Zt Fachmessen AG

Zt Fachmessen AG
Trade shows

Contact info

Case postale 56
5413 Birmenstorf Switzerland
+41 (056) 225 23 83
+41 (056) 225 23 73
E-mail Web Site
9 Trade Shows from Zt Fachmessen AG
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
BAUMAG BAUMASCHINEN-MESSETrade fair for construction machinery in Central Switzerland. BAUMAG is intended for the construction industry, real estate developers and builders every 2 years Lucerne (Switzerland) Messe Luzern - Centre d'exposition de l'Allmend 01/23/2025
4 days
SCHWEIZER WAFFEN-SAMMLERBÖRSESwiss arms exchange for hunters, shooters and collectors of old weapons once a year Lucerne (Switzerland) Messe Luzern - Centre d'exposition de l'Allmend 03/21/2025
3 days
BAUEN + WOHNEN AARGAUSpring building, housing, gardening and energy exhibition. Four exhibition halls and a large outdoor area once a year Wettingen (Switzerland) Tägi Wettingen 04/03/2025
4 days
INTERNATIONALE FORSTMESSESwiss international forest engineering fair. Meeting of forestry and the wood industry every 2 years Lucerne (Switzerland) Messe Luzern - Centre d'exposition de l'Allmend 08/21/2025
4 days
BAUEN & MODERNISIEREN ZÜRICHSwiss exhibition for the construction and modernization of housing. The place to receive one-on-one advice from top-notch exhibitors once a year Zurich (Switzerland) Ferienmesse Zürich 09/18/2025
4 days
BAUEN + WOHNEN BERNSwiss Fair for Home Modernization, home refurbishment and home renovation once a year Bern (Switzerland) BernExpo AG Nov. 2025
HAUSBAU+ENERGIEEco Building & Energy Savings Expo. The largest Swiss event for real estate construction and energy once a year Bern (Switzerland) BernExpo AG 11/20/2025
4 days
HAUSBAU+ENERGIE MESSELeading trade fair with congress for energy efficient construction and renovation, modern timber construction and renewable energies once a year Bern (Switzerland) BernExpo AG 11/20/2025
4 days
BAUEN + WOHNEN LUZERNSwiss Fair for Home Modernization, home refurbishment and home renovation once a year Lucerne (Switzerland) Messe Luzern - Centre d'exposition de l'Allmend 02/27/2026
3 days
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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