MIR STEKLAInternational Exhibition of Glass-Making Equipment, Production of Instruments and Processing Equipment, Glass-Ware Manufacturing and Marketing |
once a year |
Expocentr' Krasnaya Presnya Fairgrounds
03/11/2025 4 days |
CONSTRUCTION AND ARCHITECTURESpecialized exhibition of building projects and architectural designs, new technologies and building equipment, construction and finishing materials. Annual contest of architectural designs |
once a year |
Siberia International Exhibition Business Centre
03/12/2025 3 days |
TECHSTROYEXPO. ROADSSpecialized trade show for road-building machinery, technologies, construction and warehousing equipment |
every 2 years |
Siberia International Exhibition Business Centre
03/12/2025 3 days |
BAIKAL CONSTRUCTION WEEKBuilding and Construction Fair. The exposition presents all the diversity of Russian and foreign technologies and equipment, materials and services for the erection of modern buildings and structures |
once a year |
03/20/2025 3 days |
BUILDING A COUNTRY HOUSEExhibition of suburban housing construction, building materials and engineering systems |
twice a year |
St. Petersburg
ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Centre
03/21/2025 3 days |
MOSBUILDMoscow International Building and Construction, Decoration, Interior Design & Architecture Fair |
once a year |
Crocus-Expo IEC
04/01/2025 4 days |
FIREPLACES SALON - KAMINOVInternational Fair for Fireplaces, Hearths and Stoves in Russia, NIS and Baltic States |
once a year |
Crocus-Expo IEC
04/10/2025 4 days |
WOODEN HOUSEInternational specialized exhibition of Wooden Houses. One of the most successful projects in the field of wooden construction, this event will bring together leading Russian & foreign companies, manufacturers, suppliers, architects, builders & designers |
once a year |
Crocus-Expo IEC
04/10/2025 4 days |
WOODEN HOUSESInternational specialized exhibition of Wooden Houses. One of the most successful exhibitions in the field of wooden house construction, bringing together leading Russian and world manufacturers, suppliers, builders, architects and designers |
once a year |
Crocus-Expo IEC
04/10/2025 4 days |
INNOVATIONS IN CONSTRUCTIONInternational contest of new materials and technologies |
once a year |
St. Petersburg
ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Centre
04/15/2025 3 days |
INTERSTROYEXPOInternational Exhibition of Construction: Equipment, Materials, New Technologies... |
once a year |
St. Petersburg
ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Centre
04/15/2025 3 days |
NATMALLEXPOInternational Expo for Commercial Real Estate. Here Russian and CIS developers of commercial real estate meet retail companies, who search for new retail space and plan to expand sales geography |
once a year |
Crocus-Expo IEC
04/15/2025 3 days |
SECURIKA / MIPSMoscow International Protection, Security and Fire Regulation Exhibition |
once a year |
Crocus-Expo IEC
04/15/2025 3 days |
BUILD URALUral Exhibition of construction, finishing materials and engineering equipment |
once a year |
IEC 'Ekaterinburg-Expo'
04/22/2025 3 days |
INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION & FORUM HI-TECH BUILDINGThe only event in Russia and CIS featuring building automation and management systems, Intelligent Building systems |
once a year |
Expocentr' Krasnaya Presnya Fairgrounds
04/22/2025 2 days |
CTT (CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT & TECHNOLOGIES)International Exhibition in Construction Equipment & Technologies. CTT attracts leading manufacturers and suppliers of the construction industry present their novelties and the latest technological solutions |
once a year |
Crocus-Expo IEC
05/27/2025 4 days |
STEEL STRUCTURESSteelStructures will bring together building steel products manufacturers, suppliers and end-users. Steel structures manufacturers and steel service centers will exhibit their latest solutions for the construction industry |
once a year |
Expocentr' Krasnaya Presnya Fairgrounds
06/03/2025 3 days |
STONE INDUSTRY INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITIONStone Industry International Exhibition in Russia. Natural stone: extraction, processing and application |
once a year |
Crocus-Expo IEC
06/24/2025 3 days |
CHINESE TRADE FAIR RUSSIAChina Trade Fair. Smartphones, Computers & laptops, Home electronics, White goods products, Fashion, Shoes, Bags, Textile & clothing products, Auto parts & accessories, Food and beverage products, Furniture, Agricultural Machinery, Construction Machinery |
once a year |
St. Petersburg
Aug. 2025 (?) |
LIFT EXPO RUSSIAInternational Exhibition of Elevator, Escalator and Lifting Mechanisms in Russia. Vertical transportation technologies, escalators and moving walks, including residential, commercial and hospital elevators, home and personal lifts, auto lifts... |
once a year |
St. Petersburg
ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Centre
Aug. 2025 (?) |
HOLY RUSSIA - IRKUTSKChurch Architecture, Construction & Restoration, Book-Printing, Church Utensils, Religion Education |
once a year |
Sept. 2025 (?) |
SIBWOODEXPOInternational exhibition of equipment, technologies, materials and production of logging industry, woodworking industry, furniture industry and wood house-building industry |
once a year |
Sept. 2025 (?) |
100+ TECHNOBUILD100+ TechnoBuild is an international congress and a professionally oriented exhibition, dedicated to design, construction, financing and operation of buildings and unique structures |
once a year |
IEC 'Ekaterinburg-Expo'
09/30/2025 4 days |
TECHNOFORUMTrade Show dedicated to Equipement and Technology for Construction Materials Processing |
once a year |
Expocentr' Krasnaya Presnya Fairgrounds
Oct. 2025 (?) |
BOILERS & BURNERSRussia's international spécialized exhibition of heat-power engineering, Boilers and Burners |
once a year |
St. Petersburg
ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Centre
10/07/2025 4 days |
ENERGY-SAVING. POWER EFFICIENCY. INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES AND EQUIPMENTInternational Specialized Exhibition of Energy-Saving, Power Efficiency, Innovative Technologies and Equipment |
once a year |
St. Petersburg
ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Centre
10/07/2025 4 days |
TECHNOTEXTILInternational Trade Fair for Technical Textiles, Nonwovens, Textile Processing and Equipment |
once a year |
Crocus-Expo IEC
10/21/2025 3 days |
CLIMATE WORLD MOSCOWInternational Trade Fair for Air-conditioning and Ventilation |
once a year |
Crocus-Expo IEC
11/11/2025 4 days |
BEAUTIFUL HOUSESRussian nternational Exhibition of Architecture and Building |
once a year |
Crocus-Expo IEC
11/20/2025 4 days |
RUSSIAN ARCHITECTURE SALONInternational exhibition of architecture, construction and interior. For a contemporary home – a beautiful, comfortable and functional living space |
once a year |
Crocus-Expo IEC
11/20/2025 4 days |
CLEANEXPO MOSCOW / PULIREInternational exhibition of equipment and materials for professional cleaning, sanitary, hygiene, dry-cleaning and laundry |
once a year |
Crocus-Expo IEC
11/25/2025 3 days |
SFITEXInternational exhibition of security and fire protection equipment and products |
once a year |
St. Petersburg
ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Centre
11/25/2025 3 days |
CEMENT. CONCRETE. DRY BUILDING MIXTURESInternational Exhibition and Conferences for Cement, Concrete & Dry Building Mixtures Equipment and Technologies |
once a year |
Expocentr' Krasnaya Presnya Fairgrounds
Dec. 2025 (?) |
WOODEX MOSCOWInternational specialized trade show for timber products, machinery, equipment, materials for timber and woodworking industries |
every 2 years |
Crocus-Expo IEC
12/02/2025 4 days |
AIRVENTAnnual international exhibition of equipment, technologies and services for ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration of domestic, commercial and industrial facilities |
once a year |
Crocus-Expo IEC
02/03/2026 4 days |
AQUA-THERM MOSCOWInternational Trade Fair for Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning Technology, Sanitary Equipment & Environmental Protection - Including Moscow Pool |
once a year |
Crocus-Expo IEC
02/03/2026 4 days |
NAIS - NATIONAL AIRPORT INFRASTRUCTURE SHOWNational Aviation Infrastructure Show. Key exhibition for airport and airline infrastructure in Russia |
once a year |
Crocus-Expo IEC
02/05/2026 2 days |
SECUREXPO KRASNODARExhibition of Security and Fire Protection Equipment and Products |
once a year |
Expograd Yug
02/25/2026 4 days |
YUGBUILDInternational architectural and building exhibition |
once a year |
Expograd Yug
02/25/2026 4 days |
HOLY RUSSIA - ST. PETERSBURGRussian Expo dedicated to Church Architecture, Construction & Restoration, Book-Printing, Church Utensils, Religion Education |
twice a year |
St. Petersburg
Kirov Palace of Culture - Dvorets Kul'tury Imeni S. M. Kirova
Oct. 2027 |