
Trade Shows in Deauville
2025 - 2026

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Venues in Deauville

Centre International de Deauville(2) Hôtel du Golf(1) Pôle International du Cheval - Longines(1)
4 Trade Shows in Deauville
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
LE CELOBusiness meetings exclusively dedicated to the supply chain. Less than 170 participants - a small number so that everyone meets everyone - are selected by interview. Clients are questioned in advance about their needs once a year Hôtel du Golf 03/26/2025
3 days
TOP DRH - DEAUVILLEBusiness meeting of key account managers and mid-cap companies & Human Resources Experts once a year Centre International de Deauville June 2025 (?)
NORMANDY HORSE MEET UPFrench trade fair for the equine industry intended for professionals. Space for exhibitions, interventions, demonstrations, symposium, discussion lounge... once a year Pôle International du Cheval - Longines 09/25/2025
2 days
LES RENCONTRES AMRAEThe AMRAE Annual Conference. It provides companies, organizations, risk managers and insurance specialists with an opportunity to deal frankly with concrete management, risk financing and insurance-related problems once a year Centre International de Deauville Feb. 2026 (?)
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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