Religious Life & Fittings
Trade shows in September 2025


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13 Trade Shows related to Religious Life & Fittings in September 2025
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
BRIDAL ASIA - NEW DELHIWedding Show. Bridal Asia brings to you a first-of-its kind exhibition with a handpicked collection of bridal couture, jewellery & accessories twice a year New Delhi (India) Ashok Convention Center - The Ashok Hotel Sept. 2025 (?)
FANO SPOSI EXPOFano Wedding Fair. You will be able to personally meet the best exhibitors on the market, to better organize your wedding, with the support of wedding professionals and specialized companies once a year Fano (Italy) Malatesta Fortress Sept. 2025 (?)
FORLI SPOSI EXPOForli Wedding Fair. You will be able to personally meet the best exhibitors on the market, to better organize your wedding, with the support of wedding professionals and specialized companies twice a year Forli (Italy) Fiera di Forlė Sept. 2025 (?)
HOLY RUSSIA - IRKUTSKChurch Architecture, Construction & Restoration, Book-Printing, Church Utensils, Religion Education once a year Irkutsk (Russia) Sibexpocentre Sept. 2025 (?)
L'AQUILA SPOSI EXPOL'Aquila Wedding Fair. You will be able to personally meet the best exhibitors on the market, to better organize your wedding, with the support of wedding professionals and specialized companies once a year L'Aquila (Italy) Palazzo Palitti Sept. 2025 (?)
MONZA SPOSIMonza Wedding Fair. Ateliers, tailors, men's suits, photographic studios, wedding favors, travel agencies, locations, jewelers, florists, car rentals... twice a year Monza (Italy) Arena di Monza Sept. 2025 (?)
RAVENNA SPOSI EXPORavenna Wedding Fair. You will be able to personally meet the best exhibitors on the market, to better organize your wedding, with the support of wedding professionals and specialized companies once a year Ravenna (Italy) Palazzo Rasponi dalle Teste Sept. 2025 (?)
RIMINI SPOSI EXPORimini Wedding Fair. You will be able to personally meet the best exhibitors on the market, to better organize your wedding, with the support of wedding professionals and specialized companies twice a year Rimini (Italy) Blu Suite Resort, Rimini Sept. 2025 (?)
SALON DU MARIAGE - NANCYWedding Fair of Nancy. Fashion shows of bridal dresses and costumes, aesthetic advice, festive meals, entertainment, prestigious vehicles, honeymoons, organization of ceremonies, photographers, jewelry... once a year Nancy (France) Parc des Expositions de Nancy Sept. 2025 (?)
SPOSI A FORLĖWedding Fair. Ateliers, tailors, men's suits, photographic studios, wedding favors, travel agencies, locations, jewelers, florists, car rentals… twice a year Forli (Italy) Fiera di Forlė Sept. 2025 (?)
SPOSI A PADOVAPadua Wedding Fair. Ateliers, tailors, men's suits, photographic studios, wedding favors, travel agencies, locations, jewelers, florists, car rentals… twice a year Padua (Italy) PadovaFiere Sept. 2025 (?)
SPOSI A SAVONASavona Wedding Fair. Ateliers, tailors, men's suits, photographic studios, wedding favors, travel agencies, locations, jewelers, florists, car rentals... once a year Savona (Italy) Villa Cambiaso Sept. 2025 (?)
SPOSI A TRENTOTrento Wedding Fair. Ateliers, tailors, men's suits, photographic studios, wedding favors, travel agencies, locations, jewelers, florists, car rentals... once a year ? (Italy) Sept. 2025 (?)
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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