
Household Appliances - Domestic Appliance Technology
Trade Shows in Russia
2025 - 2026

All Trade Shows in Russia


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10 Trade Shows in Russia related to Household Appliances - Domestic Appliance Technology
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
HOUSEHOLD EXPOInternational specialized Household Goods Exhibition. The largest on the territory of Russia and Eastern Europe trade exposition of cookware, goods for children, gifts, toys, plastic items, household goods... twice a year Moscow Expocentr' Krasnaya Presnya Fairgrounds 03/18/2025
3 days
BUILDING A COUNTRY HOUSEExhibition of suburban housing construction, building materials and engineering systems twice a year St. Petersburg ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Centre 03/21/2025
3 days
INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION & FORUM HI-TECH BUILDINGThe only event in Russia and CIS featuring building automation and management systems, Intelligent Building systems once a year Moscow Expocentr' Krasnaya Presnya Fairgrounds 04/22/2025
2 days
TIME TO SUMMERUniversal Exhibition of Consumer Goods. Clothing, footwear, headgear, textiles, leather goods, cosmetics, perfumes, jewelry, fashion jewelry, accessories, children's products, household products, textiles for the home once a year Togliatti Expo Togliatti 05/13/2025
5 days
CHINESE TRADE FAIR RUSSIAChina Trade Fair. Smartphones, Computers & laptops, Home electronics, White goods products, Fashion, Shoes, Bags, Textile & clothing products, Auto parts & accessories, Food and beverage products, Furniture, Agricultural Machinery, Construction Machinery once a year St. Petersburg Aug. 2025 (?)
100+ TECHNOBUILD100+ TechnoBuild is an international congress and a professionally oriented exhibition, dedicated to design, construction, financing and operation of buildings and unique structures once a year Yekaterinburg IEC 'Ekaterinburg-Expo' 09/30/2025
4 days
INTERLIGHT RUSSIA | INTELLIGENT BUILDING RUSSIAInternational Trade Fair for Decorative and Technical Lighting, Electrical Engineering, Home and Building Automation once a year Moscow Crocus-Expo IEC 10/21/2025
4 days
INTERNATIONAL COMMODITY FAIRInternational Commodity Fair is an import-export project of quality consumer goods from the Ministry of Commerce of China. It aims at developing contacts between business representatives from Russia, China, Europe and Middle & Central Asia once a year Moscow Crocus-Expo IEC Nov. 2025 (?)
HOTEL - RESTAURANT BUSINESSHotel & Restaurant Specialized Exhibition. Equipment and technologies for hotels, restaurants, cafes, bars. Furniture, design and interior items. Refrigeration, Special equipment (kitchen utensils, dishes, household appliances)... every 2 years Sochi Adler-Arena, Imeretinskaya lowland 11/27/2025
2 days
SKREPKA EXHIBITIONInternational multi-thematic BtoB exhibition in Russia. Stationery, souvenirs and kids products, school and office supplies, products for hobbies and creativity, toys, gifts and souvenirs, household goods, education poducts. New year & Christmas products once a year Moscow Timiryazev Engineering Center 02/10/2026
3 days
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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