
Trade Shows in Rimini
2025 - 2026

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Venues in Rimini

Nettuno Ristorante Bar(1) Rimini Fiera(16)
17 Trade Shows in Rimini
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
KEY ENERGYKEY - The Energy Transition Expo is the most important European event dedicated to technologies, services, integrated solutions for energy efficiency and renewable energies in Italy and the Mediterranean basin once a year Rimini Fiera 03/05/2025
3 days
ENADA PRIMAVERAENADA is the event promoted by SAPAR, Italian Association of coin-op entertainment machines, involves the whole chain of the game, and features a showcase of everything new in this sector once a year Rimini Fiera 03/18/2025
3 days
FIERAVICOLACesena International Poultry Exhibition once a year Rimini Fiera 05/07/2025
3 days
MACFRUTInternational Exhibition of Plants, Technologies and Services for the Production, Conditioning, Marketing and Transport of Fruit and Vegetables once a year Rimini Fiera 05/07/2025
3 days
EXPODENTAL MEETINGInternational Exhibitions of Equipment and Materials for Dental Surgeries and Dental Laboratories once a year Rimini Fiera 05/15/2025
3 days
AMICI DI BRUGGTrade Exhibition of Equipment and Material for Odontotherapy and Dental Technology once a year Rimini Fiera 05/16/2025
1 day
RIMINIWELLNESSRiminiWellness brings together all facets of the world of well-being: manufacturers of physical activity equipment, sports halls, training centers, professional associations, medical spas, health centers, rehabilitation, fitness, tourism... once a year Rimini Fiera 05/29/2025
4 days
RIMINI SPOSI EXPORimini Wedding Fair. You will be able to personally meet the best exhibitors on the market, to better organize your wedding, with the support of wedding professionals and specialized companies twice a year Nettuno Ristorante Bar Sept. 2025 (?)
SIA HOSPITALITY DESIGNSIA Hospitality Design is the trade fair in Italy dedicated exclusively to the hotel industry once a year Rimini Fiera 10/08/2025
3 days
SUNInternational Exhibition of Outdoor Furnishing and Equipment once a year Rimini Fiera 10/08/2025
3 days
SUN - EN PLEIN AIR - STYLEThe Italian Marketplace for Travel & Hospitality once a year Rimini Fiera 10/08/2025
3 days
TTG TRAVEL EXPERINCETTG Travel Experience Experience is the key B2B exhibition in Italy for the promotion of global tourism. For tourist offices, tour operators, travel agencies, airlines, transport companies, accommodation structures, etc. once a year Rimini Fiera 10/08/2025
3 days
ECOMONDOInternational Trade Fair on Material and Energy Recovery and Sustainable Development once a year Rimini Fiera 11/04/2025
4 days
SIGEPInternational Exhibition for Artisan Production of Ice-cream, Pastry, Confectionery and Bakery once a year Rimini Fiera 01/23/2026
5 days
BEER ATTRACTIONBeer Attraction is an international event dedicated to specialty and craft beers, technologies and ingredients once a year Rimini Fiera Feb. 2026 (?)
VENDITALIAVenditalia, the most important international event of Vending Machines in Italia, will allow all operators in the sector to connect, learn and grow in the vending sector at an international level every 2 years Rimini Fiera 05/06/2026
4 days
TECNA EXPOInternational Exhibition of Technology and Supplies for the Ceramics and Brick Industries every 2 years Rimini Fiera Sept. 2026 (?)
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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