Exhibition Name | Cycle | Venue | Date |
VVS-DAGENEHVAC Exhibition in Norway. For HVAC consultants, construction engineers, plumbers, wholesalers, contractors, teachers, suppliers, researchers, architects, builders, city an county council engineers, town planners, heating and ventilation specialists... | every 2 years | Lillestrøm Nova Spektrum, Oslo | 10/14/2026 3 days |
NORDENTALNorway's international Congress + Expo for dentists, oral hygienists and dental staff | once a year | Lillestrøm Nova Spektrum, Oslo | Oct. 2026 (?) |
OSLO MOTOR SHOWNorway's greatest motor show. The meeting place for all motor enthusiasts | once a year | Lillestrøm Norges Varemesse - Norway Trade Fairs | Oct. 2026 (?) |