Handicraft Products
Trade shows in October 2026


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40 Trade Shows related to Handicraft Products in October 2026
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
ABILMENTE MILANODo-it-Yourself Exhibition. Abilmente, Milano - the International Expo-Atelier dedicated to Creative Crafting is for all enthusiasts looking to discover the very latest products and trends in the hobby and DIY crafting world twice a year Milan (Italy) Superstudio Group Oct. 2026 (?)
ABILMENTE VICENZA PRIMAVERA / AUTUNNODo-it-Yourself Exhibition. Abilmente, Vicenza - the International Expo-Atelier dedicated to Creative Crafting is for all enthusiasts looking to discover the very latest products and trends in the hobby and DIY crafting world twice a year Vicenza (Italy) Fiera di Vicenza Oct. 2026 (?)
AMERICAN DREAMAmerican Lifestyle Expo. There is a stainless myth that resists the passage of time: the American Dream, with all its variations in clothing, collecting, food and the most curious vehicles once a year Padua (Italy) PadovaFiere Oct. 2026 (?)
ART & CRAFT FAIR - FARGO, NDHand Made items you will see at "ART & CRAFT FAIR" are handcrafted wood furniture & decorative pieces, photography, pottery, jewelry, variety of floral arrangements, creative clothing pieces for all ages, hand woven rugs, home sewn quilts... once a year Fargo, ND (USA) Fargodome Oct. 2026 (?)
BIENNALE DE SCULPTURE ANIMALIÈRE DE RAMBOUILLETBiennial Animal Sculpture Expo in Rambouillet. International Animal Sculpture Contest every 2 years Rambouillet (France) Salle R. Patenôtre Oct. 2026 (?)
CHINA YIWU COMMODITIES (STANDARDS) FAIRChina Yiwu International Commodities Fair. One of the most influential & effective fairs for daily consumer goods in China once a year Yiwu (China) Yiwu International Expo Center Oct. 2026 (?)
CRAFT & QUILT FAIR - BRISBANEAustralia's Craft & Quilt Fair. The Brisbane's Craft & Quilt Fair features displays of handmade crafts and workshops so you can learn something new and retail stands selling unique craft supplies once a year Brisbane (Australia) Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre Oct. 2026 (?)
ESPRIT MAISON ESPRIT JARDINHome and decoration fair. Housing, exterior design, renovation, real estate, furnishing, decoration, design, craftsmen... once a year Rennes (France) Parc-Expo de Rennes-Aéroport Oct. 2026 (?)
FERIA GENERAL ZARAGOZAZaragoza General Trade Fair. Food, Fashion and Accessories, Furniture and Decoration, Crafts, Sports Activities... once a year Zaragoza (Spain) Feria de Zaragoza Oct. 2026 (?)
FESTIVAL GASTRONÓMICO INTERNACIONAL DE COCHABAMBAInternational Gastronomic Festival of Cochabamba. A gastronomic journey, from the flavors of origin, passing through the cuisine of our ancestors as a legacy of an ancient culture, heritage and cultural fusion, up to the current contemporary cuisine once a year Cochabamba (Bolivia) Recinto Ferial de Alalay Oct. 2026 (?)
FÊTE DES VENDANGES DE MONTMARTRESince 1934, the Fête des vendanges de Montmartre has been celebrating the arrival of Clos Montmartre vintages every second weekend in October. On the program: tastings, walks and entertainment once a year Paris (France) Quartier de Montmartre Oct. 2026 (?)
FÊTE DES VINS ET BAPTÈME DU MILLÉSIME CHABLISProfessionals and the general public gather in Chablis to celebrate its new vintage. On the program: tastings of all the appellations and different vintages, local gastronomy stands, concert, brotherhood parade, inductions... once a year Chablis (France) Oct. 2026 (?)
FÊTE DU PIMENT D'ESPELETTEThe Espelette Pepper Festival is renowned well beyond the Basque Country. Pepper production is in the spotlight: its culture, its history, its strength, its label... you will know everything about Espelette Pepper once a year Espelette (France) Oct. 2026 (?)
FÊTE DU VIN BOURRUThe unmissable live grape pressing and the chance to taste the “vin bourru” of the year: grape juice freshly pressed in front of the public. Some thirty producers will be showcasing their unique skills & quality products once a year Nuits-Saint-Georges (France) Halles de Nuits Oct. 2026 (?)
FOIRE DU JURAFair of Jura. Meeting of craftsmen and industrialists from all over Switzerland once a year Delémont (Switzerland) Le Comptoir Delémontain Oct. 2026 (?)
FOIRE INTERNATIONALE DE MONTPELLIERThe Montpellier International Fair is a huge commercial showcase based around several worlds. The opportunity to find products that you sometimes can't find anywhere else once a year Montpellier (France) Montpellier - Parc des Expositions Oct. 2026 (?)
FOIRE TEILLOUSE - GRANDE FOIRE AUX MARRONSThe centuries-old Teillouse fair, a large chestnut fair on the 4th Saturday of October, has become the occasion for large festive gatherings which make October the Month of the Chestnut in Pays de Redon (Brittany) once a year Redon (France) Oct. 2026 (?)
GRASSIMESSEGRASSIMESSE is an international meeting place for design enthusiasts and lovers of beautiful things. Contemporary artists, craftsmen and designers can be discovered and all art objects and products can also be purchased once a year Leipzig (Germany) GRASSI Museum für Angewandte Kunst Oct. 2026 (?)
GUSTAVAustrian designers, creators and craftsmen fair. Decoration, interior textiles, kitchen and bathroom design, fashion, jewelry... once a year Dornbirn (Austria) Dornbirner Messe Oct. 2026 (?)
HARVEST FESTIVAL - ORIGINAL ART & CRAFT - DEL MAROriginal Art & Craft Show. Each Harvest Festival features hundreds of artisans exhibiting American handmade items including beautiful jewelry, clothing, specialty foods, photography, original art, hand-turned wood, music, ceramics, etc once a year Del Mar, CA (USA) Del Mar Fairgrounds Oct. 2026 (?)
HARVEST FESTIVAL - ORIGINAL ART & CRAFT - PLEASANTONOriginal Art & Craft Show. Each Harvest Festival features hundreds of artisans exhibiting American handmade items including beautiful jewelry, clothing, specialty foods, photography, original art, hand-turned wood, music, ceramics, etc once a year Pleasanton, CA (USA) Alameda County Fairgrounds Oct. 2026 (?)
HARVEST FESTIVAL - ORIGINAL ART & CRAFT - VENTURAOriginal Art & Craft Show. Each Harvest Festival features hundreds of artisans exhibiting American handmade items including beautiful jewelry, clothing, specialty foods, photography, original art, hand-turned wood, music, ceramics... once a year Ventura, CA (USA) Ventura County Fairgrounds Oct. 2026 (?)
IITE - ISFAHAN INTERNATIONAL TOURISM & HANDICRAFTS EXHIBITIONIsfahan International Tourism & Handicrats Exhibition once a year Isfahan (Iran) Isfahan International Exhibition Fairground Oct. 2026 (?)
KREATIV HAMBURG!Big sales event for the creative craft. Anyone who likes to do handicrafts, knits, sews, embroiders, designs jewelery, is on the Kreativ Hamburg once a year Hamburg (Germany) MesseHalle Hamburg-Schnelsen Oct. 2026 (?)
LES ARTISANALES DE CHARTRESNational Craft Fair. Les Artisanales de Chartres will introduce you to building craftsmen, the flavors of French territory, the automotive / exceptional vehicle trades, furniture, fashion and decoration professionals once a year Chartres (France) Parc des Expositions Chartrexpo Oct. 2026 (?)
MINÉRALEXPO - CHAMBÉRYMinerals, Fossils, Crystals & Well-Being, Designer Jewelry and Gems Fair + Dinosaurs Exhibition once a year Chambery (France) Savoiexpo - Parc des expositions de Chambery Oct. 2026 (?)
MOSTRA MERCATO DELL’ARTIGIANATOItalian Quality Handicraft Fair. 'Mostra Artigianato' focuses on the value of craftsmanship. To know and appreciate the artisan productions on display, access our social networks! once a year Erba (Italy) Lario Fiere Oct. 2026 (?)
PANAMA CITY BEACH GIFT SHOWThe Panama City Beach Gift Show is the nation's top beach, souvenir and resort show, custom-tailored to the buying interests of the Gulf Coast once a year Panama City , FL (USA) Boardwalk Beach Resort Oct. 2026 (?)
SHENZHEN INTERNATIONAL GIFT AND HOME FAIR - AUTUMNChina (Shenzhen) International Gifts, Handicrafts, Watches & Houseware Fair. Over 5, 000 exhibitors with more than 1, 000, 000 premium brand gift and homeware products are expected on-site once a year Shenzhen (China) Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center Oct. 2026 (?)
SIAOOuagadougou International Arts and Crafts Fair every 2 years Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) Site du SIAO Oct. 2026 (?)
STAMP & SCRAPBOOK EXPO ONTARIOArt & Craft fair in Ontario, C. STAMP & SCRAPBOOK EXPO ONTARIO features craft show, craft shopping, paper craft, clay modelling, abstract arts, Art & Craft workshop, craft tools, creative ideas and crafts for kids once a year ? (USA) Oct. 2026 (?)
STAMP & SCRAPBOOK EXPO SACRAMENTOArt & Craft fair in Sacramento, CA. STAMP & SCRAPBOOK EXPO SACRAMENTO features craft show, craft shopping, paper craft, clay modelling, abstract arts, Art & Craft workshop, craft tools, creative ideas and crafts for kids once a year Sacramento, CA (USA) Sacramento Convention Center Oct. 2026 (?)
TENDANCES CRÉATIVES - TOULOUSEHandicrafts and and do-it-yourself Exhibition. Sewing, home-deco, fabrics, patterns, leather, DIY accessories, customization, kits, haberdashery, beads, knitting, crochet, wool, sewing machines, embroidery, thread art, beads, scrapbooking, patchwork... once a year Toulouse (France) MEETT - Parc des Expositions et Centre de Conventions Oct. 2026 (?)
THE KNITTING & STITCHING SHOW - LONDONThe Knitting and Stitching Shows are the definitive and best exhibitions for lovers of textiles in the UK and Ireland once a year London (UK - United Kingdom) Alexandra Palace Oct. 2026 (?)
TRADE EXPO INDONESIATRADE EXPO INDONESIA is an international B2B-focused tradeshow that is designed to boost export product growth and export market expansion once a year Jakarta (Indonesia) ICE - Indonesian Convention Exhibition Oct. 2026 (?)
TUTTINFIERAHobby and leisure time fair. A continuous and varied show, dedicated to an audience of enthusiasts of all ages. The opportunity to have fun while buying handcrafted products, souvenirs, rarities and unique pieces often impossible to find elsewhere... once a year Padua (Italy) PadovaFiere Oct. 2026 (?)
WINTERFAIR HARDENGERGHardenberg Winter Fair. Shopping, fashion, home accessories, beauty, jewelry, gastronomy, cooking and baking demonstrations, creative hobbies... once a year Hardenberg (Netherlands) Evenementenhal Hardenberg Oct. 2026 (?)
WINTERZAUBER - HERRENHÄUSENPre-Christmas market at Herrenhäusen Castle. Mulled wine, biscuits, handicrafts, Christmas decorations, beautiful things for a cozy home and countless gift ideas once a year Hannover (Germany) Herrenhäuser Gärten Oct. 2026 (?)
WINTERZAUBER - LAUBACHPre-Christmas market at Laubach Castle. Mulled wine, biscuits, handicrafts, Christmas decorations, beautiful things for a cozy home and countless gift ideas once a year Laubach (Germany) Schloss Laubach Oct. 2026 (?)
WRAPFESTThe dedicated show for vinyl installation and vehicle wrapping professionals. Experience the ultimate display of innovation, technology and demo's for the Vehicle Wrapping, PPF, Window Tint and Detailing community once a year Towcester (UK - United Kingdom) Silverstone Circuit Oct. 2026 (?)
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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