Vostock Capital

Vostock Capital
Trade shows

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19 Trade Shows from Vostock Capital
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
DESALINATION LATIN AMERICAInternational investment conference and exhibition for developing effective strategies, sharing experiences, presenting new investment projects and innovations to implement desalination projects and to increase water supplies all over Latin America once a year Santiago (Chile) 03/12/2025
2 days
HYDROPOWER CONGRESS - CENTRAL ASIA AND CASPIANHydropower Central Asia and Caspian is a professional venue for successful development of investment projects on construction & modernisation of hydropower plants in the region (Tajikistan, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Iran, Russia, Kazakhstan...) once a year Tashkent (Uzbekistan) Uzexpocentre 03/12/2025
2 days
PHARMA QAZAQSTAN & CENTRAL ASIAPharma Qazaqstan Congress and Exhibition is a unique international platform for leaders of the pharmaceutical industry of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and other countries of Central Asia once a year Almaty (Kazakhstan) 04/08/2025
2 days
MINING CONGRESS QAZAQSTANMINING CONGRESS QAZAQSTAN is an international platform devoted to sharing experiences between key mining companies, to discussing flagship investment projects for the construction and modernisation of production and infrastructure facilities once a year Astana (Kazakhstan) The Ritz-Carlton, Astana 05/14/2025
2 days
HYDROGEN LATIN AMERICAInternational Congress and Exhibition to discuss current trends in the hydrogen industry. Equipment and technology, production, use, storage, transportation, investment projects for hydrogen... once a year Santiago (Chile) Intercontinental Santiago June 2025 (?)
THERMAL POWER PLANTS CENTRAL ASIAThe International Forum and Exhibition "Thermal Power Engineering Central Asia" is a professional international platform for the heads of major investment projects, key generating companies... to improve the efficiency of existing production once a year Almaty (Kazakhstan) The Ritz-Carlton, Almaty 06/17/2025
2 days
LITHIUM LATIN AMERICALithium Latin America is the only international congress & exhibition for top-level networking of key industrial lithium actors across Latin America, the US, Canada and Europe. Producing enterprises, regulatory authorities, technology, equipment... once a year Buenos Aires (Argentina) 06/25/2025
2 days
COLOMBBIA OIL & GASColombia Oil and Gas is an international Congress & exhibition bringing together flagship oil and gas companies from Latin America and world suppliers for the industry once a year Bogotá (Colombia) DoubleTree By Hilton Bogota Salitre AR 07/23/2025
2 days
CEMENT CENTRAL ASIA'Cement Central Asia' is a professional internbational forum for discussing relevant issues of the development of the cement industry in Central Asia, the investment projects in this industry, technical and technological improvement of production once a year Tashkent (Uzbekistan) Hotel Hilton, Tashkent Sept. 2025 (?)
POLYMERS QAZAQSTAN AND CISInternational Congress and Exhibition dedicated to Construction and modernisation of plants. The event brings together producers of basic polymers and synthetic rubbers, initiators of investment projects in the polymer industry... once a year Atyrau (Kazakhstan) Oct. 2025 (?)
TÜRKIYE'S POWER HYDRO - SOLAR - WINDAnnual International Summit and Exhibition dedied to Turkish Power Generation. Türkiye's Power is a professional platform, bringing together chief ministers, major investors, decision-makers of the leading hydro, wind and solar power plants once a year Istanbul (Turkey) JW Marriott Hotel Istanbul Marmara Sea Oct. 2025 (?)
ARGENTINA HYDROCARBONSA global congress, bringing together key industrial oil and gas enterprises, regulatory authorities and government from Argentina and Latin America, technology and equipment suppliers and investors across the world once a year Buenos Aires (Argentina) 10/22/2025
2 days
PHARMA UZBEKISTAN & CENTRAL ASIAPharma Uzbekistan & Central Asia Congress and Exhibition is a unique international platform for leaders of the pharmaceutical industry of Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and other countries of Central Asia once a year Tashkent (Uzbekistan) Hotel Hilton, Tashkent 10/28/2025
2 days
SYNGAS NITROGEN UZBEKISTAN AND THE CISForum for the leading companies of the methane gas chemical industry in Uzbekistan and CIS with the participation of the largest syngas processors. Improve the efficiency of companies-producers of nitrogen, methanol, ammonia, mineral fertilisers... once a year Tashkent (Uzbekistan) Hotel Hilton, Tashkent 11/19/2025
2 days
MINING UZBEKISTAN AND CENTRAL ASIAThis international event assembles heads of major mining companies from Uzbekistan & Central Asia. It is dedicated to the exchange of key mining companies, discussion of major investment projects on the construction & modernisation of mines, plants... once a year Tashkent (Uzbekistan) Hotel Hilton, Tashkent 12/09/2025
2 days
POLYMERS AZERBAIJAN AND CISInternational Congress and Exhibition dedicated to Construction and modernisation of plants. The event brings together producers of basic polymers and synthetic rubbers, initiators of investment projects in the polymer industry... once a year Baku (Azerbaijan) Fairmont Baku at the Flame Towers 12/10/2025
3 days
TÜRKIYE & BLACK SEA OIL AND GASInternational Congress & Exhibition about Türkiye & Black Sea Oil and Gas Industry. Investment projects on oil and gas extraction, gas processing plants & petrochemical facilities, production technologies and world suppliers for the industry... once a year Istanbul (Turkey) JW Marriott Hotel Istanbul Marmara Sea 12/10/2025
2 days
BALKAN'S POWER - HYDRO SOLAR WINDGlobal Summit & Exhibition devoted to Renewable Energy in Balkan Region. Bringing together chief ministers, major investors & decision-makers, it aims to consolidate efforts focused on construction and reconstruction of power plants across Balkan region every 2 years Sarajevo (Bosnia Herzegovina) Dec. 2026 (?)
MINING CHILE AND LATIN AMERICAInternational Conference and Exhibition devoted to Mining Industry in Chile and Latin America. A platform for top-level networking of key mining enterprises, regulatory authorities, government, technology and equipment suppliers, and investors every 3 years Santiago (Chile) Oct. 2027 (?)
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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