BUILDEXInternational Construction Fair. BUILDEX provides the best platform for companies to capitalize on the active and promising Syrian market, specifically by facilitating productive interaction between suppliers, manufacturers, buyers, decision makers... |
once a year |
Damascus International Fairground
05/27/2025 5 days |
HITECH - INTERNATIONAL ICT EXHIBITIONSyria's HiTech Conference on Intelligent Systems. This scientific event aims to bring together academic researchers and those interested in the field of artificial intelligence to exchange their experiences, research results and projects |
once a year |
Damascus International Fairground
05/27/2025 5 days |
HVAC, W SYRIAHeating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Water Exhibition. HVAC, W factors in supporting the building sector in Syria and the region by representing a platform for the exchange of expertise between exhibitors and visitors |
once a year |
Damascus International Fairground
05/27/2025 5 days |
LIFE STYLEFurniture, Decor and Home/Office Appliances Exhibition in Syria |
once a year |
Damascus International Fairground
05/27/2025 5 days |
SYRIA BUILDEX INTERNATIONALBUILDEX attracts the most important companies working in various fields of construction technologies and materials sectors from Syria and the world |
every 2 years |
Damascus International Fairground
05/27/2025 5 days |
SYRIA HITECHExhibition of Information and Communication Technologies. SYRIA HITech is the occasion that ICT experts and enthusiasts wait for on yearly basis, as it positioned itself as the most important ICT specialized exhibition in Syria |
once a year |
Damascus International Fairground
05/27/2025 5 days |
THE INTERNATIONAL SYRIAN INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITIONThe International Syrian Industrial Exhibition is a key industrial economic event, fostering connections among industrialists, experts & decision-makers in Syria. It showcases the latest products and technologies from local and international manufacturers |
once a year |
Damascus International Fairground
05/27/2025 5 days |
SYRIA AGRITEXSyria International Agriculture, Greenhouse and Livestock Technologies Fair. A hub for innovation, collaboration, and growth, connecting industry professionals, farmers, and technology providers from around the world |
once a year |
Damascus International Fairground
06/26/2025 4 days |
SYRIA VIP MACHITEXSyria International Textile Machinery, Technologies and Equipment Exhibition |
once a year |
Damascus International Fairground
09/03/2025 4 days |
DENTALCAREInternational Dental and Laboratory Equipment Exhibition. DentalCare is a meeting point for exhibiting companies in the field of dentistry and dental laboratories |
once a year |
Damascus International Fairground
Oct. 2025 (?) |
HEALTHCAREInternational Healthcare and Medical Exhibition. An annual occasion that many local, Arab, and international companies working in different medical fields make sure to participate in |
once a year |
Damascus International Fairground
Oct. 2025 (?) |
SYRIA LABInternational Laboratory Technology and Equipment Exhibition. Syria Lab is a unique event that combines scientific and commercial goals in the scientific, medical and industrial laboratory fields |
once a year |
Damascus International Fairground
Oct. 2025 (?) |
ALEPPO GENERAL TRADE FAIRAleppo (Syria) International General Trade Fair |
once a year |
10/20/2025 5 days |
SYRIA MOTOR SHOWSyria International Motor and Automotive Exhibition. From cutting-edge vehicles to advanced automotive technologies, this event is your gateway to the future of mobility |
once a year |
Damascus International Fairground
10/22/2025 4 days |
SYRIA FOODPEXThe SYRIA FOODPEX expo is the premier event for professionals, businesses, and enthusiasts in the food and packaging industries. It serves as a dynamic platform for showcasing innovation, connecting industry leaders, and exploring the latest market trends |
once a year |
Damascus International Fairground
11/06/2025 4 days |
SYRIA LIFESTYLE FAIRThis Expo for Furniture, Décor, and Home Appliances, provides a valuable opportunity to showcase products as: Home furnishings, office furniture, hotels & touristic facility furnishings, landscaping & gardens, lighting, electrical/electronic equipment... |
once a year |
Damascus International Fairground
11/20/2025 5 days |
SOG - SYRIA OIL & GAS, ENERGYSyria Oil, Gas and Energy & Electricity Exhibition. The ideal meeting place for businesses and experts from around the world to discover innovative solutions, foster collaboration, and discuss the future of the oil, gas, energy, and electricity industries |
once a year |
Damascus International Fairground
12/03/2025 4 days |
SYRIA HVAC, W EXPOSyria's Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Water Exhibition. An interactive platform for specialists in the fields of HVAC and alternative energy to communicate with their peers and with prominent industry leaders |
every 2 years |
Damascus International Fairground
12/15/2025 5 days |