
Trade Shows in Florence
2025 - 2026

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Venues in Florence

Firenze Fiera Congress Center(2) Fortezza da Basso(7) Lungarno del Tempio, 44(1) Santa Apollonia Auditorium(1) Stazione Leopolda(3)
16 Trade Shows in Florence
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
FIERA DIDACTA ITALIAFiera Didacta focuses on education, vocational training and relation among school and work once a year Fortezza da Basso 03/12/2025
3 days
MIDA - MOSTRA INTERNAZIONALE DELL'ARTIGIANATOInternational Handicraft Fair. An event which hosted the most important master craftsmen of history inside a privileged space, where tradition and innovation merge to create extremely valuable handmade products once a year Fortezza da Basso 04/25/2025
7 days
PITTI IMMAGINE UOMOPITTI IMMAGINE UOMO is one of the global references in men's fashion, dedicated to promoting the Italian fashion industry twice a year Fortezza da Basso 06/10/2025
4 days
PITTI IMMAGINE BIMBO'Pitti Immagine Bimbo' is a leading international fashion show for children and adolescents twice a year Fortezza da Basso 06/18/2025
3 days
PITTI IMMAGINE FILATIAt 'Pitti Filati', the best italian and international Yarn Manufacturer gather at for presenting their collections. Historic companies that have always supported the mission of the fair, and new entries and manufacturers with a global reach twice a year Fortezza da Basso 06/24/2025
3 days
FOE - THE FUTURE OF EDUCATIONInternational conference dedicated to the future of education. FOE seeks cutting-edge expertise and contributions in the field of educational innovation once a year Lungarno del Tempio, 44 06/26/2025
2 days
ICHEAP & PRESItalian Conference on Chemical and Process Engineering every 2 years ? 06/29/2025
4 days
FRAGRANZEInternational show dedicated to artistic perfumery, home fragrances, beauty, and wellness once a year Stazione Leopolda 09/12/2025
3 days
INTEGRATED PHOTOVOLTAIC CONFERENCEThe conference will be a unique chance to exchange and distribute knowledge for everything concerning the integration of PV. Emphasis will be on demonstrating integrated approaches of the many solutions in technology, engineering, design, and finance once a year Santa Apollonia Auditorium Nov. 2025 (?)
IL SALONE DELLO STUDENTE - FIRENZEStudent's Exhibition. A unique opportunity to meet and learn about all the post-graduate opportunities, in Italy and abroad once a year Stazione Leopolda 11/05/2025
2 days
DANZAINFIERAFlorence Dance Festival, aimed at professionals and passionate amateurs alike once a year Fortezza da Basso Feb. 2026 (?)
FIRENZE HOME TEXSTYLEFirenze International Fair for Home and decorative Textiles. Firenze Home Texstyle welcomes buyers, interior designers, concept stores, textile stores, journalists, influencers, and manufacturing companies once a year Fortezza da Basso Feb. 2026 (?)
TASTE FIRENZEFlorence Fair dedicated to excellence in gastronomy once a year Firenze Fiera Congress Center Feb. 2026 (?)
TESTOFlorence Book Fair. An event dedicated to those who read, those who write, those who publish and those who draw once a year Stazione Leopolda Feb. 2026 (?)
TOURISMAInternational Archaeological Exhibition. tourismA is an opportunity for exposure, disclosure and comparison of all initiatives related to communication of ancient world and valorization of archaeological witnesses once a year Firenze Fiera Congress Center Feb. 2026 (?)
EMMC - EUROPEAN MECHANICS OF MATERIALS CONFERENCEEuropean Mechanics of Materials Conference every 2 years ? 05/27/2026
3 days
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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