AUTOMATION. ELECTRONICS. ELECTRO.Systems of Automatic Control. Instrumentation. Computer Engineering and Information Technologies. Electronics. Components, Technologies, Materials, Equipment |
once a year |
03/18/2025 3 days |
ELECTROTECH - LIGHT MINSKElectrotechnical Machines and Devices, Lighting Technology, Electrical Equipment, High-Voltage Equipment and Power Electronics |
once a year |
Football Manege Sport Complex
03/18/2025 3 days |
ELECTROTECH. LIGHTBelarusian Energy and Environmental Protection Forum - Lighting Production |
once a year |
Football Manege Sport Complex
03/18/2025 3 days |
INTERSTYLEPerfumery. Cosmetics. Hairdresser's Equipment and Accessories. Salons. Open Competition of Belarus on Hairdresser's Art |
once a year |
Football Manege Sport Complex
03/26/2025 4 days |
CORROSION PROTECTION. COATINGS MINSKInternational specialized Exhibition on Corrosion Protection. Coatings |
once a year |
04/01/2025 4 days |
LITMETEXPO. FOUNDRY & METALLURGYInternational exhibition of foundry and metallurgical technologies |
once a year |
04/01/2025 4 days |
MECHANICAL ENGINEERING MINSKMetal cutting machines, metalworking centers, control and measuring equipment, tools and instruments |
once a year |
04/01/2025 4 days |
METALLWORKINGMetal cutting Machines, Metalworking Centres, Control and Measuring Equipment, tools and instruments |
every 2 years |
Belexpo - 14, Pobediteley ave.
04/01/2025 4 days |
POWDER METALLURGY MINSKMaterials, Technologies and Equipment for Powder Metallurgy |
every 2 years |
Belexpo - 14, Pobediteley ave.
04/01/2025 4 days |
WELDING AND CUTTING MINSKWelding, cutting and related technologies. Instruments and methods of nondestructive testing |
once a year |
04/01/2025 4 days |
HORECA. RETAILTECHInternational Specialized Exhibition of Equipment & technologies for the enterprises of restaurant and hotel business, catering, and trade. Functioning of hotel complexes |
once a year |
04/02/2025 3 days |
WATER & HEATInternational Specialized Exhibition o. Technologies, Equipment and Materials for Water Production, Preparation and Drainage System Cleaning. Pumping Equipment. Heating Systems and Equipment |
once a year |
Football Manege Sport Complex
04/08/2025 4 days |
BELARUSIAN MEDICAL FORUMMedical Techniques, Equipment, Goods and Services. Pharmaceutical Products. Laboratory and Diagnostic Equipment. Medical Optics |
once a year |
Football Manege Sport Complex
04/15/2025 4 days |
FURINDESIGNThe region’s largest annual meeting point for both professionals and amateurs of furniture production, interior design and refurnishing, demonstrating the latest trends and innovations in the furniture industry |
every 2 years |
04/15/2025 4 days |
TIBOMeans of Telecommunications, Information and Banking Technologies, Organizational Aids and Office Supplies, Security Systems |
once a year |
04/15/2025 4 days |
BUDPRAGRESLabor Mechanization in Construction, Equipment for Dwellings and Building Materials, Cottages, Public Services |
once a year |
04/23/2025 3 days |
BELAGROEquipment and Technologies for Agricultural Products Processing |
once a year |
06/03/2025 5 days |
BELFARMFarming Equipement International Exhibition |
once a year |
06/03/2025 5 days |
BELPRODUCTExhibition dedicated to Food products, Equipment for the Food Processing Industry & Equipment for Public Catering Establishments |
once a year |
06/03/2025 5 days |
FOOD INDUSTRY MINSKInternational Food Industry Exhibition |
once a year |
06/03/2025 5 days |
IFWEXPO/FOOD INDUSTRYExhibition for Food Processing Technologies & Equipment |
once a year |
06/03/2025 5 days |
PRODMASH. HOLOD. UPACK.Equipment for food processing industry, equipment for public catering establishments. Ingredients, spices, food additives. Packaging machinery, materials and accessories, manufacturing machinery, packaging industry services. Refrigerating equipment... |
once a year |
06/03/2025 5 days |
BELARUSSIAN CONSTRUCTION WEEKExhibition of Windows, Doors, Roofs, Glass, Ceramics... |
once a year |
Sept. 2025 (?) |
BELKOMMUNTECHMunicipal Engineering & Road-Building Trade Show |
once a year |
Sept. 2025 (?) |
GAME EXPO MINSKMinsk Exhibition & Festival of the Game Industry. Developers and publishers of electronic games, gaming computers, tablets, consoles, mobile devices, smartphones and portable devices, Board games, accessories of heroes of computer games... |
once a year |
Belexpo - 14, Pobediteley ave.
09/12/2025 3 days |
BELARUSIAN INDUSTRIAL FORUMBelarusian Industrial Forum. Energy and Resource Saving, Ecology, Science and Innovation |
once a year |
Football Manege Sport Complex
09/23/2025 3 days |
CHEMISTRY. OIL & GASInternational Specialized Exhibition of Chemistry, Oil & Gas. Technologies, equipment, raw-materials and production, transportation and storing of oil, oil products, and gas |
once a year |
Football Manege Sport Complex
09/23/2025 3 days |
POLYMERS & COMPOSITES MINSKInternational Specialized Exhibition of polymer materials, equipment and technologies in Belarus |
once a year |
Football Manege Sport Complex
09/23/2025 3 days |
PROWELDExhibition of equipment and technologies for welding in Belarus |
once a year |
Football Manege Sport Complex
09/23/2025 3 days |
TECHINNOPROMInternational Specialized Exhibition "Technology and Innovations in Industry" |
once a year |
Football Manege Sport Complex
09/23/2025 3 days |
TRANSPORT & LOGISTICS BELARUSInternational Specialized Exhibition & Belarusian Transport Congress |
once a year |
Football Manege Sport Complex
09/30/2025 3 days |
INFRATRANSInternational Exhibition & Conference on Transport Infrastructure |
once a year |
Football Manege Sport Complex
Oct. 2025 (?) |
BEAUTY & HEALTHMinsk Beauty & Health Expo. Medical instrument, equipment and diagnostics, Laboratory medicine, Medical consumables and supplies, workwear, hygiene and care products, First Aid |
once a year |
10/07/2025 3 days |
MEDICINE AND HEALTHMedical and Laboratory Equipment & Technology Exhibition. Medical instrument, equipment and diagnostics, Laboratory medicine, Medical consumables and supplies, First aid, Pharmaceutics, Rehabilitation... |
once a year |
Belexpo - 14, Pobediteley ave.
10/07/2025 3 days |
MEDICINE. MEDTECH. PHARMACY. DENTISTRYTreatment and Diagnostic Equipment, Medicines, Stomatological Equipment, Diet Products, Medicine Herbs |
once a year |
10/07/2025 3 days |
ATOMEXPO BELARUSNuclear power plant project development, construction, operation and safety; stimulation of research works in the field of atomic engineering in Belarus; assistance in personnel training for nuclear energy |
once a year |
Football Manege Sport Complex
10/14/2025 4 days |
ENERGY EXPOEnergy sources, Consumption Meters and Regulators, Energy-Saving Technologies and Equipment |
once a year |
Football Manege Sport Complex
10/14/2025 4 days |
EXPOCITYBelarusian Energy and Ecology Forum |
once a year |
Football Manege Sport Complex
10/14/2025 4 days |
OIL & GAS TECHNOLOGIESOil & Gas Technologies International Exhibition |
once a year |
Football Manege Sport Complex
10/14/2025 4 days |
WATER & AIR TECHNOLOGIESBelarusian Energy and Environmental Protection Forum - Energy. Environment Protection. Energy Saving. Electronics. Electrotechnics. Automation |
once a year |
Football Manege Sport Complex
10/14/2025 4 days |
MOM & BABYSpecialized exhibition-forum of goods and services for mothers and childre. Pregnancy and Childbirth, goods and services for mothers, newborns and children, pre-school education & infant development, additional education of children, antenatal clinics... |
once a year |
Palace of Arts
10/23/2025 3 days |
AUTOSERVICE. MECHANICS. AUTOCOMPONENTSTransport, Autoservice Center, Diagnostics, Car Parts, Accessories. Road. Safety. Filling Station Complex |
once a year |
Football Manege Sport Complex
10/28/2025 3 days |
ROAD CONSTRUCTIONTrade show dedicated to -planning and construction of roads and engineering structures, machines and equipment for road building, repairing and maintenance, machines for digging, technical means of traffic regulation, road service... |
once a year |
10/28/2025 3 days |
WOODWORKING / BIOENERGYEquipment and Technologies for Furniture Making and Woodworking Production. WOODWORKING features Timber-harvesting machinery & equipment, Finished Wooden Articles, Wooden House Building |
once a year |
10/28/2025 4 days |
BELARUSDENTBelarusian Dental Congress & Exhibition- International Stomatology Forum |
once a year |
Belexpo - 14, Pobediteley ave.
10/29/2025 3 days |
CLEANNESS AND HYGIENECleaning of Public Establishments, Equipment for Outdoor Cleaning, Sanitary and Hygiene Products, Household Cleaning |
once a year |
Feb. 2026 (?) |
EDUCATION & CAREER MINSKEducation & Career Expo. International Specialized Exhibition of Institutions of professional and higher education. Educational services |
once a year |
Palace of Arts
Feb. 2026 (?) |
WORK WEARSÉCURITÉ AU TRAVAIL. LABOR PROTECTION and WORK WEAR are the events dealing with the topic of protective equipment, safety at workplace and industrial apparel |
once a year |
Feb. 2026 (?) |