ID INFOTAGE DENTAL MÜNCHENGerman Dental Equipment Exhibition. Whether you are a dentist, dental technician or specialist - there is an interesting offer for every visitor |
once a year |
Fairground Messe München
March 2025 |
IDSIDS is a leading global trade fair for the dental community. Forward-looking innovations, countless new products, live demonstrations and practical hands-on. The show presents the most important concepts and technologies for the practices and laboratories |
every 2 years |
Exhibition Centre Cologne
03/25/2025 5 days |
MEDICAL TUBING & CATHETERS - EUROPEInternational conference on polymeric medical tubing and catheters, covering design, materials, production and applications |
once a year |
Clayton Hotel, Düsseldorf
04/01/2025 2 days |
ALTENPFLEGE ESSENExhibition and Congress Nursing, Therapy, Care + Professional Patient Care |
once a year |
Messe Essen
04/08/2025 3 days |
ALTENPFLEGE NÜRNBERGThe largest German trade fair for the care industry. At ALTENPFLEGE NÜRNBERG, discover the latest developments, products and services related to inpatient and outpatient care |
every 2 years |
Exhibition Centre Nuremberg
04/08/2025 3 days |
DISASTERS EXPO EUROPEInternational forum dedicated to mitigating the consequences of world's most costly natural disasters: Heat & Fire, Earthquake, Flooding, Storm... |
once a year |
Exhibition Centre Frankfurt
May 2025 |
THERAPIE LEIPZIGExhibition and Congress for Therapists |
every 2 years |
Exhibition Centre Leipzig
05/08/2025 3 days |
DEUTSCHE VETVeterinary Forum. The event offers vets practical and relevant training with clinical programmes for small animal vets |
once a year |
Exhibition Centre Dortmund
05/16/2025 2 days |
DEUTSCHEVETDeutscheVET is a must for anyone interested in animal health and veterinary medicine. Take advantage of this opportunity to expand your specialist knowledge and make valuable contacts |
once a year |
Exhibition Centre Dortmund
05/16/2025 2 days |
LABVOLUTIONEuropean trade fair for innovative lab equipment and lab workflow optimization – presents an incomparably broad spectrum of products and services |
every 2 years |
Deutsche Messe Hannover
05/20/2025 3 days |
SIGHTCITY FRANKFURTThe world‘s biggest exhibition for Aids for the Blind and the Visually Impaired |
once a year |
Kap Europa Congress Centre
05/21/2025 3 days |
REHABOne of the world’s biggest and most significant trade fairs for rehabilitation, therapy, care and inclusion |
every 2 years |
Messe Karlsruhe
05/22/2025 3 days |
ANNUAL MEETING OF THE GERMAN DIABETES ASSOCIATIONAnnual meeting of the German Diabete. Association. Among the topics covered: Exercise, nutrition, environment – ​​ what is preventative, what is diabetogenic? |
once a year |
CityCube Berlin
05/28/2025 4 days |
ASBESTONOMYInternational event dedicated to players in the asbestos industry. A cycle of conferences to inform, understand and discover the latest innovations in asbestos risk management |
once a year |
06/24/2025 2 days |
IRMA - INTERNATIONAL REHAB AND MOBILITY FAIR FOR ALLTrade show for people with disabilities, wheelchair users, senior citizens, people in need of care and their relatives. It is therefore a trade fair for consumers with innovative products & services from 130+ exhibitors from Germany and around the world |
once a year |
Bremen MesseCentrum
06/26/2025 3 days |
ISG WORLD CONFERENCE OF GERONTECHNOLOGYWorld Conference for Gerontechnology. Discover the cutting-edge developments and emerging trends that promise to reshape how we age |
once a year |
Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences
Sept. 2025 (?) |
EXPOPHARMInternational Pharmaceuticals Fair. Expopharm, the leading european trade fair for the pharmacy market is the perfect place for the open exchange of knowledge, ideas and information |
once a year |
09/16/2025 3 days |
REHACARE INTERNATIONALInternational Trade Fair for those with Special Needs and those Requiring Care |
once a year |
Düsseldorf Exhibition Centre
09/17/2025 4 days |
FLORIANTrade fair for Fire Brigades, Civil Protection and Disaster Control, The FLORIAN integrates the rescue service forum aescutec®. An holistic approach to regard all rescue forces in this unique fair |
once a year |
Messe Dresden
Oct. 2025 (?) |
FACHDENTAL SÜDWESTTrade Fair for Dental Surgeries and Laboratories |
once a year |
New Stuttgart Trade Fair Centre
10/10/2025 2 days |
BEAUTY FORUM MÜNCHENInternational Autumn Trade Fair for Cosmetics. BEAUTY FORUM MÜNCHEN offers a unique retreat - a place where beauty is not just superficial, but a source of inner strength and self-confidence |
once a year |
Fairground Messe München
10/18/2025 2 days |
INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF HEARING AID ACOUSTICIANSInternational Congress of Hearing Aid Acousticians. International visitors from different countries are expected to attend the International EUHA Congress and the accompanying trade exhibition |
once a year |
10/22/2025 3 days |
A+AThe A+A Trade Fair takes place every 2 years in Dusseldorf. It is the leading and world's largest exhibition when it comes to occupational security and health at work |
every 2 years |
Düsseldorf Exhibition Centre
11/04/2025 4 days |
ID INFOTAGE DENTAL FRANKFURTGerman Dental Equipment Exhibition. Whether you are a dentist, dental technician or specialist - there is an interesting offer for every visitor |
once a year |
Exhibition Centre Frankfurt
11/07/2025 2 days |
COMPAMEDInternational trade show for the medical supplier industry and product development. Components, parts and materials for the medical industry |
once a year |
Düsseldorf Exhibition Centre
11/17/2025 4 days |
MEDICAInternational Trade Show for the Medical Industry |
once a year |
Düsseldorf Exhibition Centre
11/17/2025 4 days |
INTERLOOKTrade fair or ophthalmic optics. INTERLOOK is the trade show for opticians in the heart of North Rhine Westphalia, and an important ordering platform for the industry |
once a year |
Exhibition Centre Dortmund
01/10/2026 2 days |
OPTIInternational Trade Fair for Optics & Optical Design. The largest trade fair for ophthalmic optics in Europe |
once a year |
Fairground Messe München
01/16/2026 3 days |
MEDIZINSouth German Trade Exhibition & Congress. For Medical. Technology, Pharmacy, Materials and Equipment for Surgeries and Hospitals |
once a year |
New Stuttgart Trade Fair Centre
01/30/2026 3 days |
THERAPROThe TheraPro trade fair + congress provides information about therapy, rehabilitation and prevention. For Physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, podiatrists, masseurs... |
once a year |
New Stuttgart Trade Fair Centre
01/30/2026 3 days |
FACHDENTAL LEIPZIGTrade Fair for Dental Surgeries and Laboratories |
once a year |
Exhibition Centre Leipzig
March 2026 |
MEDTECMedical Equipment Design & Technology Exhibition & Conference |
every 2 years |
05/05/2026 3 days |
MEDTEC LIVEMedical Equipment Design & Technology Exhibition & Conference |
every 2 years |
New Stuttgart Trade Fair Centre
05/05/2026 3 days |
PFLEGE PLUSThe PFLEGE PLUS trade fair brings trade visitors together with exhibiting companies, industry associations and experts from the care market |
every 2 years |
New Stuttgart Trade Fair Centre
05/05/2026 3 days |
OTWORLDInternational Trade Show and World Congress for Prosthetics, Orthotics and Rehabilitation Technology |
every 2 years |
Exhibition Centre Leipzig
05/19/2026 4 days |
INTERSCHUTZInternational Exhibition for Fire and Catastrophe Prevention and Rescue Services |
every 4 years |
Deutsche Messe Hannover
06/01/2026 6 days |
MEDCARE LEIPZIGThe congress and trade fair MEDICARE dedied to Hospital and Home Care is the leader event in Germany to offer a comprehensive training program for nursing management and specialist staff in treatment care |
every 2 years |
Congress Center Leipzig
09/01/2026 2 days |
PEST-PROTECTInternational Trade Fair and Symposium for Pest Control. Pest-Protect addresses the areas of pest control, disinfection, crop protection and building protection |
every 2 years |
Nov. 2026 (?) |
ARBEITSSCHUTZ AKTUELLThe leading event for the German-speaking Occupational Health, Safety Community and Accident Prevention |
every 2 years |
New Stuttgart Trade Fair Centre
11/05/2026 3 days |
THERAPIE HAMBURGTrade fair with congress for therapy and medical rehabilitation |
unknown |
Hamburg Messe und Congress
11/06/2026 2 days |
TEXCARE INTERNATIONAL FRANKFURTExhibition dedicated to all professionals in the textile care sector: Dry cleaners, laundries, Medical-social establishments, Hotels-Restaurants, Communities, etc... |
every 4 years |
Exhibition Centre Frankfurt
11/08/2028 4 days |