
Gifts & Souvenirs
Trade Shows in Russia
2025 - 2026

All Trade Shows in Russia


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7 Trade Shows in Russia related to Gifts & Souvenirs
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
IPSAThis show is the important supporting element for producers and suppliers of branded items, gifts and technologies for advertising on the Russian market once a year Moscow Crocus-Expo IEC 09/09/2025
2 days
INTERNATIONAL COMMODITY FAIRInternational Commodity Fair is an import-export project of quality consumer goods from the Ministry of Commerce of China. It aims at developing contacts between business representatives from Russia, China, Europe and Middle & Central Asia once a year Moscow Crocus-Expo IEC Nov. 2025 (?)
NEW YEAR'S GIFT - KIROVTrade fair of Consumer Goods, Holiday and New Year's Goods once a year Kirov Palace of Culture, Kirov Dec. 2025 (?)
TOGLIATTI CHRISTMAS FAIRTogliatti consumer goods exhibition fair. New Year's holiday gifts and accessories, souvenirs with the symbol of the coming year, crafts, treats... once a year Togliatti Expo Togliatti 12/10/2025
5 days
CHRISTMAS MARKET SOCHINew Year and Christmas gifts and decorations. Festive packaging. Christmas paraphernalia. Toys, masks, New Year's costumes. Handicrafts. New Year's decoration. Clothes, Jewelry, Clocks... once a year Sochi Grand Hotel Polyana, Sochi 12/18/2025
4 days
NEW YEAR'S GIFT - EXPOFORUMTrade fair of Consumer Goods, Holiday and New Year's Goods once a year St. Petersburg ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Centre 12/18/2025
4 days
SKREPKA EXHIBITIONInternational multi-thematic BtoB exhibition in Russia. Stationery, souvenirs and kids products, school and office supplies, products for hobbies and creativity, toys, gifts and souvenirs, household goods, education poducts. New year & Christmas products once a year Moscow Timiryazev Engineering Center 02/10/2026
3 days
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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