
Defense - Armament
Trade shows in December 2024


Aerospace - Defense

Aeronautics - Space Defense - Armament
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64 Trade Shows related to Defense - Armament in December 2024
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
IFSEC INTERNATIONAL (ON LINE)Expo bringing together the entire security buying chain. At IFSEC International meet suppliers & clients, learn about the latest technology & industry trends & discover the best solutions to keep your business & clients secure once a year London (UK - United Kingdom) ExCeL 12/02/2024
3 days
AEROMART TOULOUSEInternational Business Convention for the aerospace industry. Supply chain, Procurement, Purchasing, Engineering, Fabrication, R&D... every 2 years Toulouse (France) MEETT - Parc des Expositions et Centre de Conventions 12/03/2024
3 days
SECURA NORTH AFRICAThe largest Safety & Security event in North Africa. Industrial, commercial and homeland security, work safety, firefighting, cyber security and emergency once a year Algiers (Algeria) Palais des Expositions d'Alger - Safex 12/03/2024
3 days
AMERICAN AEROSPACE & DEFENSE SUMMITConference dedicated to manufacturing and R&D in American aerospace and defense once a year Fort McDowell, AZ (USA) We-Ko-Pa Casino Resort 12/04/2024
2 days
FUTURE INTELLIGENCETrade show on innovation through data and artificial intelligence. Related industries: mobility, transport, IT, Knowledge Based Systems & Artificial Intelligence, R&D, medical, aerospace, defense, automotive once a year Toulouse (France) MEETT - Parc des Expositions et Centre de Conventions 12/05/2024
1 day
JOPLIN GUN SHOWGuns & knife show. JOPLIN GUN SHOW features handguns, shotguns, rifles, collectible guns, antique knife, personal defense weapons, hunting accessories, fishing gears, military surplus, outdoor equipment unknown Joplin, MO (USA) VFW Post 534 12/06/2024
3 days
OSHKOSH GUN SHOWArms Expo. OSHKOSH GUN SHOW features shooting rifles, shotguns, hunting knife, rifle spoke, bulletproof jackets, ear plugs, fishing accessories, holsters, outdoor survival gears and laser optics twice a year Oshkosh, WI (USA) Sunnyview Expo Center 12/06/2024
3 days
AKRON AREA GUN SHOWSelf Defense Weapons Fair. AKRON AREA GUN SHOW presents antique pistols, rifles, air guns, combat knives, gun magazines, collectible firearm, hunting gears, fishing gears, holsters, gun safes, display cases, survival training and gun parts unknown Akron, OH (USA) Summit County Fairgrounds 12/07/2024
2 days
ALLEN GUNS & KNIFE SHOWArms & Ammunition Fair. ALLEN GUNS & KNIFE SHOW features self protection weapons, shooting rifle, shotgun, reloading supplies, combat swords, collector guns, fishing tackle, bulletproof jackets, ear plugs, holsters, carbines, flashlight and hunting knive unknown Allen, TX (USA) Credit Union of Texas Event Center 12/07/2024
2 days
ASHLAND GUN SHOWGuns & knife show. ASHLAND GUN SHOW features handguns, shotguns, rifles, collectible guns, antique knife, personal defense weapons, hunting accessories, fishing gears, military surplus, outdoor equipment twice a year Ashland, KY (USA) El Hasa Shrine Temple 12/07/2024
2 days
G & S OKLAHOMA GUNS & KNIFE SHOW - ELK CITYArms and Ammunition Fair. G & S OKLAHOMA GUNS & KNIFE SHOW SHOW features rifles, handguns, shotguns, combat knives, samurai swords, cartridges, collectibles, antique coins, hunting and fishing accessories, war relics, carbines and self protection items unknown Elk City, OK (USA) Civic Center, Elk city 12/07/2024
2 days
HOWARD COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS GUN SHOWArms & Ammunition Fair. HOWARD COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS GUN SHOW features hunting knife, shooting rifle, rifle spoke, sharpening tool, outdoor equipments, reloading supplies, hunting & fishing gears, flashlight, hunting boots, ear plugs and Camouflage Related unknown Baltimore, MD (USA) Howard County Fairgrounds 12/07/2024
2 days
JACKSON GUNS & KNIFE SHOWSelf Defence Weapon Fair. JACKSON FALL GUNS & KNIFE SHOW features shooting rifles, gun parts, Knife & swords, antique guns, revolvers, holsters, laser sights, ear plugs, hunting gears, display cases, ammo, war relics, Reloading supply and equipment unknown Jackson, MS (USA) Mississippi Trademart Center 12/07/2024
2 days
KNOXVILLE GUN SHOW EXPO CENTERGuns & knife show. KNOXVILLE GUN SHOW features shooting rifles, antique swords & knives, handguns, shotguns, collectible firearm, personal defense weapons, military surplus, fishing & hunting accessories, survival gears, gun cases and safe, holsters unknown Knoxville, TN (USA) Knoxville Expo Center 12/07/2024
2 days
LAFAYETTE GUNS & KNIFE SHOWArms & Ammunition Fair. LAFAYETTE GUNS & KNIFE SHOW presents automatic firearms, combat knife & swords, shotguns, antique pistols, cartridges, fishing & hunting accessories, gun cases & safes, bullet proof jacket, ear plugs and flashlights unknown Lafayette, IN (USA) Tippecanoe County Fairgrounds 12/07/2024
2 days
LONE STAR GUNS & KNIFE SHOW - ALLENArms and Ammunition Fair. LONE STAR GUNS & KNIFE SHOW ALLEN presents shooting rifles, combat knife, collector guns, fishing tackle, antique pistol, cartridges, hunting gears, gun safe, self defense weapons, survival training and hi-tech optics unknown Allen, TX (USA) Credit Union of Texas Event Center 12/07/2024
2 days
LONE STAR GUNS & KNIFE SHOW - HUMBLEArms and Ammunition Fair. LONE STAR GUNS & KNIFE SHOW BELTON presents shooting rifles, combat knife, collector guns, fishing tackle, antique pistol, cartridges, hunting gears, gun safe, self defense weapons, survival training and hi-tech optics unknown Humble, TX (USA) Humble Civic Center 12/07/2024
2 days
MARIETTA GUN SHOWGuns & knife show. MARIETTA GUN SHOW features handguns, shotguns, shooting rifles, collectible guns, all size of knives, war relics, pistols, hunting accessories, fishing gears, military surplus, holsters, gun safes, gun cases, survival gears unknown Marietta, GA (USA) Machinists Aerospace Union Hall 12/07/2024
2 days
PADUCAH GUN SHOWGuns & knife show features shooting rifles, handguns, shotguns, collectible firearm, antique knife, personal defense weapons, fishing & hunting accessories, survival gears, military surplus, gun cases and safe unknown Paducah, KY (USA) Traders Mall Flea Market 12/07/2024
2 days
PHILADELPHIA GUN SHOWGuns & Knives show. PHILADELPHIA GUN SHOW showcases rifles, pistol, combat knives, samurai swords, cartridges, collectibles shotguns, hunting & fishing accessories, war relics, ammo, carbines, self protection items and gun parts once a year Philadelphia, MS (USA) Neshoba County Coliseum 12/07/2024
2 days
TULSA GRAND NATIONAL GUN SHOWArms & Ammunition Fair. TULSA GRAND NATIONAL GUN SHOW presents all types of firearms, combat knife, muzzle load, antique pistols, cartridges, hunting accessories, gun cases & safes, self protection weapons, outdoor survival training and hi-tech optics unknown Tulsa, OK (USA) Exchange Center - Expo Square - Tulsa Expo Center 12/07/2024
2 days
WAUKESHA EXPO GUN SHOWGuns & Knives show. WAUKESHA EXPO GUN SHOW presents automatic firearms, combat knife, militaria of war, fishing gears, antique pistols, cartridges, hunting accessories, gun cases & safes, self protection weapons and hi-tech optics unknown Milwaukee, WI (USA) Waukesha County Expo Center 12/13/2024
3 days
CLEBURNE GUNS & KNIFE SHOWArms & Weapons fair. CLEBURNE GUNS & KNIFE SHOW showcases shotguns, handguns, rifles, knives, combat swords, cartridges, carbine, holsters, collectible firearms, antique weapons, hunting accessories, fishing gears, ammo and outdoor equipments unknown Cleburne, TX (USA) Johnson County Sheriff's Posse 12/14/2024
2 days
COLUMBIA GUN & KNIFE SHOWArms and Weapons fair. COLUMBIA GUN & KNIFE SHOW IN SUMMER features rifles, shotguns, collectibles firearms, all size of knives, swords, personal defense weapons, outdoor equipment, fishing & hunting accessories, holster, gun cases & gun safe 3 times a year Columbia, SC (USA) South Carolina State Fairgrounds 12/14/2024
2 days
COLUMBIA GUN & KNIFE SHOW - 1Arms & Ammunition Fair. COLUMBIA GUN & KNIFE SHOW presents all types of firearms, combat knife & sword, Camouflage merchandise, antique pistols, cartridges, hunting accessories, self protection weapons, alarms, outdoor equipment and survival trainin unknown Columbia, SC (USA) Jamil Shrine Temple 12/14/2024
2 days
G & S ARKANSAS GUNS & KNIFE SHOW - CONWAYArms and Ammunition Fair. G & S ARKANSAS GUNS & KNIFE SHOW presents antique pistols, rifles, air guns, combat knives, gun magazines, collectible firearm, hunting gears, fishing gears, holsters, gun safes, display cases, survival training... unknown Conway, AR (USA) Conway Expo and Event Center 12/14/2024
2 days
GREENFIELD GUNS & KNIFE SHOWArms & Ammunition Fair. GREENFIELD GUNS & KNIFE SHOW presents automatic firearms, combat knife & swords, shotguns, fishing gears, antique & Classic pistols, cartridges, hunting accessories, gun cases & safes, self protection weapons and hi-tech optics unknown Indianapolis, IN (USA) Hancock County Fairgrounds 12/14/2024
2 dayspostponed !
GUNS & KNIFE SHOW TIFTONArms and Ammunition fair. GUNS & KNIFE SHOW TIFTON showcases shooting rifles, all sizes of knives, defence weapons amurai swords, shotguns, collectible firearms, hunting & fishing accessories, Militaria of War, ammo, carbines, cartridges and holster unknown Tifton, GA (USA) Tift County Fairgrounds 12/14/2024
2 days
HOPKINSVILLE GUN SHOWGuns & knife show features personal defense weapons, war relics, rifles, pistol, collectible firearm, antique knife, fishing & hunting accessories, survival gears, military surplus, holsters, samurai swords unknown Hopkinsville, KY (USA) Western Kentucky State Fairgrounds 12/14/2024
2 days
KENNER GUNS & KNIFE SHOWArms & Ammunition Fair. KENNER SUMMER GUNS & KNIFE SHOW features hunting knife, shooting rifle, rifle spoke, sharpening tool, outdoor equipment, reloading supplies, hunting & fishing gears, holsters, Flashlight, hunting boots and Camouflage Related item unknown New Orleans, LA (USA) Pontchatrain Convention & Civic Center 12/14/2024
2 days
LEBANON GUN SHOW TENNESSEEGuns & knife show. LEBANON GUN SHOW features handguns, shotguns, shooting rifles, collectible guns, all size of knives, war relics, pistols, hunting accessories, fishing gears, military surplus, holsters, gun safes, gun cases, survival gears unknown Lebanon, TN (USA) Farm Bureau Expo Center 12/14/2024
2 days
LONE STAR GUNS & KNIFE SHOW - FORT WORTHSelf Defense Weapons Fair. LONE STAR GUNS & KNIFE SHOW FORT WORTH showcases firearms, custom knife & swords, rifle, airguns, rifle spoke, holster, Camouflage items, sharpening tool, Militaria of Wars, survival gears, hunting and fishing accesories unknown Fort Worth, TX (USA) Will Rogers Memorial Center 12/14/2024
2 days
ORIGINAL FORT WORTH GUN SHOWArms & Ammunition Fair. ORIGINAL FORT WORTH GUN SHOW SUMMER features self protection weapons, shooting rifle, shotguns, reloading supplies, combat swords, bulletproof jackets, ear plugs, holsters, carbines, laser sights and hunting knives unknown Fort Worth, TX (USA) Will Rogers Memorial Center 12/14/2024
2 days
RALEIGH GUN & KNIFE SHOWArms and Ammunition Fair showcases antique pistols, hunting rifles, combat knives and swords, cartridges, coins & collectible, hunting accessories, fishing gears, holsters, gun safes & cases, outdoor survival training unknown Raleigh, NC (USA) NC State Fairgrounds 12/14/2024
2 days
SAXET GUNS & KNIFE SHOW CORPUS CHRISTIArms and Ammunition fair. SAXET SPRING GUNS & KNIFE SHOW CORPUS CHRISTI showcases handguns, rifles, shotguns, collectibles firearms, pistols, antique swords, all size of knives, outdoor equipment, fishing & hunting accessories, holster, gun cases & safe unknown Corpus Christi, TX (USA) Richard M. Borchard Regional Fairgrounds 12/14/2024
2 days
SPRINGFIELD GUN SHOWGuns & knife show. SPRINGFIELD GUN SHOW features personal defense weapons, war relics, rifles, handgun, shotgun, pistol, collectible firearm, antique knife, fishing & hunting accessories, survival gears, military surplus, holsters, gun cases and gun safe unknown Springfield, MO (USA) Ozark Empire Fairgrounds & Event Center 12/14/2024
2 days
STRAIGHT SHOOTERS GUN SHOW MADISONArms & Ammunition Fair. STRAIGHT SHOOTERS GUN SHOW MADISON, IN showcases antique pistols, hunting rifles, combat knives and swords, cartridges, coins & collectible, hunting accessories, fishing gears, holsters, gun safes & cases, survival training unknown Madison, IN (USA) National Guard Armory, Madison, IN 12/14/2024
2 days
WILMINGTON GUNS & KNIFE SHOWWeapon Fair. WILMINGTON GUNS & KNIFE SHOW showcases combat knives, swords, hunting rifle, shotguns, antique pistols, gun magazine, display cases, holsters, Indian artifacts, war relics, outdoor equipment, ammo, laser sight and gun parts unknown Wilmington, NC (USA) National Guard Armory, Wilmington 12/14/2024
2 days
VIETNAM INTERNATIONAL DEFENCE EXPODefense Industry Meeting Place in Vietnam. Viet Nam Defence Expo's primary objective is to disseminate achievements, research insights, as well as advancements in the production and deployment of weapons and equipment every 2 years Hanoi (Vietnam) Gia Lam Airport 12/19/2024
4 days
GUN & KNIFE SHOW FRIDLEYSelf-defense weapon fair. GUN & KNIFE SHOW FRIDLEY presents antique pistols, rifles, air guns, combat knives, gun magazines, rifle spoke, hunting gears, sharpening tools, holsters, gun safes, display cases, survival training and gun parts unknown Fridley, MN (USA) Banquets of Minnesota 12/20/2024
2 days
ATLANTA GUN SHOWGuns & knife show. ATLANTA GUN SHOW features handguns, shotguns, rifles, collectible guns, antique knife, personal defense weapons, hunting accessories, fishing gears, military surplus, outdoor equipment unknown Atlanta, GA (USA) Atlanta Exposition Center 12/21/2024
2 days
CROWN POINT GUNS & KNIFE SHOWWeapon Fair. CROWN POINT GUNS & KNIFE SHOW features hunting knife, rifle, rifle spoke, sharpening tool, outdoor equipments, reloading supplies, hunting & fishing gears, laser sights, hunting boots, bulletproof jacket and Camouflage Related item unknown Crown Point, IN (USA) Lake County Fairgrounds 12/21/2024
2 days
DAYTON GUN & KNIFE SHOWArms and Ammunition Fair showcases antique pistols, hunting rifles, combat knives and swords, cartridges, coins & collectible, hunting accessories, fishing gears, holsters, gun safes & cases, outdoor survival training unknown Dayton, OH (USA) Montgomery County Event Center 12/21/2024
2 days
FLORIDA GUN & KNIFE SHOW WEST PALM BEACHArms & Ammunition fair. FLORIDA GUN & KNIFE SHOW IN WEST PALM BEACH presents all types of firearms, combat knives & swords, fishing gears, antique pistols, cartridges, hunting accessories, gun cases & safes, self protection weapons and permit course unknown Palm Beach, FL (USA) South Florida Fair & Expo Center 12/21/2024
2 days
G & S OKLAHOMA GUNS & KNIFE SHOW - SHAWNEEArms and Ammunition Fair. G & S OKLAHOMA GUNS & KNIFE SHOW presents antique pistols, rifles, air guns, combat knives, gun magazines, collectible firearm, hunting & fishing gears, holsters, gun safes, display cases, survival training and gun parts 3 times a year Oklahoma City, OK (USA) Expo Center Shawnee - Heart of Oklahoma Exposition Center 12/21/2024
2 days
GREENVILLE GUN & KNIFE SHOWArms & Ammunition Fair. GREENVILLE WINTER GUN & KNIFE SHOW presents all types of firearms, combat knife & sword, airguns, Camouflage merchandise, antique pistol, cartridges, hunting accessories, self protection weapons, alarms, outdoor equipment unknown Greenville, SC (USA) Greenville, SC Convention Center 12/21/2024
2 days
GUNS & KNIFE SHOW WAYNESVILLEArms and Ammunition fair. GUNS & KNIFE SHOW WAYNESVILLE showcases shooting rifles, all sizes of knives, defence weapons amurai swords, shotguns, collectible firearms, hunting & fishing accessories, Militaria of War, ammo, carbines, cartridges and holster unknown Asheville, NC (USA) Haywood County Fairgrounds 12/21/2024
2 days
KANSAS CITY GUN SHOWGuns & knife show. KANSAS CITY GUN SHOW features shooting rifles, antique swords & knives, handguns, shotguns, collectible firearm, personal defense weapons, military surplus, fishing & hunting accessories, survival gears, gun cases and safe, holsters unknown Kansas City, MO (USA) KCI Expo Center 12/21/2024
2 days
MESQUITE RODEO GUNS & KNIFE SHOWArms & Ammunition Fair. MESQUITE RODEO GUNS & KNIFE SHOW presents self-defense weapons, antique pistols, Colt, all size of knives, Sig Sauer, muzzle load, bulletproof jacket, carbines, hi-tech optics, survival training & hunting gears unknown Dallas, TX (USA) Mesquite Convention Center 12/21/2024
2 days
SALEM GUN & KNIFE SHOWArms and Ammunition Fair. SALEM WINTER GUN & KNIFE SHOW features rifles, handguns, shotguns, combat knives and swords, cartridges, pistols, antique coins, Hunting & Fishing accessories, survival gears, carbines and self protection items 6 times a year Salem, VA (USA) Salem Civic Center 12/21/2024
2 days
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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