
Trade Shows in Wels
2025 - 2026

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Venues in Wels

Messe Wels(22)
22 Trade Shows in Wels
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
WORLD SUSTAINABLE ENERGY DAYSWorld Sustainable Energy Days, aiming no more fossil fuels. European Pellet Conference, Energy Efficiency Conference, Industrial Energy Transition, Smart E-Mobility... once a year Messe Wels 03/04/2025
4 days
WEBUILD ENERGIESPARMESSE WELSWEBUILD combines technologies and solutions for energy-efficient construction and living, comfortable and environmentally friendly heating and energy technologies. Advanced bathroom and sanitary solutions once a year Messe Wels 03/05/2025
5 days
HANDWERKAustrian trade fair for wood, metal, tools and paint. Equipment, tools, supplies. Leading craft fair in Austria once a year Messe Wels 03/19/2025
3 days
AUSTRIA COMIC CONAustria’s largest pop culture event. Anime/Manga, Authors/Drawers/Artists, Apparels/Textiles/Costumes, Board Games, Collectibles, Comics, Figures, Films/Television, Toys, Media/Magazines... once a year Messe Wels April 2025
BLÜHENDES ÖSTERREICHAustrian Garden, Holiday and Excursion Fair. The great Austrian fair for garden lovers and travel enthusiasts once a year Messe Wels 04/04/2025
3 days
URLAUB & AUSFLUGUpper Austria's most popular leisure fair. The “URLAUB & AUSFLUG” trade fair lets you discover the best travel and excursion destinations once a year Messe Wels 04/04/2025
3 days
WELSER VOLKSFESTDas große Welser Volksfest. Bier- und Weinverkostungsfest und kulinarische Spezialitäten, Musikalische Begleitung, Illuminationen, Trachtenabend, Kindernachmittag... twice a year Messe Wels 04/04/2025
3 days
ASTRAD & AUSTROKOMMUNALInternational trade fair for municipal technology, road maintenance and environmental technologies in Wels. Platform for federal governments, cities, municipalities, public companies, municipal service providers once a year Messe Wels 05/14/2025
2 days
PFERD WELSPFERD Wels is the largest annual fair for equestrian sports and breeding in Austria, a unique opportunity to learn about the latest developments in sports, breeding and equipment. Continuous demonstrations and shows once a year Messe Wels 05/29/2025
4 days
RETTERLeading Austrian trade fair for emergency organizations and public safety. Innovative products, technologies and services in the field of civil protection, crisis management and disaster relief every 2 years Messe Wels 09/18/2025
3 days
JUGEND & BERUFJugend & Beruf is Austria's largest career and training fair. Find out about everything related to apprenticeship, schools, technical schools and universities once a year Messe Wels 10/01/2025
4 days
CARAVAN SALON AUSTRIAAustrian Camping and Caravanning Fair. Technology, accessories and outdoor activities. Camping furniture, water treatment, equipment, tools, clothing and everything that makes camping so enjoyable once a year Messe Wels 10/15/2025
5 days
DIE KUCHENMESSE + KAFFEEWELT + KREATIVMESSEAustrian fair for cakes, pastries and coffee. A must-have for foodies, craft enthusiasts and coffee lovers. Receive valuable tips and tricks from renowned pastry experts and coffee specialists once a year Messe Wels 11/14/2025
3 days
BIKE FESTIVAL AUSTRIAAustria's Bike Festival. One of a trio of fairs for outdoor fans: Bicycle Festival, Fishing Festival and Archery Fair. Three fairs – 1 ticket! once a year Messe Wels 01/31/2026
2 days
BOGENSPORTMESSEAustria's Archery Fair. One of the fair trio for outdoor fans: Bike Festival, Fishing Festival, Archery Fair. Three fairs – 1 ticket ! once a year Messe Wels 01/31/2026
2 days
FISHING FESTIVALAustria's Angler's Festival. One of a trio of fairs for outdoor fans: Bicycle Festival, Fishing Festival and Archery Fair. Three fairs – 1 ticket! once a year Messe Wels 01/31/2026
2 days
FACHTAGUNG ÖSTERR. ERWERBSIMKERBUNDThe conference of the Austrian Association of Professional Beekeepers is one of the must-see events for beekeepers throughout Austria and is one of the most important beekeeping trade fairs in Europe once a year Messe Wels Feb. 2026 (?)
MOTO-AUSTTRIAAustria's leading Motorcycle and Scooter trade fair. Also, used motorcycle hall once a year Messe Wels 02/06/2026
3 days
INTERTOOL AUSTRIAAustrian International Fair for Machine Tools, Tooling and Manufacturing Technologies every 2 years Messe Wels 04/21/2026
4 days
SCHWEISSENSCHWEISSEN is Austria's innovation show and business platform for the industry and is aimed at industry, trade and SMEs alike. Joining, cutting & coating technology, testing technology, occupational safety... every 2 years Messe Wels 04/21/2026
4 days
MESSE INTEGRAAustrian trade fair for orthopedic care, rehabilitation and technologies. Also open to private visitors concerned with disability and rehabilitation every 2 years Messe Wels 06/10/2026
3 days
AGRARIA AUSTRIAAustria's leading trade fair for agriculture and forestry. The entire agrarian spectrum is represented. The focus is on new technologies, digitalization, automation, sustainability, animal welfare... every 4 years Messe Wels 11/25/2026
4 days
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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