PHARMA IPR INDIAConference for the Indian Pharma and Biopharma industry |
once a year |
The Westin Mumbai
03/04/2025 3 days |
ASIA LABEXInternational Exhibition & Seminar on Biotechnology, Laboratory Technology, Analysis, Diagnostic Instruments, Chemical & Consumables |
once a year |
03/20/2025 3 days |
MEDICAL FAIR INDIAInternational Exhibition and Conference on Diagnostic, Medical Equipment and Technology |
once a year |
New Delhi
Pragati Maidan
03/27/2025 3 days |
MEDICALL EXPO - HYDERABADIndia's Largest B2B Medical Equipment Exhibition. Meet 1000+ hospital owners and top decision makers |
once a year |
Hyderabad International Trade Exposition Centre (HITEX)
04/05/2025 3 days |
FSBI - FIRE SAFE BUILD INDIAAsia's Only Focused Event For Passive Fire Protection. the volume of infrastructure activities has increased on a very large scale, creating a huge demand for passive fire protection products and technology |
once a year |
Jio World Centre
04/10/2025 3 days |
PHARMATECH EXPO - CHANDIGARHPharmaTech Expo an International Exhibition on Pharma Machinery, Formulations, Nutraceutical, Lab, Analytical & Packaging Equipments... |
once a year |
Parade Ground
04/10/2025 3 days |
INDIA LAB EXPOInternational Trade Fair for analytical and laboratory technologies, instruments and products |
once a year |
Hyderabad International Trade Exposition Centre (HITEX)
04/23/2025 3 days |
PUNE DENTAL SHOWPune Dental Show, an initiative of the Indian Dental Association (IDA) is a focused dental-business event showcasing a comprehensive range of state-of-the-art products, services and innovative technologies that cater the worldwide dental profession |
once a year |
Balewadi Stadium, Pune
04/26/2025 2 days |
PHARMALYTICAThe leading indian marketplace for products and services along the entire value chain in niche segments within the Pharma industry. Latest industry trends, innovations, Machinery & Packaging, Lab Analytical & Cleanroom, Pharma Ingredients... |
once a year |
Hyderabad International Trade Exposition Centre (HITEX)
05/29/2025 3 days |
INTERNATIONAL DIGITAL DENTISTRY CONGRESSIndian congress dedicated to Digital Dentistry, that is changing the industry. It's faster, more accurate, and less invasive than ever before |
once a year |
Jio World Centre
05/31/2025 2 days |
INNOPACK PHARMA CONFEXConference & expo for the Pharmaceutical Industry. InnoPack Pharma Confex provides a platform for companies to showcase their new products and services in front of an audience of buyers from India’s leading pharma companies |
unknown |
Sahara Star Hotel
06/12/2025 2 days |
FAMDENT SHOW - MUMBAIFAMDENT Show Mumbai is one of the premier annual dental trade fair in India, which sees the participation of leading domestic and international dental brands, showcasing clinical and lab equipment and services |
once a year |
Bombay Convention & Exhibition Centre (BCEC)
06/20/2025 3 days |
HYDERABAD DENTAL SHOWHyderabad Dental Show, an initiative of the Indian Dental Association (IDA) is a focused dental-business event showcasing a comprehensive range of state-of-the-art products, services and innovative technologies that cater the worldwide dental profession |
once a year |
Hyderabad International Trade Exposition Centre (HITEX)
July 2025 (?) |
BMK WORLD - BABY, MATERNITY & KIDSBMK World showcases numerous product categorie. and promises to be a premier platform in India for exploring the latest trends, designs, and advancements in baby, maternity, and kids' products and services |
once a year |
New Delhi
Pragati Maidan
07/25/2025 3 days |
MEDICALL EXPO - CHENNAIIndia's Largest B2B Medical Equipment Exhibition. Meet 1000+ hospital owners and top decision makers |
once a year |
Chennai Trade Centre
07/25/2025 3 days |
FSD (FIRE, SAFETY & DISASTER) EXPOSalon international qui relie le marché de la prévention/lutte l'incendie, de la sécurité et de la gestion des catastrophes. Il vise les autorités de gestion des catastrophes, les petits et grands établissements industriels ainsi que les ménages |
once a year |
New Delhi
Pragati Maidan
07/31/2025 2 days |
HOMELAND SECURITY EXPO - INDIAInternational Homeland Security and Defense Exhibition. Homeland Security Expo showcases the latest and modern equipment, technology and products for the Homeland and Public Security |
once a year |
New Delhi
Pragati Maidan
07/31/2025 2 days |
INTERNATIONAL POLICE EXPOInternational Exhibition dedicated to Policing Equipments, Protection and Rescue Equipments in India |
once a year |
New Delhi
Pragati Maidan
07/31/2025 2 days |
IPE - INDIAN PHARMA EXPOThe Indian Pharma Expo is a key event for the pioneers & innovators of the Indian pharmaceutical industry such as pharmaceutical manufacturers, distributors & marketers, packaging solution providers, APIs, machinery solution providers & franchisees |
once a year |
Aug. 2025 (?) |
AMWC INDIA - AESTHETIC & ANTI-AGING MEDICINE WORLD CONGRESSAesthetic & Anti-Aging Medicine World Congress. AMWC offers cutting-edge scientific content, for all medical aesthetic practitioners. Nonsurgical & minimally invasive treatments, regenerative aesthetics, anti-aging therapies, personalized nutrition... |
once a year |
Sahara Star Hotel
Sept. 2025 (?) |
HEALTH INGREDIENTS INDIAConference on Health Ingredients for the Food Manufacturing Industrie |
every 2 years |
Bangalore International Exhibition Centre (BIEC)
09/16/2025 3 days |
MEDICALL EXPO - DELHIIndia's Largest B2B Medical Equipment Exhibition. Meet 1000+ hospital owners and top decision makers |
every 2 years |
New Delhi
Pragati Maidan
09/20/2025 3 days |
FIRE INDIAInternational Fire, Rescue and Emergency Expo |
once a year |
NSCI Mumbai
09/25/2025 3 days |
SAFETYEXIndia's comprehensive Safety Products, Services & Training Events |
once a year |
NSCI Mumbai
09/25/2025 3 days |
AYUSHSHALA EXPOAyushshala Expo is a trade show with an emphasis on Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy, as well as products and services related to herbal, agro, natural, fitness, and wellbeing |
once a year |
Hyderabad International Trade Exposition Centre (HITEX)
Oct. 2025 (?) |
PHARMABHARATH EXPOPharmabharath is driven by highly qualified and experienced professionals from various departments of pharmaceutical industry. A B2B platform exclusively focussed on pharma biz across India |
once a year |
Hyderabad International Trade Exposition Centre (HITEX)
Oct. 2025 (?) |
WORLD DENTAL SHOWIndia’s premier International Dental Exhibition. The event delivers the latest technologies, cutting-edge research and dentistry techniques to meet the growing demands of the ever-evolving world of dental science |
once a year |
Jio World Centre
Oct. 2025 (?) |
PHARMACOVIGILANCE INDIAIndia's Conference dedicated to pharmacovigilance. Ensuring safer drugs to market |
once a year |
Hotel Kohinoor Continental
11/12/2025 1 day |
CPHI INDIAInternational Indian Exhibition on Pharmaceutical Ingredients and Intermediates |
once a year |
India Expo Centre & Mart
11/25/2025 3 days |
CLEAN INDIA SHOWAsia's leading exhibition on Cleaning Technologies & Hygiene Solutions for Commercial Cleaning, Municipal Cleaning, Industrial Cleaning, Residential Cleaning |
once a year |
Bombay Convention & Exhibition Centre (BCEC)
11/26/2025 3 days |
CTW - CLEAN INDIA TECHNOLOGY WEEKTrade show showcasing solutions for clean surfaces, clean environment, clean linen, clean air and clean water |
once a year |
Bombay Convention & Exhibition Centre (BCEC)
11/26/2025 3 days |
INDIA DIAGNOSTIC EXPO - HYDERABADIndia’s only focused Diagnostic products and consumables Exhibition |
once a year |
Hyderabad International Trade Exposition Centre (HITEX)
Dec. 2025 (?) |
INDIA MED EXPO - HYDERABADExhibition on Medical, Surgical, Hospital Equipments, Disinfection Products & Consumables |
once a year |
Hyderabad International Trade Exposition Centre (HITEX)
Dec. 2025 (?) |
OPHTHALL CONFERENCEIndian International Conference dedicated to Ophthalmology and Eye Care Practice Management |
once a year |
Hyderabad International Trade Exposition Centre (HITEX)
Dec. 2025 (?) |
IFSEC INDIAExhibition for the Global Security Industry. IFSEC INDIA is a complete commercial, security & fire technology show |
once a year |
New Delhi
Pragati Maidan
12/11/2025 3 days |
MEDICALL EXPO - MUMBAIIndia's Largest B2B Medical Equipment Exhibition. Meet 1000+ hospital owners and top decision makers |
every 2 years |
Bombay Convention & Exhibition Centre (BCEC)
12/12/2025 3 days |
IIOO EXPOIndia International Optical & Ophthalmology Exhibition (IIOO) on latest Eyewear Trends, Optical Technology, Ophthalmic Solution and Machineries |
every 2 years |
CIDCO Exhibition Centre
01/17/2026 3 days |
FAMDENT SHOW - HYDERABADFAMDENT Show Hyderabad is one of the premier annual dental trade fair in South India, which sees the participation of leading dental brands, dealers and distributors, showcasing clinical and lab equipment and services |
once a year |
Hyderabad International Trade Exposition Centre (HITEX)
Feb. 2026 (?) |
MEDICALL EXPO - KOLKATAIndia's Largest B2B Medical Equipment Exhibition. Meet 1000+ hospital owners and top decision makers |
once a year |
Feb. 2026 (?) |
BIO PHARMA WORLD EXPOPharmacology & Biotech International Trade Show |
every 2 years |
Bombay Convention & Exhibition Centre (BCEC)
02/03/2026 4 days |
IPHEXIndia's International Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Exhibition, that brings together the drugs, pharmaceutical and healthcare industry – all under one roof |
every 2 years |
Hyderabad International Trade Exposition Centre (HITEX)
July 2026 (?) |