
Trade Shows in Gdansk
2025 - 2026

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Venues in Gdansk

Amberexpo(10) Radisson Hotel, Gdansk(1)
12 Trade Shows in Gdansk
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
AMBERIFInternational Amber, Gemstones and Jewelry Fair in Poland. One the the largest jewelry event in Central and Eastern Europe twice a year Amberexpo 03/13/2025
3 days
INTERNATIONAL RECRUITMENT TOUR - POLAND - GDANSKThis fair for International Education is taking place in four cities of Poland for the representatives of language schools, boarding schools and colleges, universities and business schools once a year Radisson Hotel, Gdansk 03/16/2025
1 day
GDANSKIE TARGI SZKÓL PONADPODSTAWOWYCHGdansk Secondary Schools Fair. The aim of the fair is to familiarize young people with the offer of secondary schools in Gdansk and to help them choose the best educational path once a year Amberexpo 04/05/2025
1 day
JARMARK SW. DOMINIKAGdansk International Fair. The tradition of St. Dominic's Fair dates back to 1260 once a year Amberexpo 07/26/2025
23 days
EUROSKILLS GDANSKEuropean Championship of Young Professionals. EuroSkills is the biggest vocational education and skills excellence event in Europe every 2 years Amberexpo Sept. 2025 (?)
TRAKOPolish Rail Industry Exhibition. Trako reports on the state of the art and developments in the development of transport systems and railway infrastructure in Poland, Europe and the world every 2 years Amberexpo 09/23/2025
4 days
URODAThe largest celebration of the beauty industry in northern Poland. Discover new cosmetics and absorb inspiration! once a year Amberexpo Oct. 2025 (?)
BALT MILITARY EXPO + BALTEXPOTrade fair for military equipment for the Baltic region + BALTEXPO: International Maritime Exhibition & Conferences every 2 years Amberexpo 10/07/2025
3 days
BALTEXPOInternational Shipbuilding and Shipping Exhibition every 2 years Amberexpo 10/07/2025
3 days
FUN AND GAMES FAIR & FESTIWAL GRAMY (TARGI GRA I ZABAWA)International Games Fair in Poland. Fun and Games Fair features Board, logic and card games, RPG, field & city games jigsaw puzzles, building blocks, mechanical & wooden toys, multimedia & interactive toys, multimedia & educational applications, mangas once a year Amberexpo Nov. 2025 (?)
WORLD POTATO CONGRESSInternational Potato Congress, creating opportunities by facilitating communication and information sharing throughout the world potato community every 2 years ? 06/22/2026
5 days
POLFISHInternational Fair of Fish Processing and Fish Products every 2 years Amberexpo 09/09/2026
3 days
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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