
Trade Shows in Lyon
2025 - 2026

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Venues in Lyon

Aéroport Lyon Bron(1) Centre de Congrès de Lyon (Cité Internationale)(14) Double Mixte, Lyon(4) Espace de l'Ouest Lyonnais(1) Espace Tête d'Or(1) Eurexpo(44) Halle Tony Garnier(4) Hippodrome de Bron Parilly(1) La Sucrière(6) LDLC Arena, Lyon(1) Matmut Stadium Gerland(1) Palais des Congrès de Lyon(1) Palais du Commerce et de la Bourse (CCI Lyon)(1)
85 Trade Shows in Lyon
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
LE SALON SANTÉ, SOCIAL, PARAMÉDICAL ET SPORT DE LYONResponsibles and students from faculties of medicine and pharmacy, health schools, pre-medical courses, paramedical, social and nursing schools... will be presents to tell you about possible courses and admission requirements once a year Centre de Congrès de Lyon (Cité Internationale) Nov. 2025 (?)
EPOQU’AUTOInternational exhibition for vintage car enthusiasts. 800+ exhibitors, dealers and professional restorers of cars and motorcycles, specialists in spare parts, craftsmen, sellers of miniatures, toys, newspapers, period clothing... once a year Eurexpo 11/07/2025
3 days
PROD&PACKProd&Pack presents an exhaustive offer of innovative products and services through four main areas: Equipment & Processes; Packaging & Packaging; Services and Handling every 2 years Eurexpo 11/18/2025
3 days
SOLUTRANSA global meeting place for innovation and the most relevant solutions, adapted to the evolution of the truck industry, SOLUTRANS is the biennial of industrial and urban vehicles every 2 years Eurexpo 11/18/2025
5 days
BEAUTÉ SÉLECTION - LYONProfessional hairdressing and beauty care salon. Beauté Sélection - Lyon allows visitors to discover all the latest news and trends in beauty, hairdressing, aesthetics, nails, makeup once a year Eurexpo 11/23/2025
2 days
INTERMAINTENANCEMeetings for solutions and innovations in Maintenance. INTERMAINTENANCE brings together all the players in the sector: equipment manufacturers, CMMS software publishers, augmented reality, remote maintenance, etc. once a year Double Mixte, Lyon 11/25/2025
2 days
PCH MEETINGSInternational meetings for the Pharmaceutical, Chemical, Petrochemical and Gas industries. Equipment, processes, utilities, energy efficiency, decarbonization and hydrogen... once a year Double Mixte, Lyon 11/25/2025
2 days
WASTE MEETINGSInternational meetings on recycling, treatment, waste recovery, reuse and circular economy once a year Double Mixte, Lyon 11/25/2025
2 days
PAYSALIALandscape, garden and sport exhibition. Paysalia welcomes 450 exhibitors from all backgrounds: plant production, maintenance, materials, equipment and supplies, soils and environment, equipment, water, irrigation, design, services every 2 years Eurexpo 12/02/2025
3 days
RIVERDATINGEuropean B2B meetings dedicated to innovative inland waterway and multimodal transport solutions every 2 years Centre de Congrès de Lyon (Cité Internationale) 12/03/2025
2 days
LES THERMALIES - LYONWater, Wellness, Thermalism & Thalassotherapy Exhibition once a year Centre de Congrès de Lyon (Cité Internationale) Jan. 2026 (?)
SALON BIEN-ÊTRE, MÉDECINE DOUCE & THALASSO - LYONWell-being, alternative medicine & thalassotherapy fair. It brings together all the players and experts in complementary medicine: specialized laboratories, schools and training in alternative medicine and a therapists' village once a year Centre de Congrès de Lyon (Cité Internationale) Jan. 2026 (?)
SALON DE L'ETUDIANT DE LYONStudent fair. The perfect place to think about your career plans, your future profession, and build your study path once a year Eurexpo Jan. 2026 (?)
CTCO LYONPromotional Garment and Gifts Exhibition once a year Eurexpo Feb. 2026 (?)
FESTIVAL YGGDRASILFestival of Imaginary Worlds. You will be able to travel between universes such as Medieval, Fantastic, Steampunk or even inspired by London witchcraft, and much more... Costume and cosplay contest and many animations once a year Eurexpo Feb. 2026 (?)
LE SALON MASTERS ET MASTÈRES SPÉCIALISÉS, EN FRANCE ET À L'ÉTRANGER DE LYONYou’re thinking of pursuing your studies after a bac +3 and wondering what are the differences between a master, a mastère, an MSc or an MBA ? Find out more about the specific features of each of these degrees and their career opportunities once a year Palais du Commerce et de la Bourse (CCI Lyon) Feb. 2026 (?)
SALON SEMINAIRES BUSINESS EVENTS DE LYONTradeshow dedicated to the organisation of corporate events and event management industry once a year Matmut Stadium Gerland Feb. 2026 (?)
SALON STUDYRAMA DE LA POURSUITE D’ETUDES ET MASTERS DE LYONPost Bac+2 to Bac+4 studies fair. The Studyrama exhibition for the Continuation of Studies and Masters in Lyon is the event not to be missed to find your training from the Pro License to the Master and succeed in your orientation once a year La Sucrière Feb. 2026 (?)
SALON STUDYRAMA DES FORMATIONS DU NUMÉRIQUE DE LYONDigital training fair. The Studyrama Digital Training Fair is more than 200 specialized training courses in computer engineering, graphic design, visual communication, e-commerce or even e-marketing from Bac to Bac +5 once a year La Sucrière Feb. 2026 (?)
SALON STUDYRAMA SUP’ALTERNANCE DE LYONApprenticeship & part-time training expo in Lyon. Come and exchange with schools, preparatory schools, high schools and guidance organizations in order to best build your study project, whatever your preferred sector of activity once a year La Sucrière Feb. 2026 (?)
SKIN SCIENCE DAYSScientific days dedicated to the skin, organized by Cosmetin Lyon, a professional association which promotes scientific exchanges between academic researchers, teachers and manufacturers once a year ? Feb. 2026 (?)
C!PRINTInternational Meeting Place for Garment Personalization Technical Solutions and all their Applications. Signage, Events, Decoration, graphics industry, etc once a year Eurexpo 02/03/2026
3 days
EUROBOISCovering Silviculture, Material Handling, Woodworking, Machinery and Tools every 2 years Eurexpo 02/03/2026
4 days
SALON DU CHOCOLAT - LYONProfessional and general public exhibition exclusively dedicated to chocolate. At the SALON DU CHOCOLAT, discover and taste chocolate in all its forms and in all its states once a year Halle Tony Garnier 03/06/2026
3 days
SALON DU TOURISME MAHANA LYONAn Exhibition to prepare One's Holidays, in France or abroad, Together with One's Family or Lonely: Stays, Training, Week-ends, Accommodation, Transportation… once a year Halle Tony Garnier 03/06/2026
3 days
EXPOBIOGAZBiogas exhibition and congress. Discover the offerings of exhibitors presenting their solutions and innovations for methanization, power-to-gas, pyrogification, injection, cogeneration, mobility & bioNGV. Conferences, workshops, Agricultural Villag every 2 years Eurexpo 03/10/2026
2 days
FORUM LABOLaboratory sector exhibition dedicated to Research, Production and Control every 2 years Centre de Congrès de Lyon (Cité Internationale) 03/25/2026
2 days
FIP SOLUTION PLASTIQUEThe exhibition for the Plastics, Composites & Rubber industry in France every 2 years Eurexpo 06/02/2026
4 days
HANDICAExhibition on equipment and technical aids for disabled and elderly people every 2 years Eurexpo 06/03/2026
2 days
ARCHITECT @ WORK - FRANCE - LYONExhibition for Architecture & Interior Design. ARCHITECT@WORK gives you the opportunity to get into contact with: architects, interior architects, designers, engineering bureaus, project developers, technical services, towns & district councils every 2 years Halle Tony Garnier 06/10/2026
2 days
BIENNALE D'ART CONTEMPORAIN DE LYONLyon Contemporary Art Biennale. The event extends over several emblematic places in Lyon, ideal for meeting artists every 2 years ? Sept. 2026 (?)
PRÉVENTICA LYONTrade Show & Congress dedicated to Workplace Security, Work Protection and Ergonomical Solutions every 2 years Eurexpo Oct. 2026 (?)
FUNEXPOInternational show of Arts, Funerary Techniques & Equipment every 2 years Eurexpo Nov. 2026 (?)
PISCINE GLOBALEuropean Swimming Pool Industries Show every 2 years Eurexpo 11/17/2026
4 days
AUTOCAR EXPOThe biggest specialized exhibition in France for the coach sector every 2 years Eurexpo Dec. 2026 (?)
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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