INTERZUMInterzum is the world’s leading trade fair for furniture production and interior design |
every 2 years |
Exhibition Centre Cologne
05/20/2025 4 days |
LABVOLUTIONEuropean trade fair for innovative lab equipment and lab workflow optimization – presents an incomparably broad spectrum of products and services |
every 2 years |
Deutsche Messe Hannover
05/20/2025 3 days |
MOULDING EXPOInternational Trade Fair for Tool, Pattern and Mould Making |
every 2 years |
New Stuttgart Trade Fair Centre
05/20/2025 4 days |
REGATECInternational Conference on Renewable Energy Gas Technology. REGATEC has a technical & industrial focus and is directed towards bio-, electro-, and thermochemical conversion of biomass & waste to biomethane |
once a year |
Leonardo Hotel, Weimar
05/20/2025 2 days |
SIGHTCITY FRANKFURTThe world‘s biggest exhibition for Aids for the Blind and the Visually Impaired |
once a year |
Kap Europa Congress Centre
05/21/2025 3 days |
WHITE LABEL EXPO WORLD EXPO - FRANKFURTWhite Label is the ultimate destination for thousands of global leaders, entrepreneurs, online sellers, retailers and distributors, to come together with countless business, e-commerce and startup owners |
every 2 years |
Exhibition Centre Frankfurt
05/21/2025 2 days |
ABSOLVENTENKONGRESS HAMBURGCareer fair for students, graduates and young professionals with up to three years of professional experience |
once a year |
Handelskammer Hamburg
05/22/2025 1 day |
REHABOne of the world’s biggest and most significant trade fairs for rehabilitation, therapy, care and inclusion |
every 2 years |
Messe Karlsruhe
05/22/2025 3 days |
GARTENTRÄUME BERLINGardening Fair. Meet regional gardeners and landscapers. Discover the latest garden trends and technologies, the latest in outdoor furniture, plants and flowers, decoration ideas, gardening tips, accessories, etc. |
once a year |
Rennbahn Hoppegarten
05/23/2025 3 days |
HANSEBOOT ANCORA BOAT SHOWGermany's largest in-water boat show. With the start of the yachting season, around 160 yachts are presented in their natural element, the water |
once a year |
Neustadt in Holstein
Ancora Marina, Neustadt in Holstein
05/23/2025 3 days |
INTERNATIONALE RASSEHUNDE-AUSSTELLUNG - DORTMUNDInternational German show and pedigree dog competition |
twice a year |
05/23/2025 3 days |
LEBENSART MESSE - REDEFINGarden, Home and Lifestyle Fair. In addition to seasonal products from the world of gardens and plants, new ideas from the living and furnishing sector as well as selected exhibits from fashion, jewelry and accessories ensure a harmonious ambience |
once a year |
Landgestüt Redefin
05/23/2025 3 days |
WM WERKSTATTMESSE - BERLINTrade fair for car and commercial vehicle parts, workshop equipment, tools, paint, paint accessories and tires |
once a year |
Berlin ExpoCenter City
05/23/2025 3 days |
PROFESSIONAL DAY KONSTANZPROFESSIONAL DAY KONSTANZ is aimed at professional visitors from the beauty, health and well-being sectors. Presentations, live conferences, demonstrations by professionals for professionals |
every 2 years |
Bodenseeforum Konstanz
05/24/2025 1 day |
LIGNA PLUS HANNOVERWorld Fair for Machinery & Equipment for the Wood & Forestry Industry |
every 2 years |
Deutsche Messe Hannover
05/26/2025 5 days |
VERTRIEBSMANAGEMENT KONGRESSGermany's No. 1 event for sales executives |
once a year |
Estrel Berlin Hotel & Convention Center
05/26/2025 3 days |
ANNUAL MEETING OF THE GERMAN DIABETES ASSOCIATIONAnnual meeting of the German Diabete. Association. Among the topics covered: Exercise, nutrition, environment – ​​ what is preventative, what is diabetogenic? |
once a year |
CityCube Berlin
05/28/2025 4 days |
GARTEN FESTIVAL - KASSELGerman Garden and Lifestyle Festival. A variety of rare plants, aromatic herbs, outdoor furniture, art objects as well as ornamental garden and vegetable garden accessories |
once a year |
Schloss Wilhelmsthal
05/29/2025 4 days |
GARTENTRÄUME LINSLERHOFGardening Fair. Meet regional gardeners and landscapers. Discover the latest garden trends and technologies, the latest in outdoor furniture, plants and flowers, decoration ideas, gardening tips, accessories, etc. |
once a year |
05/29/2025 4 days |
GARTENTRÄUME ÜBERHERRNGardening Fair. Meet regional gardeners and landscapers. Discover the latest garden trends and technologies, the latest in outdoor furniture, plants and flowers, decoration ideas, gardening tips, accessories, etc. |
once a year |
05/29/2025 4 days |
LEBENSART MESSE - DILLENBURGGarden, Home and Lifestyle Fair. In addition to seasonal products from the world of gardens and plants, new ideas from the living and furnishing sector as well as selected exhibits from fashion, jewelry and accessories ensure a harmonious ambience |
once a year |
Landgestüt Dillenburg
05/29/2025 4 days |