St. Petersburg

Trade Shows in St. Petersburg
2025 - 2026

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Venues in St. Petersburg

AirportCity Plaza(1) ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Centre(42) Holiday Inn, St. Petersburg(1) Hotel Astoria St. Petersburg(1) Kirov Palace of Culture - Dvorets Kul'tury Imeni S. M. Kirova(1) Petrocongress Centre(3)
54 Trade Shows in St. Petersburg
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
NEW YEAR'S GIFT - EXPOFORUMTrade fair of Consumer Goods, Holiday and New Year's Goods once a year ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Centre 12/18/2025
4 days
JUNWEX ST.PETERSBURGInternational Exhibition of Fine Jewelry & Precious Metals Expo once a year ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Centre Feb. 2026 (?)
OMRInternational Exhibition and Conference for Shipbuilding and Equipment and Technologie. for Development of the Arctic and Continental Shelf every 2 years ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Centre Oct. 2026 (?)
HOLY RUSSIA - ST. PETERSBURGRussian Expo dedicated to Church Architecture, Construction & Restoration, Book-Printing, Church Utensils, Religion Education twice a year Kirov Palace of Culture - Dvorets Kul'tury Imeni S. M. Kirova Oct. 2027
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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