
Art and Antiques
Trade Shows in Spain
2025 - 2026

All Trade Shows in Spain


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10 Trade Shows in Spain related to Art and Antiques
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
ARCO MADRIDARCOmadrid is Spain’s international contemporary art fair. It has been one of the main art market platforms in the international circuit dedicated to the promotion and diffusion of artistic creation once a year Madrid Ifema - Parque Ferial Juan Carlos I 03/05/2025
5 days
ANTIK PASSION ALMONEDAAntiques and Art Galleries Fair. ANTIK Almoneda is a showcase event for thousands of objects and works of art from the 18th century to the 1960s and 70s – collectibles, pieces from the Art Deco period, archaeology, silver, office and garden furniture,... once a year Madrid Ifema - Parque Ferial Juan Carlos I 04/06/2025
9 days
ART3F BARCELONEInternational Contemporary Art Expo in Barcelona. Art3f hosts galleries, painters, sculptors, photographers and performers once a year Barcelona Fira de Barcelona - Recinto Montjuïc 04/11/2025
3 days
TECHNARTE BILBAOInternational Conference on Art and Technology. The aim is to present technological developments that enhance a broader expression of modern art, and to provide a forum for debate and reflection on the conference between technology and art once a year Bilbao Palacio de Congresos Euskalduna 05/16/2025
1 day
MERCAT MENSUAL D’ANTIGUITATS, COL·LECCIONISME, ART I ARTESANIA.The meeting point for all lovers of art and craft, antiques and collecting (coins, postcards, 'xapes de cava', records... ) making sales, purchases and exchange once a year Igualada Fira d'Igualada Sept. 2025 (?)
SWAB BARCELONA ART FAIRSwab Barcelona is an international art fair that brings together galleries from around the world, curated projects, and collection programs to showcase young, emerging talent in contemporary art once a year Barcelona Fira de Barcelona - Recinto Montjuïc 10/02/2025
4 days
ESTAMPAContemporary Art Fair. Le salon Estampa reste fidèle à sa mission de création, promotion et diffusion du marché de l'art dans notre pays, en donnant la priorité à la collection et au galerisme espagnol et portugais once a year Madrid Ifema - Parque Ferial Juan Carlos I 10/08/2025
5 days
FERIARTEFERIARTE is the major fair in Spain dedicated to antiques and art galleries, open to international collectors. The quality and authenticity of the objects are ensured by a committee of experts once a year Madrid Ifema - Parque Ferial Juan Carlos I 10/18/2025
9 days
ANTIQ AURIAInternational Antiques Fair in Ourense. With the presence of 45+ exhibitors from 4 countries once a year Ourense Expourense 11/07/2025
3 days
FIRA DE REISThe Fira de Reis is one of the oldest Catalan fairs. About 250 exhibitors + a hundred antique dealers once a year Igualada Passeig Verdaguer, Igualada Jan. 2026 (?)
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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