
Trade Shows in Gorinchem
2025 - 2026

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Venues in Gorinchem

Evenementenhal Gorinchem(18) Grote Markt(1)
19 Trade Shows in Gorinchem
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
BAKKERSVAK & IJS-VAKFair of traditional Dutch culinary crafts. See, smell, hear, taste and experience all the developments in the bakery and ice cream sector once a year Evenementenhal Gorinchem 03/09/2025
3 days
AQUA NEDERLANDAqua Nederland is the event for the entire water cycle of the Netherlands: wastewater, drinking water, process water and urban water & sewage management once a year Evenementenhal Gorinchem 03/18/2025
3 days
VISUALIZE EXPOVisualize Expo takes a significant stride toward a versatile and future-oriented approach to visual communication. Preparatory design process, execution... the expo provides insight into machinery, materials, and methods once a year Evenementenhal Gorinchem 03/25/2025
3 days
WORKSAFE GORINCHEMAre you looking for the latest trends and developments on the field of safety & health at work ? Are you interested in proces safety and the safety culture in your company ? Visit Worksafe in Gorinchem once a year Evenementenhal Gorinchem 05/13/2025
2 days
MARITIME INDUSTRY GORINCHEMWith a rich knowledge program, the Career Event, and expert exhibitors in digitalization, new emission requirements and modal shift; MARITIME INDUSTRY GORINCHEM is essential for inland navigation professionals once a year Evenementenhal Gorinchem 05/20/2025
3 days
TRENDZ NAJAARInspirational Trade Event for Home Deco & Lifestyle. Are you looking for new trendy collections for your store or webshop? Discover a wide range of the new trends during Trendz twice a year Evenementenhal Gorinchem Aug. 2025 (?)
TRENDZ VOORJAARInspirational Trade Event for Home Deco & Lifestyle. Are you looking for new trendy collections for your store or webshop? Discover a wide range of the new trends during Trendz twice a year Evenementenhal Gorinchem Aug. 2025 (?)
INCODATrade Fair for Professional in Home and Project Furniture once a year Grote Markt 09/21/2025
3 days
INCODA - INTERIEUR COLLECTIE DAGENInCoDa is the B2B event for the interior professional to discover the latest collections, designs and trends by the prominent brands in the field of spatial design for the residential and contract market once a year Evenementenhal Gorinchem 09/21/2025
3 days
METAVAK GORINCHEMNetherlands trade show for the Metalworking & Manufacturing Industry. METAVAK is divided into various segments, such as Sheet Metal Working, Machining, 3D Printing, Cleaning, Surface Technology... once a year Evenementenhal Gorinchem 10/07/2025
3 days
FAMILIEDAGEN GORINCHEMGorinchem family celebration. Shopping, gastronomy, games and entertainment and shows for children, openness to knowledge, fashion shows, music... once a year Evenementenhal Gorinchem 10/21/2025
3 days
AFBOUW VAKDAGENDutch trade fair for professionals in the finishing, painting and maintenance sectors. Plastering, installation of ceilings and walls, painting and maintenance, floor coverings and terraces, natural stone... every 2 years Evenementenhal Gorinchem 10/29/2025
2 days
VAKBEURS RECYCLINGThe Netherland's event for recycling technology and waste management. Vakbeurs Recycling is divided into three categories on the show floor. Collection & Waste Management, Sorting & Processing, Demolition & Recycling once a year Evenementenhal Gorinchem 11/11/2025
3 days
FUTURE LIGHTINGDutch lighting fair, where lighting designers, architects, consultants, facility managers and building managers come together. Discover the latest lighting innovations once a year Evenementenhal Gorinchem 11/19/2025
2 days
RUNDVEE & MECHANISATIE VAKDAGEN (RMV) GORINCHEMRMV is the platform where the entire beef industry comes together to meet, inspire and help the sector move forward. Discover a wide range of products, services and innovations that will help you sustain your business once a year Evenementenhal Gorinchem 11/25/2025
3 days
AUTO PROF GORINCHEMAre you active within the automotive industry? Then Auto Prof is the place for you to connect with 7, 500 automotive professionals such as automotive technicians, managers and workshop executives once a year Evenementenhal Gorinchem 01/27/2026
3 days
RECREATIE NEXT LEVELA two-day knowledge and networking event for ambitious recreational entrepreneurs. The Digitalization & Marketing theme is at the center of "Recreation Next Level", for all online digital solutions once a year Evenementenhal Gorinchem Feb. 2026 (?)
HORTICONTACTHortiContact is the place where the entire Dutch greenhouse horticulture sector comes together to network, gain inspiration and help the sector move forward once a year Evenementenhal Gorinchem 02/24/2026
3 days
WELDING WEEK NEDERLANDInternational Dutch exhibition for assembly technologies: welding, gluing, cutting every 2 years Evenementenhal Gorinchem 10/06/2026
3 days
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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