
Collectors - Hobby
Trade Shows in Italy
2025 - 2026

All Trade Shows in Italy


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65 Trade Shows in Italy related to Collectors - Hobby
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
IERI L'ALTROA market displaying modern art, collectables, antiques and vintage items in Piazza del Popolo, in the heart of Faenza, an elegant town crossed by the Via Emilia and rich in history, culture and traditions unknown Faenza Piazza del Popolo 02/09/2025
1 day
LA CASA DEL TEMPOThe Santarcangelo di Romagna antiques, modern art, collectibles and vintage market is the first of the markets organized in the province of Rimini and one of the most popular and frequented Santarcangelo di Romagna Piazza Ganganelli 03/02/2025
1 day
AUTOMOTORETROAutomotoretṛ is the major exhibition dedicated to historic motor racing, which since 1983 has been showcasing a selection of the finest treasures from the past on both two and four wheels once a year Parma 03/08/2025
2 days
ESOTIKA PET SHOW - VERCELLIItalian international exhibition of exotic and pet animals. Reptiles, fish, amphibians, birds, mammals... once a year Vercelli Vercelli Fiere 03/08/2025
2 days
MERCANTEINFIERA PRIMAVERASpring Edition of the International Trade Fair of Modernism, Antiques, Art and Design once a year Parma Fiere di Parma Fairgrounds 03/08/2025
9 days
MODEL EXPO ITALYModel Expo Italy is the most important event in Italy for static and dynamic modelling and games. It boasts a calendar with more than 100 events, including interactive workshops and shows, 450+ exhibitors (companies, associations) and 10 theme areas once a year Verona Verona Exhibition Centre 03/08/2025
2 days
FIERA DELL’ELETTRONICA DI CONSUMO - VICENZAExhibition / market dedicated to enthusiasts, amateurs, collectors and users of consumer electronics once a year Vicenza Fiera di Vicenza 03/14/2025
3 days
PASSIONE GIAPPONE - VICENZAThe "Passione Giappone" event is a true immersion in Japanese culture. Multiple traditional products will be on sale, and a rich entertainment program will include many typically Japanese ceremonies once a year Vicenza Fiera di Vicenza 03/14/2025
3 days
ARMI&BAGAGLIInternational Re-enactors Market. An appointment must for anyone working in the field of Living History once a year Piacenza Piacenza Expo 03/22/2025
2 days
ABILMENTE MILANODo-it-Yourself Exhibition. Abilmente, Milano - the International Expo-Atelier dedicated to Creative Crafting is for all enthusiasts looking to discover the very latest products and trends in the hobby and DIY crafting world twice a year Milan Superstudio Group 03/27/2025
4 days
ESOTIKA PET SHOW - BUSTIO ARIZOItalian international exhibition of exotic and pet animals. Reptiles, fish, amphibians, birds, mammals... twice a year Busto Arsizio Malpensa Fiere 03/29/2025
2 days
ABILMENTE TORINODo-it-Yourself Exhibition. Abilmente, Torino - the International Expo-Atelier dedicated to Creative Crafting is for all enthusiasts looking to discover the very latest products and trends in the hobby and DIY crafting world twice a year Torino Lingotto Fiere 04/03/2025
4 days
ESOTIKA PET SHOW - PADOVAItalian international exhibition of exotic and pet animals. Reptiles, fish, amphibians, birds, mammals... once a year Padua PadovaFiere 04/05/2025
2 days
UN MILIONE DI GIOCATTOLIItalian market fair for vintage toys and model making. Tin toys, car models, old and vinyl dolls, toy soldiers, trains, advertising, specialized publishing... Thematic exhibitions at each meeting unknown Cremona Cremona Fiere 04/06/2025
1 day
FIERA DELL’ELETTRONICA DI CONSUMO - MODENAExhibition / market dedicated to enthusiasts, amateurs, collectors and users of consumer electronics once a year Modena Modena Fiere 04/11/2025
3 days
FIERA DI MODENA MULTIFIERAModena International Fair. Indoor & outdoor home, food, crafts, clothing and shoes, home accessories, automotive, gardening, consumer electronics, vintage toys... once a year Modena Modena Fiere 04/11/2025
3 days
HANDMADE STORIESHandmade Stories is a fair where you can see and buy unique products, handmade by carefully selected creatives from all over Italy. There will also be workshops where you can try new activities under the guidance of artists once a year Bologna Bologna Exhibition Centre 04/11/2025
3 days
ESOTIKA PET SHOW - GONZAGAItalian international exhibition of exotic and pet animals. Reptiles, fish, amphibians, birds, mammals... once a year Gonzaga Fiera Millenaria di Gonzaga 04/12/2025
2 days
FIERE DEL FUMETO - COMICS & GAMES - ANCONAEvent dedicated to Pop Culture lovers, an association of comics, animation, games, figurines, cosplay, movies, TV series, fantasy, science fiction... once a year Ancona Mole Vanvitelliana 04/12/2025
2 days
LANAPHILSouth Tyrol International Collector's Fair. Vintage Postcards, Stamps, Telephone Cards, Numismatics, Militaria, Holy Cards, Historical Titles, Banknotes, Graphics, Books, Photos and other curiosities twice a year Lana Raiffeisenhaus Lana 04/13/2025
1 day
AMAB - ASSISI MOSTRA ARTE ANTIQUARIATO BASTIA UMBRIALong a reference in the antiques sector - 70 exhibitors and galleries of ancient art - the AMAB also welcomes modern and contemporary art, live performances, meetings dedicated to subjects of artistic and cultural interest once a year Bastia Umbra Umbriafiere 04/24/2025
8 days
TEMPO LIBERO / FREIZEITTrade Show for Sport, Hobby, Leisure and Mountain once a year Bolzano Fiera Bolzano 04/24/2025
4 days
ALTO ADRIATICO MOTORI D’EPOCAEvent dedicated to the world of vintage vehicles, with particular attention to cars and motorcycles. Other motor vehicles will also be on display: boats, planes, buses, etc. A large space is dedicated to historic car clubs once a year Pordenone Pordenone Fiere 04/25/2025
3 days
NORD EST COLLEZIONAHobby and Militaria collecting, philately and numismatic Trade Show once a year Pordenone Pordenone Fiere 04/25/2025
3 days
FIERE DEL FUMETTO - COMICS & GAMES - MILANOEvent dedicated to Pop Culture lovers, an association of comics, animation, games, figurines, cosplay, movies, TV series, fantasy, science fiction... twice a year Busto Arsizio Malpensa Fiere 05/10/2025
2 days
MOSTRA DEL DISCO - BOLOGNASecond-Hand and Collectible Records Trade Fair. Vinyl, collectible CDs, memorabilia... For all incurable vinyl lovers once a year Bologna Piazza Lucio Dalla 05/10/2025
2 days
NAONISCONItalian exhibition of card games, role-playing games, game tournaments, comics... once a year Pordenone Pordenone Fiere 05/18/2025
1 day
VERONAFILPhilately and Numismatics Fair. Stamps, coins, old books, postcards, envelopes, prints, medals, small antiques... twice a year Verona Verona Exhibition Centre 05/22/2025
3 days
VERONA MINERAL SHOWExhibition for Precious Hard Decorative Stone, Fossils and Similar, Stone Giftware twice a year Verona Verona Exhibition Centre 05/23/2025
3 days
MOSTRA MERCATO DEL FUMETTOItaly's largest exhibition of old and collectible comics, an unmissable opportunity for enthusiasts and collectors from all over the peninsula to meet, twice a year Bologna Bologna Exhibition Centre 05/24/2025
1 day
FIERE DEL FUMETTO - COMICS & GAMES - VICENZAEvent dedicated to Pop Culture lovers, an association of comics, animation, games, figurines, cosplay, movies, TV series, fantasy, science fiction... once a year Vicenza Fiera di Vicenza Sept. 2025 (?)
IDEANDOA show dedicated to creativity. You'll find raw materials, accessories and tools for creativity and hobbies. Our exhibitors will be running a wide range of courses and demonstrations to help you develop your hobbies once a year Pescara Pescara Fiere Sept. 2025 (?)
ESOTIKA PET SHOW - ERBAItalian international exhibition of exotic and pet animals. Reptiles, fish, amphibians, birds, mammals... once a year Erba Lario Fiere 09/06/2025
2 days
ESOTIKA PET SHOW - MANTOVAItalian international exhibition of exotic and pet animals. Reptiles, fish, amphibians, birds, mammals... twice a year Mantua MAMU Multicentre Mantova 09/07/2025
2 days
ESOTIKA PET SHOW - AREZZOItalian international exhibition of exotic and pet animals. Reptiles, fish, amphibians, birds, mammals... twice a year Arezzo Arezzo Fiere e Congressi 09/13/2025
2 days
ABILMENTE ROMADo-it-Yourself Exhibition. Abilmente, Roma - the International Expo-Atelier dedicated to Creative Crafting is for all enthusiasts looking to discover the very latest products and trends in the hobby and DIY crafting world twice a year Rome Fiera di Roma 09/25/2025
4 days
ESOTIKA PET SHOW - MASSA CARRARAItalian international exhibition of exotic and pet animals. Reptiles, fish, amphibians, birds, mammals... once a year Carrara CarraraFiere 09/27/2025
2 days
MOSTRA MERCATO SCAMBIO - CAORLEThe fair dedicated to vintage cars, motorcycles and cycles. Clubs, spare parts, modelling and many related events once a year Caorle PalaExpoMar, Caorle 09/27/2025
2 days
AMERICAN DREAMAmerican Lifestyle Expo. There is a stainless myth that resists the passage of time: the American Dream, with all its variations in clothing, collecting, food and the most curious vehicles once a year Padua PadovaFiere Oct. 2025 (?)
TUTTINFIERAHobby and leisure time fair. A continuous and varied show, dedicated to an audience of enthusiasts of all ages. The opportunity to have fun while buying handcrafted products, souvenirs, rarities and unique pieces often impossible to find elsewhere... once a year Padua PadovaFiere Oct. 2025 (?)
EUROMINERALEXPOMinerals and Nature Universe International Market Show once a year Torino Lingotto Fiere 10/03/2025
3 days
ESOTIKA PET SHOW - BRESCIAItalian international exhibition of exotic and pet animals. Reptiles, fish, amphibians, birds, mammals... once a year Brescia Fiera di Brescia 10/11/2025
2 days
MERCANTEINFIERA AUTUNNOAutumn Edition of the International Trade Fair of Modernism, Antiques, Art and Design once a year Parma Fiere di Parma Fairgrounds 10/11/2025
9 days
ABILMENTE VICENZA PRIMAVERA / AUTUNNODo-it-Yourself Exhibition. Abilmente, Vicenza - the International Expo-Atelier dedicated to Creative Crafting is for all enthusiasts looking to discover the very latest products and trends in the hobby and DIY crafting world twice a year Vicenza Fiera di Vicenza 10/16/2025
4 days
ESOTIKA PET SHOW - CASALE MONFERRATOItalian international exhibition of exotic and pet animals. Reptiles, fish, amphibians, birds, mammals... once a year Casale Monferrato Palafiere 10/18/2025
2 days
AUTO E MOTO D'EPOCAInternational Exhibition of Vintage Cars and Motorcycles. Vehicles and spare parts once a year Bologna Bologna Exhibition Centre 10/23/2025
4 days
A TUTTO DISCO BOLOGNATo the delight of all fans, a large exhibition market for second-hand and collectible records and CDs. Vinyls, CDs, memorabilia and many other music-related items! once a year Bologna Bologna Exhibition Centre Nov. 2025 (?)
CAMBIO & SCAMBIOAn event dedicated to enthusiasts of all forms of collecting, immersing themselves in collectibles, gifts, antiques and many other specialist sectors once a year Bologna Bologna Exhibition Centre Nov. 2025 (?)
ESOTIKA PET SHOW - PARMAItalian international exhibition of exotic and pet animals. Reptiles, fish, amphibians, birds, mammals... once a year Parma Fiere di Parma Fairgrounds Nov. 2025 (?)
FIERA DELL’ELETTRONICA DI CONSUMO - BOLOGNAExhibition / market dedicated to enthusiasts, amateurs, collectors and users of consumer electronics twice a year Bologna Bologna Exhibition Centre Nov. 2025 (?)
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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