
Catering & Hospitality Industries
Trade Shows in Brazil
2025 - 2026

All Trade Shows in Brazil


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19 Trade Shows in Brazil related to Catering & Hospitality Industries
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
WORLD TRAVEL MARKET LATIN AMERICABtoB event presenting destinations and industry sectors to Latin America & International travel professionals. At World Market Travel gain immediate competitive advantage for your business & stay abreast with the latest developments in the industry once a year São Paulo Expo Center Norte 04/14/2025
3 days
WTM LATIN AMERICAThe leading global event for the Latin American travel industry. By visiting WTM Latin America you will have the opportunity to meet, network and conduct business with exhibitors from across the globe all under one roof once a year São Paulo Expo Center Norte 04/14/2025
3 days
ILTM LATIN AMERICAInternational Luxury Travel & Tourism Expo in Brazil and Latin America once a year São Paulo Ibirapuera Park 05/05/2025
4 days
FISPAL CAFÉBrazil International Coffee Trade Show once a year São Paulo Expo Center Norte 05/27/2025
4 days
FISPAL FOOD SERVICE - FISPAL SORVETESFispal Food Service is one of the largest meeting point in the food service sector in Latin America once a year São Paulo Expo Center Norte 05/27/2025
4 days
BIOBRAZIL FAIR + BIOFACH LATIN AMERICABIO BRAZIL FAIR + BIOFACH AMERICA LATINA is the Latin America’s leading trade fair for organic products. An universe of opportunities for customers, suppliers, partners and consumers once a year São Paulo Parque Anhembi 06/11/2025
4 days
BIOFACH AMERICA LATINAThe BIO BRAZIL FAIR | BIOFACH AMÉRICA LATINA is the most important event in the organic market in Brazil and Latin America. From food to beverages, fashion, cosmetics, hygiene products and services, all recognized and certified organic once a year São Paulo Parque Anhembi 06/11/2025
4 days
NATURALTECHFood Products, Supplements and Health Fair. Naturaltech is Latin America’s largest natural products fair and is a major event for an industry that continues to show very strong growth once a year São Paulo Parque Anhembi 06/11/2025
4 days
EXPOVITIS BRASILNational Fair of Viticulture, Oenology and Wine Tourism of Brazil once a year Brasilia 06/20/2025
3 days
BCB SÃO PAULOBCB São Paulo is the most inspiring event in the cocktail market in South America. The event is the perfect venue for launching new products of the main brands of spirits, ingredients, accessories and services once a year São Paulo Ibirapuera Park July 2025 (?)
FIPANFIPAN is one of the largest bakery and confectionery fairs in Latin America and attracts more than 55 thousand professionals across sectors once a year São Paulo Expo Center Norte 07/22/2025
4 days
FI SOUTH AMERICAThe largest food and health ingredients event in South America. Food ingredients South America attracts everyone in the food industry involved in the production of food, food products, nutraceuticals, dietary supplements natural foods & beverages once a year São Paulo São Paulo Expo Exhibition & Convention Center 08/26/2025
3 days
EQUIPOTELInternational Trade Show of Equipment, Products, Services, Food and Beverage to Hotels, Motels, Flat Services, Restaurants, Bars, Snack Bar, Fast Food Restaurants, Food Service Industry and Laundries once a year São Paulo Expo Center Norte 09/16/2025
3 days
SEAFOOD SHOW LATIN AMERICAThe Seafood Show is a business meeting between producers, suppliers, packing plants, retailers, wholesalers, food service, distributors, importers, exporters and auxiliary machine manufacturers once a year São Paulo Parque Anhembi 10/21/2025
3 days
SEMANA INTERNACIONAL DO CAFÉCoffee International Fair. The 'Semana Internacional do Café' is a meeting of coffee growers, roasters, classifiers, exporters, buyers, suppliers, entrepreneurs, baristas, cafeteria owners and connoisseurs once a year Belo Horizonte EXPOMINAS - Centro de Feiras e Exposições de Minas Nov. 2025 (?)
HFN - HOTEL & FOOD NORDESTETrade fair for providers of services, technologies and products to the hotel and catering industry once a year Olinda Centro de Convenções de Pernambuco 11/05/2025
3 days
VEGFESTOne of the largest Vegan events in the Americas, with the goal is to remove animals from our food system and other human uses. Under the auspices of the Brazilian Vegetarian Society (SVB) once a year São Paulo Expo Center Norte 12/04/2025
4 days
BRASIL BRAUBrasil Brau is the largest professional event for the beer industry in Latin America, establishing itself as the main meeting point for the entire production chain of the sector every 2 years São Paulo São Paulo Expo Exhibition & Convention Center 06/09/2026
3 days
EXPOPOSTOS & CONVENIÊNCIAInternational Fair & Forum for Service Stations, Equipment, Convenience Stores & Food Service every 2 years São Paulo São Paulo Expo Exhibition & Convention Center 09/08/2026
3 days
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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