Vancouver, BC

Trade Shows in Vancouver, BC
2025 - 2026

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Venues in Vancouver, BC

BC Place Stadium(2) JW Marriott Parq Vancouver(1) Pacific National Exhibition(1) Paradox Hotel, Vancouver(2) Pinnacle Hotel Harbourfront(1) Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre(1) Vancouver Convention Centre(15)
26 Trade Shows in Vancouver, BC
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
BC BIKE SHOWWestern Canada's Ultimate Cycling Event. Explore the latest bikes and special offers from some of the best cycling brands and retailers, ride our test track, learn about the hottest cycling destinations, meet pro riders, learn from the experts... once a year Vancouver Convention Centre 03/01/2025
2 days
THE OUTDOOR ADVENTURE SHOW - VANCOUVERShow for outdoor and adventure enthusiasts. The Outdoors Show features products for Walking, hiking, mountaineering, camping, photography, canoeing, cycling, mountain biking & sailing. Great deals from retailers like new products, outdoor organisations once a year Vancouver Convention Centre 03/01/2025
2 days
B.C. HOME + GARDEN SHOWVancouver City Home & Garden Show. Innovative Products and Hundreds of Experts all Under One Roof once a year BC Place Stadium 03/13/2025
4 days
SPIE SMART STRUCTURES / NON-DESTRUCTIVE EVALUATIONSPIE Smart Structures/NDE is a leading conference on the applied technologies of advanced materials, smart sensor networks, and non-destructive evaluation tools once a year Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre 03/17/2025
4 days
THE FRANCHISE EXPO - VANCOUVERNorth America's Franchise & Business Opportunities Event. THE FRANCHISE EXPO showcases the fastest growing franchises & business opportunities with thousands of potential franchisees & business partners eager ready to invest once a year Vancouver Convention Centre 04/05/2025
2 days
HPLC CONGRESSInternational Conference and Exhibition on HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography) and Chromatography Techniques once a year ? 04/07/2025
2 days
CANADA GAS & LNG EXHIBITION AND CONFERENCEAn Event for the Entire Canadian & Global LNG Value Chain once a year Vancouver Convention Centre 05/06/2025
3 days
CANADA LNG EXPORT CONFERENCE & EXHIBITIONLiquid Natural Gas Export Conference and Exhibition in Canada once a year Vancouver Convention Centre 05/06/2025
3 days
IPW - INTERNATIONAL PULP WEEKIPW brings together the world’s leading producers of market pulp, suppliers, logistic companies, financial institutions, and their customers for a first-class informational and networking opportunity once a year Pacific National Exhibition 06/01/2025
3 days
F-CELL CANADACanada's Annual International Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Event once a year Vancouver Convention Centre 06/02/2025
3 days
ICCInternational Cartography Conference every 2 years ? 07/28/2025
5 days
SIGGRAPHSIGGRAPH conference is a five-day interdisciplinary experience for students and professionals in the fields of computer graphics and interactive technology. Widely recognized as the most prestigious forum for the publication of computer graphics research once a year Vancouver Convention Centre 08/10/2025
5 days
IDSWEST - INTERIOR DESIGN SHOW WESTInterior Design Show. Individual designers, artists, makers and design-centric brands come together in Vancouver to showcase their current works, concepts and products once a year Vancouver Convention Centre 09/25/2025
4 days
ACCESS MBA - VANCOUVERACCESS MBA is a communication campaign specifically designed to better inform prospective students of existing MBA opportunities. ACCESS MBA is a series of events organised around the world twice a year Paradox Hotel, Vancouver Oct. 2025 (?)
ZAK WORLD OF FAÇADES - CANADA - VANCOUVERZak World of Façades is an International conference series on façade design & engineering once a year Paradox Hotel, Vancouver Oct. 2025 (?)
VANCOUVER FALL HOME SHOWVancouver Home & Interior Design Show once a year Vancouver Convention Centre 10/23/2025
4 days
PHARMACY U - VANCOUVERPharmacy U is a unique conference designed to help pharmacists link dispensary, frontshop, and counseling solutions for a more successful pharmacy once a year JW Marriott Parq Vancouver Nov. 2025 (?)
BUSINESS ANALYST WORLD - VANCOUVERPractical Skills and the Latest Products to get Projects Done on-Time, on-Budget and on-Expectation. ProjectWorld * BusinessAnalystWorld offers a unique experience for attendees, bringing together experts, practitioners, certifying bodies & service once a year Pinnacle Hotel Harbourfront 11/03/2025
4 days
EDUCATION & CAREER FAIRS - VANCOUVEREducation & Career Fair. ECF's mission is to provide high school students, parents, teachers and counselors with thousands of post-secondary options from around the world once a year Vancouver Convention Centre Dec. 2025 (?)
TABOO SHOW - VANCOUVERAn upscale adult playground dedicated to enhancing lifestyles, encouraging romance, wellness and all things Taboo once a year Vancouver Convention Centre Jan. 2026 (?)
VANCOUVER INTERNATIONAL BOAT SHOWWestern Canada's largest Boat Show. At Vancouver International Boat Show, find the latest & most innovative products on the market once a year BC Place Stadium Jan. 2026 (?)
GLOBE FORUMBiennially, thousands of environmental business leaders and sustainability practitioners come in Vancouver to explore the mutually inclusive goals of corporate sustainability, business growth, energy solutions, responsible investment and urban development every 2 years Vancouver Convention Centre Feb. 2026 (?)
BUILDEX VANCOUVEREvent dedicated to Property Managers, Building Owners, Facility Managers and Operations Manager. Buildex Vancouver features Interior design and architecture, Property and real estate management, Construction and Renovation once a year Vancouver Convention Centre 02/11/2026
2 days
FANEXPO VANCOUVERInternational Comics, Sci6fi, Horror, Anime & Gaming Festival in Vancouver once a year Vancouver Convention Centre 02/14/2026
3 days
SPIE MEDICAL IMAGINGSpecialized Conference on medical imaging. SPIE Medical Imaging conference offers the latest information on digital pathology; tomography; image processing, perception, registration, informatics, and segmentation; computer-aided diagnosis; & ultrasound once a year ? 02/15/2026
5 days
BAKERY SHOWCASE - VANCOUVERBakery Trade Show and Conference. The latest baking ingredients, equipment, services, technology and baked goods. A perfect opportunity to meet qualified buyers, increase brand awareness, launch new products & services every 3 years Vancouver Convention Centre May 2026 (?)
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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