
Trade Shows in Klagenfurt
2025 - 2026

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Venues in Klagenfurt

Klagenfurter Messe(12)
12 Trade Shows in Klagenfurt
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
AGRARMESSE ALPEN-ADRIAAlps-Adriatic Trade Fair for Agriculture. The agricultural fair "Alpen-Adria" brings together suppliers and visitors not only from Austria, but also from Slovenia, Italy and Germany every 2 years Klagenfurter Messe 01/17/2025
3 days
AUTO & BIKE KLAGENFURTTrade fair for car and two-wheeler aficionados. New cars from renowned automobile brands, commercial vehicles of all kinds and luxury vehicles are on display once a year Klagenfurter Messe 04/04/2025
3 days
FREIZEIT MESSE + VERGNÜGUNGSPARKSpring Fair for Travel, Sports, Fashion and Garden. Find out about various holiday and excursion destinations, or get tips for leisure activities in your own garden once a year Klagenfurter Messe 04/04/2025
3 days
INTERVINO KLAGENFURTWine fair for southern Austria and the Alps-Adriatic region. Find around 600 wines and spirits from around 55 winemakers and traders from Austria, Slovenia and Italy once a year Klagenfurter Messe 04/04/2025
3 days
TREFFPUNKT JAGDThe annual meeting for all hunters and hunting enthusiasts in Austria once a year Klagenfurter Messe Sept. 2025
DIE NEUE HERBSTMESSEConstruction & Energy. Fashion and lifestyle. Furniture, interior design. Wellness. Gastronomy... once a year Klagenfurter Messe 09/10/2025
5 days
HERBSTMESSE KLAGENFURTWith over 500 participating companies, the Autumn Fair is the largest shopping center in the South of Austria once a year Klagenfurter Messe 09/10/2025
5 days
FAMILIENMESSE + FRAUENMESSETrade fair for the whole family. Exhibition sections dedicated to a healthy lifestyle, fitness and vitality, practical information and tips for your everyday life and its challenges once a year Klagenfurter Messe 11/14/2025
3 days
GESUND LEBEN MESSE + GESUND & GLÜCKLICHHealth, Beauty, Fitness & Wellbeing Fair once a year Klagenfurter Messe 11/14/2025
3 days
HÄUSLBAUERMESSE KLAGENFURTBuilding, Renovation & Energy Savings Trade Show once a year Klagenfurter Messe 02/20/2026
3 days
HOLZ&BAU KLAGENFURTERTrade exhibition for Timber Construction every 2 years Klagenfurter Messe 09/02/2026
4 days
INTERNATIONALE HOLZMESSEInternational trade fair for forestry, sawing, timber construction, carpentry, bioenergy every 2 years Klagenfurter Messe 09/02/2026
4 days
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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