Arboriculture - Horticulture
Trade shows in July 2026


Agriculture - Food Processing

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16 Trade Shows related to Arboriculture - Horticulture in July 2026
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
AGRI INTEXInternational Agricultural Trade exhibition. AGRI INTEX wishes to introduce contemporary agriculture, horticulture, dairy farming and food processing technologies along with their best practices once a year Coimbatore (India) Codissia Trade Fair Complex July 2026 (?)
AGRICULTURAL FILM NORTH AMERICAForum for maximising crop yields with an effective use of silage, mulch and greenhouse films to feed the growing global population once a year ? (USA) July 2026 (?)
FIERA DI L'ALIVUOlive and Olive Oil Fair in Corsica. "A FIERA DI L'ALIVU" works for rural development, promoting scientific achievements and new economic technologies. For the recovery and preservation of Corsican olive-growing landscapes once a year Montegrosso (France) July 2026 (?)
FOIRE DE LIBRAMONTThe Libramont agricultural, forestry and agri-food fair is a huge outdoor exhibition that offers a showcase for the rural world in all its many shapes and forms (machinery, livestock breeding, forestry, the agrifood industry, horticulture, study, R&D...) once a year Libramont-Chevigny (Belgium) Libramont Exhibition & Congress - LEC July 2026 (?)
HAMPTON COURT PALACE FLOWER SHOWInternational Flower Show. Hampton Court Palace Garden Festival promises amazing garden designs, gorgeous floral displays and exclusive shopping once a year Molesey (UK - United Kingdom) Hampton Court Palace July 2026 (?)
HORTITECH INDONESIAIndonesia International Horticultural and Floricultural Technology Exhibition once a year Jakarta (Indonesia) Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo) July 2026 (?)
INAGRICHEMIndonesia Agricultural Chemicals, Fertilizers and Pesticides Exhibition once a year Jakarta (Indonesia) Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo) July 2026 (?)
INAGRITECHInternational Agriculture Equipment, Machinery, Technology and Services Exhibition in Indonesia once a year Jakarta (Indonesia) Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo) July 2026 (?)
LEBENSART MESSE - ASCHERSLEBENGarden, Home and Lifestyle Fair. In addition to seasonal products from the world of gardens and plants, new ideas from the living and furnishing sector as well as selected exhibits from fashion, jewelry and accessories ensure a harmonious ambience once a year Aschersleben (Germany) Stadtpark July 2026 (?)
LEBENSART MESSE - BROOKGarden, Home and Lifestyle Fair. In addition to seasonal products from the world of gardens and plants, new ideas from the living and furnishing sector as well as selected exhibits from fashion, jewelry and accessories ensure a harmonious ambience once a year Kalkhorst (Germany) Gutsgelände July 2026 (?)
LEBENSART MESSE - KLÜTZGarden, Home and Lifestyle Fair. In addition to seasonal products from the world of gardens and plants, new ideas from the living and furnishing sector as well as selected exhibits from fashion, jewelry and accessories ensure a harmonious ambience once a year Klütz (Germany) Schloss Bothmer July 2026 (?)
LEBENSART MESSE - PUTBUSGarden, Home and Lifestyle Fair. In addition to seasonal products from the world of gardens and plants, new ideas from the living and furnishing sector as well as selected exhibits from fashion, jewelry and accessories ensure a harmonious ambience once a year Putbus (Germany) Schlosspark Putbus July 2026 (?)
MELON EN FÊTEDuring the Melon Féria in Cavaillon, the melon capital, books, paintings, archives, recipes, everything related to melon is present for two days through large banquets, tastings, tourist circuits, exhibitions once a year Cavaillon (France) July 2026 (?)
PARKER COUNTY PEACH FESTIVALCelebrating National Peach Month in Weatherford. Parker County Peach Festival takes place in every second saturday of July that features fresh peachs, variety of food products, peach memento, soft toys, show pieces, live music and peach paddle bike ride once a year Weatherford, TX (USA) July 2026 (?)
RHS FLOWER SHOW AT TATTON PARKRHS Flower Show Tatton Park is a day out for all the family, with unique gardens, talks and tips, children’s activities, floral installations, markets, stalls and lots of tasty food and drink to enjoy once a year Knutsford (UK - United Kingdom) Tatton Park July 2026 (?)
WELD COUNTY FAIRWeld County Fair gives the youth and adults of Weld County an opportunity to exhibit their skills in a wide variety of areas including agriculture, livestock, natural resources, engineering, consumer & family, fine arts, horticulture & family living once a year Greeley, CO (USA) Weld County Fairgrounds, Greeley July 2026 (?)
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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