Consumer Goods
Trade Shows in May 2026


Consumer Goods

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21 Trade Shows related to Consumer Goods
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
WOW - WORLD OF WIPESConference dedicated to Wipes. Attend WOW & network with key companies. Topics such as: community & healthare acquired infections, trends around the world, consumer insights for new packaging solutions, innovative raw materials & additives, airlaid wipes once a year Indianapolis, IN (USA) Hyatt Regency Indianapolis 05/18/2026
4 days
APAS SHOWCongress and trade fair for supermarkets. Food, Beverages, Beauty, Health, Hygiene, Groceries, Perishables, Frozen, Dairy, Pet Stores, Supplies and Packaging, Automation and Technology, Services... once a year São Paulo (Brazil) Expo Center Norte May 2026 (?)
FIERA DI SAN CIRIACOAncona Trade Fair. Craft market, local food and products, many activities... once a year Ancona (Italy) May 2026 (?)
FIM - FOIRE INTERNATIONALE DE MADAGASCARMadagascar International Fair. Industry, Transport, Digital, Tourism, Environment, Culture once a year Antananarivo (Madagascar) Forello Expo May 2026 (?)
FOIRE COMTOISE BESANÇONTrade Fair of Besançon. The 'Foire Comtoise' is… 9 days of activities, exchanges, discoveries, sharing, demonstrations, meetings and tastings! once a year Besancon (France) Parc des expositions de Besançon - Micropolis May 2026 (?)
FOIRE D'AGENAgen Fair. - Housing (houses, construction, landscaping, swimming pools and spa)
- Renewable Energies
- Decoration, Furnishing
- Automobile, Motorcycle, Soft mobility, Motorhome, Leisure vehicle
- Gourmet products
- Services...
once a year Agen (France) Parc des expositions d'Agen May 2026 (?)
FOIRE DE MULHOUSEMulhouse International Fair. On the program, 9 days of entertainment and good humor once a year Mulhouse (France) Mulhouse - Parc des Expositions May 2026 (?)
FOIRE DE TOURSFair of Tours. Used cars, gardens, household furniture and equipment, gastronomy... once a year Tours (France) Parc des expositions de Tours May 2026 (?)
FOIRE INTERNATIONALE DE BORDEAUXBordeaux International Fair. A crossroads of trends and novelties, the largest socio-economic gathering in New Aquitaine welcomes over 200, 000 m2, 1, 200 experts in the fields of leisure, housing, gastronomy, services... once a year Bordeaux (France) Parc des expositions de Bordeaux-Lac May 2026 (?)
FOIRE INTERNATIONALE DE LA HAUTE-SAVOIE MONT-BLANCInternational Fair of Haute-Savoie. More than 500 exhibitors present the latest trends in home improvement, furniture, outdoor, crafts, decoration, DIY, gastronomy, leisure, automotive, well-being... once a year La Roche-sur-Foron (France) Rochexpo, Parc des expositions de la Foire de la Haute-Savoie Mont-Blanc May 2026 (?)
GAP FOIRE EXPOFair-exhibition of Gap. The professional actors of the Hautes-Alpes exhibit their know-how over 9 days once a year Gap (France) Parc de La Pépinière - Gap May 2026 (?)
LA FIERA CAMPIONARIAInternational Trade Far of Padua. Trends for the home, must-have products for shopping, gastronomy from around the world... many hours of entertainment and pleasure once a year Padua (Italy) PadovaFiere May 2026 (?)
OCEANS FAIRThe largest Wholesale store in Mexico, connecting directly with manufacturers and wholesalers of thousands of products. Beauty, Toys, School, Electric Car & Motorcycle, Machinery... once a year Tijuana (Mexico) International Center Tijuana May 2026 (?)
PLMA INTERNATIONALWorld of Private Label International Trade Show & Conference once a year Amsterdam (Netherlands) RAI International Exhibition and Congress Centre May 2026 (?)
READYSTOCKReadystock is an international, multi-industry fair of ready-to-sell products fro. various industries. Among them, e.g. household appliances, decorations, gifts, toys, tools, cosmetics, chemicals, groceries, office, school and advertising articles once a year Warsaw (Poland) PGE Narodowy Stadium May 2026 (?)
SUMMER SEASONTogliatti Consumer Goods Fair presents a wide range of food, agricultural products, delicacies... Also, shoes, fashion accessories, beauty and health products, accessories for home comfort... once a year Togliatti (Russia) Expo Togliatti May 2026 (?)
THE MAGNETICS SHOW NORTH AMERICASupply Chain Expo & Technical Programme for the Global Magnetics Industry. Encompassing the entire supply chain of the magnetic material and rare earth industries. From energy conversion, aerospace, to the modest refrigerator magnet once a year Pasadena, CA (USA) Pasadena Convention Center May 2026 (?)
THE ULTIMATE WOMEN'S SHOW - ATLANTAThe Nation's Largest Women's Expos, combining the very best in shopping, speakers, makeovers and rejuvenation designed for the Ultimate Experience for women twice a year Atlanta, GA (USA) Cobb Galleria Centre May 2026 (?)
THE ULTIMATE WOMEN'S SHOW - ORANGE COUNTYThe Nation's Largest Women's Expos, combining the very best in shopping, speakers, makeovers and rejuvenation designed for the Ultimate Experience for women once a year Anaheim, CA (USA) Anaheim Convention Center May 2026 (?)
TIBCOBucharest International Fair for Consumer Goods. Cosmetics, perfumes, clothing, shoes, jewelry, drinks, natural products, sweets, coffee, gifts, interior decor, electronics, appliances, furniture, household goods... once a year Bucharest (Romania) Romexpo May 2026 (?)
TIME TO SUMMERUniversal Exhibition of Consumer Goods. Clothing, footwear, headgear, textiles, leather goods, cosmetics, perfumes, jewelry, fashion jewelry, accessories, children's products, household products, textiles for the home once a year Togliatti (Russia) Expo Togliatti May 2026 (?)
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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