ART & CRAFT FAIR - FARGO, NDHand Made items you will see at "ART & CRAFT FAIR" are handcrafted wood furniture & decorative pieces, photography, pottery, jewelry, variety of floral arrangements, creative clothing pieces for all ages, hand woven rugs, home sewn quilts... |
once a year |
Fargo, ND (USA)
10/17/2025 2 days |
GUSTAVAustrian designers, creators and craftsmen fair. Decoration, interior textiles, kitchen and bathroom design, fashion, jewelry... |
once a year |
Dornbirn (Austria)
Dornbirner Messe
10/17/2025 3 days |
GRAND SALON DU MARIAGE - ANNECYWedding Fair of Annecy. Fashion shows of bridal dresses and costumes, aesthetic advice, festive meals, entertainment, prestigious vehicles, honeymoons, organization of ceremonies, photographers, jewelry... |
once a year |
Annecy (France)
Arcadium d'Annecy
10/18/2025 2 days |
KOSMIMAInternational Exhibition for Jewelry - Clocks & Watches - Precious Stones - Machinery and Equipment |
once a year |
Thessaloniki (Greece)
Thessaloniki International Exhibition Centre
10/18/2025 3 days |
MINÉRALEXPO - CHAMBÉRYMinerals, Fossils, Crystals & Well-Being, Designer Jewelry and Gems Fair + Dinosaurs Exhibition |
once a year |
Chambery (France)
Savoiexpo - Parc des expositions de Chambery
10/18/2025 2 days |
SALON DU MARIAGE D'ARLONThe Arlon Wedding Fair offers, for a weekend, the possibility for all its visitors to find everything they are looking for for their wedding in one and the same place |
once a year |
Arlon (Belgium)
Hall Polyvalent Arlon
10/18/2025 2 days |
SPOSI A BOLOGNABologna Wedding Fair. Ateliers, tailors, men's suits, photographic studios, wedding favors, travel agencies, locations, jewelers, florists, car rentals... |
twice a year |
Bologna (Italy)
Bologna Exhibition Centre
10/18/2025 2 days |
TRAUDICH MÜNCHENWedding Fair in Munich. Live music, delicious cuisine, practical workshops... prepare your wedding in the best possible way! Meet all types of service providers: wedding dresses and formal wear, bridal party venues, wedding rings... |
once a year |
Munich (Germany)
MTC World of Fashion
10/18/2025 2 days |
MINERALIENTAGE MÜNCHENInternational Sales Exhibition (BÖRSE) and German Geological Trade Fair (GEOFA) for Minerals, Fossils, Crystals, Precious Stones |
once a year |
Munich (Germany)
Fairground Messe München
10/23/2025 4 days |
NEW YORK CITY JEWELRY & WATCH SHOWAt the The New York City Jewelry & Watch Show, enjoy the finest jewelry from a worldwide selection of jewelers presenting incomparable collections of antique, modern and contemporary jewelry and watches |
once a year |
New York, NY (USA)
Metropolitan Pavilion
10/23/2025 4 days |
DE BODAValladolid Wedding Fair. An ideal event for anyone planning their wedding. In one place Discover the latest news, trends and proposals for weddings, baptisms and communions |
once a year |
Valladolid (Spain)
Feria de Valladolid
10/25/2025 2 days |
SPOSI A TREVISOTreviso Wedding Fair Ateliers, tailors, men's suits, photographic studios, wedding favors, travel agencies, locations, jewelers, florists, car rentals… |
twice a year |
Treviso (Italy)
Villa Braida – Mogliano Veneto
10/25/2025 2 days |
SPOSI A VICENZAVicenza Wedding Show Ateliers, tailors, men's suits, photographic studios, wedding favors, travel agencies, locations, jewelers, florists, car rentals… |
once a year |
Vicenza (Italy)
Villa Curti, Sovizzo
10/25/2025 2 days |
TRAUDICH KÖLNWedding Fair in Cologne. Live music, delicious cuisine, practical workshops... prepare your wedding in the best possible way! Meet all types of service providers: wedding dresses and formal wear, bridal party venues, wedding rings... |
once a year |
Cologne (Germany)
10/25/2025 2 days |
JA NEW YORKFinest Jewelry Designers and Manufacturers Show. JA New York helps jewelry professionals to keep competitive in the jewelry retail marketplace |
twice a year |
New York, NY (USA)
Jacob K. Javits Convention Center
10/26/2025 3 days |
SALON DU MARIAGE D'ANVERSThe Antwerp Wedding Fair offers, for a weekend, the possibility for all its visitors to find everything they are looking for for their wedding in one and the same place |
once a year |
Antwerp (Belgium)
Bouwcentrum Antwerpen - Antwerp Expo
10/26/2025 1 day |
SALON DU MARIAGE - STRASBOURGWedding Fair of Strasbourg. Fashion shows of bridal dresses and costumes, aesthetic advice, festive meals, entertainment, prestigious vehicles, honeymoons, organization of ceremonies, photographers, jewelry... |
once a year |
Strasbourg (France)
Parc des expositions de Strasbourg
10/27/2025 2 days |
IJT AUTUMN - INTERNATIONAL JEWELLERY AUTUMNJapan International Jewelry Trade Expo. All kinds of jewellery, diamonds, gemstones, pearls, accessories, jewellery-related products, watches... |
once a year |
Yokohama (Japan)
Pacifico Yokohama
10/29/2025 3 days |