Exhibition Name | Cycle | Venue | Date |
BELÉTAGEInternational Exhibition for Fabrics & Design. Belétage Home features Textiles Object Textiles, Design & Sunblinds, Decorative & Furniture Fabrics, Upholstery Fabrics, Leather, Curtains & Accessories, Household Textiles, Wallpaper & Wall Coverings | every 2 years | Salzburg Messezentrum Salzburg (Salzburg Exhibition Centre) | 01/29/2025 2 days |
BELÉTAGE SALZBURGExhibition for Fabrics & Design. The event offers a variety of products and assortments in the field of fabrics as well as privacy and sun protection | once a year | Salzburg Messezentrum Salzburg (Salzburg Exhibition Centre) | Jan. 2026 (?) |
CASA POP-UPInternational Trade Fair for Creative Interior Design, Furnishing and Lifestyle Products | every 2 years | Salzburg Messezentrum Salzburg (Salzburg Exhibition Centre) | 04/28/2027 3 days |