
Applied Computer & Industrial Engineering
Trade Shows in Germany
2025 - 2026

All Trade Shows in Germany


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29 Trade Shows in Germany related to Applied Computer & Industrial Engineering
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
INTECTrade Fair for Manufacturing, Tool and Special-Purpose Machine Construction every 2 years Leipzig Exhibition Centre Leipzig 03/11/2025
4 days
LOGIMATInternational Trade Fair for In-Company Distribution, Materials Handling and Information Flow once a year Stuttgart New Stuttgart Trade Fair Centre 03/11/2025
3 days
ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING FORUMForum dedicated to additive manufacturing technology. It is aimed at both beginners and advanced users of the technology from the automotive, railway, construction and agriculture, aerospace, mechanical engineering, medical technology & science industries once a year Berlin Estrel Berlin Hotel & Convention Center 03/17/2025
2 days
INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION - HANNOVERTrade Fair for Process Automation, Production Automation, Integrated Industrial and Building Automation Systems once a year Hannover Deutsche Messe Hannover 03/31/2025
5 days
SMT CONNECTSMTconnect is the only trade fair for electronic production in Europe that brings people and technologies from the areas of development, production, services, and the applications of microelectronic assemblies and systems together once a year Nuremberg Exhibition Centre Nuremberg 05/06/2025
3 days
LOGISTICS & AUTOMATION - DORTMUNDAll facets of intralogistics are presented at the regional trade show: From conveyor technologies and sorting systems to storage equipment, automated solutions and e-logistics once a year Dortmund Exhibition Centre Dortmund 05/07/2025
2 days
RAPID.TECH 3DInternational Trade Show + Conference for Additive Manufacturing once a year Erfurt Messe Erfurt 05/13/2025
3 days
ALL ABOUT AUTOMATION - HEILBRONNProducers, suppliers and distributors of industrial automation technologies use the all about automation exhibitions to share and exchange ideas swiftly and intensely with trade visitors once a year Heilbronn Redblue Messehalle 05/14/2025
2 days
ALL ABOUT AUTOMATION - HAMBURGProducers, suppliers and distributors of industrial automation technologies use the all about automation exhibitions to share and exchange ideas swiftly and intensely with trade visitors once a year Hamburg MesseHalle Hamburg-Schnelsen 06/03/2025
2 days
LOGISTICS & AUTOMATION - HAMBURGAll facets of intralogistics are presented at the regional trade show: From conveyor technologies and sorting systems to storage equipment, automated solutions and e-logistics once a year Hamburg Hamburg Messe und Congress 06/03/2025
2 days
AUTOMATICAInternational Trade Fair for Automation: Assembly - Smart Automation and Robotics - Vision every 2 years Munich Fairground Messe München 06/24/2025
4 days
ALL ABOUT AUTOMATION - WETZLARProducers, suppliers and distributors of industrial automation technologies use the all about automation exhibitions to share and exchange ideas swiftly and intensely with trade visitors once a year Wetzlar Buderus Arena, Wetzlar 09/10/2025
1 day
ALL ABOUT AUTOMATION - DUSSELDORFProducers, suppliers and distributors of industrial automation technologies use the all about automation exhibitions to share and exchange ideas swiftly and intensely with trade visitors once a year Dusseldorf Areal Böhler 09/17/2025
2 days
ALL ABOUT AUTOMATION - CHEMNITZProducers, suppliers and distributors of industrial automation technologies use the all about automation exhibitions to share and exchange ideas swiftly and intensely with trade visitors once a year Chemnitz Messe Chemnitz 09/30/2025
2 days
HYPERMOTIONHypermotion brings together providers and users who set new standards for tomorrow‘s mobility and logistics once a year Frankfurt Exhibition Centre Frankfurt Oct. 2025 (?)
DEBURRING EXPOLeading Trade Fair for Deburring Technologies and Precision Surfaces. Components are machined, formed, primary formed, forged, stamped, cut, sintered, moulded, eroded or additively manufactured every 2 years Karlsruhe Messe Karlsruhe 10/14/2025
3 days
FORMNEXTInternational exhibition and conference on the next generation of manufacturing technologies. Additive manufacturing and industrial 3D printing once a year Frankfurt Exhibition Centre Frankfurt Nov. 2025 (?)
EMS - EUROPEAN MANUFACTURING STRATEGIESEMS is the only strategic manufacturing conference and networking event to reveal best practice and highlight the latest solutions in preparing for an upturn over the next twelve months once a year Munich Holiday Inn Munich - City Centre 11/04/2025
2 days
THE GREENER MANUFACTURING SHOWThe International Exhibition For Green Materials, Green Chemicals, and Greener Manufacturing Solutions once a year Cologne Exhibition Centre Cologne 11/12/2025
2 days
PRODUCTRONICAInternational Trade Fair for Innovative Electronics Production. Productronica presents the entire range of technologies and solutions for electronics production and offers the latest trends in practice-oriented forums and live demonstrations every 2 years Munich Fairground Messe München 11/18/2025
4 days
SEMICON EUROPAInternational Exposition and Conference dedicated to Semiconductor Equipment, Materials and Services once a year Munich Fairground Messe München 11/18/2025
4 days
SPS - SMART PRODUCTION SOLUTIONSSPS covers the entire spectrum of smart and digital automation – from simple sensors to intelligent solutions, from what is feasible today to the vision of a fully digitalized industrial world once a year Nuremberg Le Méridien Grand Hotel, Nuremberg 11/25/2025
3 days
SPS / IPC / DRIVESSmart and Digital Automation International Trade Show once a year Nuremberg Exhibition Centre Nuremberg 11/25/2025
3 days
ALL ABOUT AUTOMATION - BERLINProducers, suppliers and distributors of industrial automation technologies use the all about automation exhibitions to share and exchange ideas swiftly and intensely with trade visitors once a year Berlin The Station Berlin 01/28/2026
2 days
METAV DUSSELDORFInternational Trade Fair for Manufacturing Technology & Automation every 2 years Dusseldorf Düsseldorf Exhibition Centre Feb. 2026 (?)
NORTECNORTEC is the trade fair for production in northern Germany and covers all stages of the metalworking value chain with numerous national and international exhibitors every 2 years Hamburg Hamburg Messe und Congress 02/03/2026
3 days
ALL ABOUT AUTOMATION - FRIEDRICHSHAFENProducers, suppliers and distributors of industrial automation technologies use the all about automation exhibitions to share and exchange ideas swiftly and intensely with trade visitors once a year Friedrichshafen Messegelände Friedrichshafen 03/10/2026
2 days
ALL ABOUT AUTOMATION - STRAUBINGProducers, suppliers and distributors of industrial automation technologies use the all about automation exhibitions to share and exchange ideas swiftly and intensely with trade visitors every 2 years Straubing Messehalle Straubing 06/10/2026
2 days
FAKUMAInternational Trade Fair for Plastic Processing every 2 years Friedrichshafen Messegelände Friedrichshafen 10/13/2026
5 days
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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