
Consumer Goods
Trade Shows in Italy
2025 - 2026

All Trade Shows in Italy


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9 Trade Shows in Italy related to Consumer Goods
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
FIERA DI SANT' ALDEBRANDOFair of Sant'Aldebrando. It is held in Corso Garibaldi, the commercial and social heart of the city, in the typical atmosphere of village festivals. Crafts, wines and typical foods, entertainment... once a year Fossombrone Corso Giuseppe Garibaldi April 2025
FIERA DI MODENA MULTIFIERAModena International Fair. Indoor & outdoor home, food, crafts, clothing and shoes, home accessories, automotive, gardening, consumer electronics, vintage toys... once a year Modena Modena Fiere 04/11/2025
3 days
FIERA DI MODENAModena Fair. In addition to cultural and sporting shows and entertainments, the following categories of merchandise will be present: home, food, crafts, clothing, automotive, gardening equipment, electronics, books... once a year Modena Modena Fiere 04/23/2025
5 days
FIERA DI SAN CIRIACOAncona Trade Fair. Craft market, local food and products, many activities... once a year Ancona 05/01/2025
4 days
LA FIERA CAMPIONARIAInternational Trade Far of Padua. Trends for the home, must-have products for shopping, gastronomy from around the world... many hours of entertainment and pleasure once a year Padua PadovaFiere 05/10/2025
9 days
CESENA IN FESTA !Cesena Fair. Shopping, shows, exhibitions, guided tours, typical land and sea menus and ethnic cuisine... once a year Cesena Cesena Fiera June 2025 (?)
FIERA DI SAN MATTEOThe traditional Fiera di San Matteo is dear to the inhabitants of the Metauro Valley and the opportunity for tourists to discover the wealth of places of art, culture and the charm of the surroundings of Fossombrone. Trade fair, entertainment... once a year Fossombrone Corso Giuseppe Garibaldi Sept. 2025 (?)
IDEA NATALEUdine Christmas Fair. Promotion of arts and crafts, creativity and the Nativity gift once a year Udine Udine e Gorizia Fiere 11/27/2025
4 days
MILANO HOMEInternational Home Show. Household and Gift Articles, Costume Jewelry, Perfumery and Fancy Items, Hardware, "Do It Yourself" once a year Milan Fiera Milano, Rho 01/22/2026
4 days
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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