
Trade Shows in Spain
December 2026


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12 Trade Shows in Spain in December 2026
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
CONAMANational environmental congress. Conama is an independent, non-profit Spanish foundation that promotes the exchange of knowledge to achieve sustainable development every 2 years Madrid Palacio Municipal de Congresos de Madrid Dec. 2026 (?)
EXPO MASCOTASDog and other pets show. EXPO MASCOTAS is designed to find Under one roof a whole range of articles, products, services and information related to pets once a year Alicante IFA - Fira Alicant Dec. 2026 (?)
EXPONADALChildren's and Youth Leisure Exhibition. EXPONADAL is an opportunity to give the little ones in the house a day of family fun with activities and attractions designed for various ages and tastes once a year Alicante IFA - Fira Alicant Dec. 2026 (?)
FERIA DEL AUTOMÓVIL DE VALENCIAAutomobile Trade Fair in Valencia. Les principales marques présentent leurs nouveautés et les meilleures réductions du marché once a year Valencia Feria Valencia Dec. 2026 (?)
FERIA INFANTIL DE NAVIDADChildren's Christmas Fair dedicated to the little ones with a wide offer for children between 2 and 12 years old. Zone of inflatable castles, workshops, playroom, sport, live entertainment... Everything for children to enjoy their Christmas holidays once a year Barcelona Fira de Cornellà Dec. 2026 (?)
FIRA DE NADAL DE IGUALADAThe 'Fira de Nadal' is a craft market for Christmas products. Every year it is held in the old town of Igualada, the first three weekends of December. Typical food products, decoration products, gifts... once a year Igualada Dec. 2026 (?)
FIV / EXPOJOVEValencia International Trade Fair & Youth Fair: Cinema; Theatre; Toys; Educational Toys; Fairgrounds Attractions; Magic Workshops; Sports Activities; Official Institutions once a year Valencia Feria Valencia Dec. 2026 (?)
GAMERGYE-sports & Gaming Festival. An event that combines gaming, esports and entertainment once a year Madrid Ifema - Parque Ferial Juan Carlos I Dec. 2026 (?)
JUVENALIALeisure fair for children and teenagers, with fun and educational content contributing to intellectual, emotional and social development once a year Madrid Ifema - Parque Ferial Juan Carlos I Dec. 2026 (?)
LA CIUTAT DELS SOMNIS - FESTIVAL DE LA INFANCIAChildren & Youth Festival. There will be a games library designed so that the little ones can enjoy play and learning areas especially for them once a year Barcelona Fira de Barcelona - Recinto Montjuïc Dec. 2026 (?)
NAVIVALValladolid Christmas Fair for an audience aged 3 to 12, promoting the artistic, scientific and ecological awareness of young children in a fun way once a year Valladolid Feria de Valladolid Dec. 2026 (?)
SPORTUR GALICIASports and Active Tourism Fair in Galicia. The "SPORTUR GALICIA" is an event aimed at all audiences, both for athletes, amateurs or beginners, as well as for adults and children once a year Ourense Expourense Dec. 2026 (?)
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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