
Trade Shows in Albi
2025 - 2026

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Venues in Albi

Albi Expo(1) Grand Théâtre d'Albi(1) IMT Mines Albi(1) Salle événementielle de Pratgraussals(1)
4 Trade Shows in Albi
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
SALON DE L'ÉROTISME - ALBIAlbi Erotic Show and Exhibition. Appointment of all sexualities in Occitania once a year Albi Expo 04/25/2025
3 days
LE SALON LE PRINTEMPS DU BIEN-ÊTREWellness fair. Head massage to pamper yourself, reflexology, well-being through stones and minerals with lithotherapy, discovery of runes, cartomancy readings and many other holistic and well-being practices will be offered once a year Salle événementielle de Pratgraussals 10/18/2025
2 days
ALBI JAZZ FESTIVALOne of the major French festivals on the international jazz scene once a year Grand Théâtre d'Albi Jan. 2026 (?)
MOULES & OUTILS - MOULDS & TOOLSThe "Moulds and Tools" days aim to review the state of the art of new metallurgical solutions, heat and surface treatments, and tool design, in order to provide specifiers and users with criteria for choosing optimal solutions every 4 years IMT Mines Albi Nov. 2027 (?)
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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