Korea South

Environmental Protection
Trade Shows in Korea South
2025 - 2026

All Trade Shows in Korea South


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12 Trade Shows in Korea South related to Environmental Protection
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
GREEN ENERGY EXPORenewable Energy Exhibition: Photovoltaic, Solar Thermal, Wind Power, Fuel-cell & Hydrogen, IGCC, Biomass, Hydraulic Power, Geothermal, Marine, Wastes, ESCO, Other energies once a year Daegu Exco (Daegu Exhibition & Convention Center) 04/23/2025
3 days
INTERNATIONAL GREEN ENERGY EXPO KOREAKorea's largest exhibition of renewable energy. Wind Power, Photovoltaic Energy, Renewable Energy, Smart Grid Technology, Full Cell technology, ESS energy storage... once a year Daegu Exco (Daegu Exhibition & Convention Center) 04/23/2025
3 days
GREEN NEW DEAL EXPOInternational Smart Energy & Low Carbon Emission Expo & Conference once a year Seoul Kintex - Korea International Exhibition Center June 2025 (?)
ENVEXInternational Exhibition on Environmental Technology & Green Energy once a year Seoul COEX Exhibition Center 06/11/2025
3 days
KEET - KOREA ENVIRONMENT & ENERGY TRADE FAIRKorea Environment & Energy Trade fair. Climate & Environment + Renewable Energy once a year Gwangju Kimdaejung Convention Center 07/09/2025
3 days
ENVIRONMENT & ENERGY TECHTrade Show of Environment, Clean Energy and Carbon Reduction Industry. Water Treatment, Recycling, Atmosphere, Measurement, Green Technology, Power Generation, Gas, Renewable Energy, Hydrogen Energy, Energy Efficiency... once a year Busan Bexco (Busan Exhibition & Convention Center) Sept. 2025 (?)
ECO-EXPO KOREAEco-Business Exhibition. Eco-Expo Korea encourages sustainable lifestyles to realize green economy and sustainable development. It is held in parallel with eco-business meetings among suppliers, public procurers and distributors once a year Seoul COEX Exhibition Center 09/24/2025
3 days
EXO-EXPO KOREAKorea's largest eco-friendly business platform. Government, corporations and consumers gather to spread eco-friendly, consumer life culture and to promote the ecology industry once a year Seoul COEX Exhibition Center 09/24/2025
3 days
BATTERY & CHARGING INFRA EXPOInternational exhibition and conference on infra-battery and charging. In parallel with BATTERY & CHARGING INFRA EXPO:
- SOLAR EXPO (Solar Energy)
- ESS EXPO (Energy Storage System)
- DER EXPO (International Decentralized Energy Resources)
once a year Seoul Kintex - Korea International Exhibition Center 11/05/2025
3 days
ESS EXPOInternational Energy Storage System Expo & Conference once a year Seoul Kintex - Korea International Exhibition Center 11/05/2025
3 days
EXPO SOLARInternational Solar Energy Expo & Conference. EXPO Solar presents a glimpse of the changing dynamics in the global solar market and showcases latest technology and products including high-efficiency solar cells and cost-cutting manufacturing solutions once a year Seoul Kintex - Korea International Exhibition Center 11/05/2025
3 days
KOREA OCEAN EXPOKorea International Shipbuilding Expo & Conference. Shipbuilding Equipment & Technologies, Ship Engines & Parts, Shipyard, Marine Equipment, Eco-Friendly Ship Equipement, Navigation, Communication Device, Safety, Rescue... every 2 years Incheon Songdo Convensia 06/17/2026
3 days
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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