
Multimedia Technologies
Trade Shows in Spain
2025 - 2026

All Trade Shows in Spain


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11 Trade Shows in Spain related to Multimedia Technologies
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
INTEDAnnual International Technology, Education and Development Conference. Over 700 education experts share their knowledge about the evolving landscape of education, technology and development once a year Valencia 03/03/2025
3 days
MOBILE WORLD CONGRESSAnnual Conference on Mobile Telephony. Discover the themes and topics around 5G, 6G, immersive technology and fintech, and how they’re shaping our industry and creating a brighter future once a year Barcelona Fira de Barcelona - Recinto Gran Via 03/03/2025
4 days
AULAEducational Opportunities Exhibition. Aula is a fair that helps students to effectively decide their educational and professional future. It combines a significant offering of educational and training centres, entities and service companies once a year Madrid Ifema - Parque Ferial Juan Carlos I 03/26/2025
5 days
EXPOELEARNINGLeading trade fair for the online training sector once a year Madrid Ifema - Parque Ferial Juan Carlos I 03/26/2025
5 days
TECHNARTE BILBAOInternational Conference on Art and Technology. The aim is to present technological developments that enhance a broader expression of modern art, and to provide a forum for debate and reflection on the conference between technology and art once a year Bilbao Palacio de Congresos Euskalduna 05/16/2025
1 day
CINEEUROPEDesigned to help both Major Circuits and Independent Theatre Owners learn about the latest state-of-the-art Equipment, Concessions, Products and Technologies for the Motion Picture Theatre Industry once a year Barcelona Barcelona International Convention Centre (CCIB) 06/16/2025
4 days
EDULEARNAnnual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, one of Europe’s largest and most trusted education conferences for professionals, researchers and technologists around the world once a year Palma de Mallorca (Balearic Islands) 06/30/2025
3 days
SIMO EDUCACIONSpain's International Teaching Equipment Show. Computers, information technology and consulting services once a year Madrid Ifema - Parque Ferial Juan Carlos I 10/28/2025
3 days
BITAM SHOWThe fair that brings together all Spanish audiovisual professionals once a year Madrid Casa de Campo Nov. 2025 (?)
GAMERGYE-sports & Gaming Festival. An event that combines gaming, esports and entertainment once a year Madrid Ifema - Parque Ferial Juan Carlos I Dec. 2025 (?)
ISE (INTEGRATED SYSTEMS EUROPE)Integrated Systems Europe (ISE) is the world’ s largest professional AV and systems integration show. The annual event provides a unique showcase of technologies and solutions for commercial and residential applications once a year Barcelona Fira de Barcelona - Recinto Gran Via 02/03/2026
4 days
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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