
Internet & Intranet
Trade Shows in Poland
2025 - 2026

All Trade Shows in Poland


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8 Trade Shows in Poland related to Internet & Intranet
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
ELECTRONICS SHOWInternational Trade Fair of Consumer Electronics is a place where leading companies providing hardware, technologies and services related to consumer electronics will be presented once a year Warsaw Ptak Warsaw Expo 05/20/2025
3 days
INDUSTRY NEXTINDUSTRY NEXT is an innovative project promoting the the latest technologies and the global development of Industry 4.0 once a year Poznan Poznan Congress Center 06/03/2025
4 days
SMART WAREHOUSEThe largest event in Poland in the Logistics 4.0 industry once a year Poznan Poznan Congress Center 06/03/2025
4 days
WARSAW HOME ELECTRONICSWarsaw International electronics fair for a modern home. The 'Warsaw Home Electronics' offers effective and dynamic presentations, enriched with industry conferences and workshops once a year Warsaw Ptak Warsaw Expo 06/13/2025
3 days
RETAIL SHOW FAIRTrade show for retail in Poland. Equipment, technologies and services, store layout, cash registers, scales, security, sales chain management, e-commerce, loyalty, financial services and advice... once a year Warsaw Warszawskie Centrum EXPO XXI 11/19/2025
2 days
WARSAW SECURITY EXPOInternational fair of safeguard and security systems. The 'Warsaw Security Expo' will feature manufacturers and service providers of data analytics, industrial security, cyber security, VIP protection, rescue equipment, and convoys... once a year Warsaw Ptak Warsaw Expo 11/25/2025
3 days
ETRADE SHOWPolish e-Commerce Industry Trade Event. Two days filled with conferences, even more educational and development opportunities for business once a year Warsaw Ptak Warsaw Expo 01/27/2026
3 days
POZNAN MEDIA EXPOPoznań Media EXPO deals with telecommunications installations in buildings, smart home and related technologies every 2 years Poznan Poznan Congress Center 04/14/2026
3 days
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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