the cozy fabric markets |
twice a year |
Ghent (Belgium)
Flanders Expo
03/30/2025 1 day |
STOFFEN SPEKTAKEL KATWIJKExpo of fabrics and textiles. Experience the latest fashion and warm colors at the cozy fabric markets |
unknown |
Katwijk (Netherlands)
04/02/2025 1 day |
STOFFEN SPEKTAKEL BREDAExpo of fabrics and textiles. Experience the latest fashion and warm colors at the cozy fabric markets |
unknown |
Breda (Netherlands)
04/06/2025 1 day |
STOFFEN SPEKTAKEL GOESExpo of fabrics and textiles. Experience the latest fashion and warm colors at the cozy fabric markets |
twice a year |
Goes (Netherlands)
04/09/2025 1 day |
STOFFEN SPEKTAKEL ANTWERPENExpo of fabrics and textiles. Experience the latest fashion and warm colors at the cozy fabric markets |
twice a year |
Antwerp (Belgium)
Bouwcentrum Antwerpen - Antwerp Expo
04/13/2025 1 day |
STOFFEN SPEKTAKEL RAALTEExpo of fabrics and textiles. Experience the latest fashion and warm colors at the cozy fabric markets |
unknown |
Raalte (Netherlands)
Raalte Centrum, Domineeskamp
04/17/2025 1 day |
STOFFEN SPEKTAKEL LEEUWARDENExpo of fabrics and textiles. Experience the latest fashion and warm colors at the cozy fabric markets |
twice a year |
Leeuwarden (Netherlands)
WTC Expo
04/21/2025 1 day |
STOFFEN SPEKTAKEL LIBRAMONTExpo of fabrics and textiles. Experience the latest fashion and warm colors at the cozy fabric markets |
once a year |
Libramont-Chevigny (Belgium)
Halles aux Foires
04/26/2025 1 day |
STOFFEN SPEKTAKEL NAMURExpo of fabrics and textiles. Experience the latest fashion and warm colors at the cozy fabric markets |
twice a year |
Namur (Belgium)
Namur expo
04/27/2025 1 day |
STOFFEN SPEKTAKEL KERKRADEExpo of fabrics and textiles. Experience the latest fashion and warm colors at the cozy fabric markets |
twice a year |
Kerkrade (Netherlands)
Markt Kerkrade
05/01/2025 1 day |
STOFFEN SPEKTAKEL WIEZEExpo of fabrics and textiles. Experience the latest fashion and warm colors at the cozy fabric markets |
unknown |
Lebbeke (Belgium)
05/03/2025 1 day |
STOFFEN SPEKTAKEL BRUGESExpo of fabrics and textiles. Experience the latest fashion and warm colors at the cozy fabric markets |
twice a year |
Brugge (Belgium)
Bruges Meeting & Convention Centre (BMCC)
05/04/2025 1 day |
STOFFEN SPEKTAKEL ELBURGExpo of fabrics and textiles. Experience the latest fashion and warm colors at the cozy fabric markets |
unknown |
Elburg (Netherlands)
05/07/2025 1 day |
STOFFEN SPEKTAKEL GOUDAExpo of fabrics and textiles. Experience the latest fashion and warm colors at the cozy fabric markets |
unknown |
Gouda (Netherlands)
Markt Gouda
05/13/2025 1 day |
STOFFEN SPEKTAKEL EINDHOVENExpo of fabrics and textiles. Experience the latest fashion and warm colors at the cozy fabric markets |
twice a year |
Eindhoven (Netherlands)
IJssportcentrum Eindhoven
05/18/2025 1 day |
STOFFEN SPEKTAKEL LIÈGEExpo of fabrics and textiles. Experience the latest fashion and warm colors at the cozy fabric markets |
unknown |
Liege (Belgium)
Country hall - Liège Expo
05/25/2025 1 day |
STOFFEN SPEKTAKEL MECHELENExpo of fabrics and textiles. Experience the latest fashion and warm colors at the cozy fabric markets |
twice a year |
Mechelen (Belgium)
05/29/2025 1 day |
STOFFEN SPEKTAKEL APELDOORNExpo of fabrics and textiles. Experience the latest fashion and warm colors at the cozy fabric markets |
unknown |
Apeldoorn (Netherlands)
Markthal Apeldoorn - Marktplein
06/09/2025 1 day |
STOFFEN SPEKTAKEL HERTOGENBOSCHExpo of fabrics and textiles. Experience the latest fashion and warm colors at the cozy fabric markets |
twice a year |
Hertogenbosch (Netherlands)
Brabanthallen’ Exhibition Centre
Oct. 2025 (?) |
STOFFEN SPEKTAKEL ROTTERDAMExpo of fabrics and textiles. Experience the latest fashion and warm colors at the cozy fabric markets |
twice a year |
Rotterdam (Netherlands)
Ahoy Rotterdam
Oct. 2025 (?) |
STOFFEN SPEKTAKEL LEUVENExpo of fabrics and textiles. Experience the latest fashion and warm colors at the cozy fabric markets |
twice a year |
Leuven (Belgium)
Nov. 2025 (?) |