Exhibition Name | Cycle | Venue | Date |
A2 INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION FAIRS - TUNISInternational Education Fair. The best platform to connect you to +100, 000 students, parents, educational counsellors, local universities & high schools | twice a year | Tunis Laico Hotel, Tunis | 05/01/2025 1 day |
BIGTECHBIGTECH aims to be the African hub of technology and business. African Startup Summit, African Developers Expo-Conference, Gaming Expo, Recruitment/Career Development Hub, Tunisian Digital Summit | once a year | Tunis Parc des expositions du Kram | June 2025 (?) |
HR EXPO TUNISExhibition of tools and services dedicated to business leaders, managers of Human Resources, Training, HR solutions and Information Systems | once a year | Tunis Cité de la Culture, Tunis | Feb. 2026 (?) |