
Trade Shows in Venice
2025 - 2026

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Venues in Venice

Arsenale di Venezia(3) Centro Congressi di Venezia(1) Forte Marghera(1) Giardini di Castello(2) Lido di Venezia(1)
10 Trade Shows in Venice
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
VENEZIA COMICSVenice Festival dedicated to comics, manga, games, video games and animation once a year Forte Marghera 05/03/2025
2 days
BIENNALE DI VENEZIA - ARCHITETTURAVenice International Architecture Festival. One of the most prestigious and important exhibitions in the world, a point of reference for architecture experts and enthusiasts every 2 years Giardini di Castello 05/10/2025
198 days
BIENNALE DI VENEZIA - TEATROInternational Festival of Theatre. The programme will feature daily events with the most important protagonists ot the contemporary theatrical scene, along with the productions made in the context of the Biennale College Teatro once a year Arsenale di Venezia 05/31/2025
16 days
BIENNALE DI VENEZIA - DANZAInternational Festival of Contemporary Dance. The programme will feature daily events with soloists and international companies as well as the activities of the Biennale College Danza once a year Arsenale di Venezia 07/17/2025
17 days
MOSTRA DI VENEZIAVenice International Film Festival. The aim of the Festival is to raise awareness and promote international cinema in all its forms as art, entertainment and as an industry, in a spirit of freedom and dialogue once a year Lido di Venezia 08/27/2025
11 days
FESTIVAL INTERNAZIONALE DI MUSICA CONTEMPORANEAInternational Festival of Contemporary Music. The programme will feature several daily events with international soloists and ensembles as well as the activities of the Biennale College Musica dedicated to new projects once a year Arsenale di Venezia 10/11/2025
15 days
DIGITAL DENTISTRY SOCIETY GLOBAL CONGRESSThe world’s largest scientific event on digital dentistry will feature leading clinical experts and researchers who will discuss the most innovative digital technologies and established clinical procedures once a year ? 10/16/2025
3 days
CARNEVALE DI VENEZIAThe Venice Carnival is a traditional Italian festival dating back to the Middle Ages. Universally known for his costumes and masks, he attracts considerable crowds once a year ? Feb. 2026 (?)
BIENNALE DI VENEZIA - ARTEVenice International Art Exhibition. One of the most prestigious in the world every 2 years Giardini di Castello April 2026 (?)
INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON HIGH PRESSURE PROCESS TECHNOLOGY AND CHEMICAL ENGINEERINGInternational Symposium on High Pressure Process Technology and Chemical Engineering every 5 years Centro Congressi di Venezia Sept. 2027 (?)
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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