COLD CHAIN EXHIBITIONCold Chain Exhibition will be the voice for cold storage infrastructure, refrigeration, reefer transport, cold supply chain industry
once a year |
Bangkok (Thailand)
Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC)
07/02/2025 3 days |
CONTENT EXPO TOKYOCONTENT EXPO TOKYO is a comprehensive exhibition consisting of 7 specialised trade shows related to content: Production/Studio Expo, Content Distribution & Management Expo, Content Marketing Expo, Advanced Digital Marketing Expo, Graphic Design Expo...
once a year |
Tokyo (Japan)
Tokyo International Exhibition Center (Tokyo Big Sight)
07/02/2025 3 days |
F ISTANBULF Istanbul is one of the most comprehensive food & beverage exhibition in Türkiye dedicated to products + processing & packaging technology
once a year |
Istanbul (Turkey)
Istanbul Expo Center / Istanbul Fuar Merkezi / CNR Expo
07/02/2025 4 days |
GIFTEX TOKYOJapan's leading "B-to-B" trade show for variety-gifts gathered from all over the world
twice a year |
Tokyo (Japan)
Tokyo International Exhibition Center (Tokyo Big Sight)
07/02/2025 3 days |
INDIA FOOD AND DRINK PROCESSING EXPOSouth India's Most Comprehensive Food & Drink Processing Expo. India Food & Drink Processing Expo is all set to showcase noteworthy innovations, cutting-edge technologies and expert solutions in the processing and packaging sectors
twice a year |
Coimbatore (India)
Codissia Trade Fair Complex
07/02/2025 3 days |
LICENSING JAPANLICENSING JAPAN is a comprehensive trade show for the global licensing community industry who are interested in developing business in Japan and East Asia
once a year |
Tokyo (Japan)
Tokyo International Exhibition Center (Tokyo Big Sight)
07/02/2025 3 days |
LOGISTICS AUTOMATION EXPOLogistics Automation Expo is the leading international exhibitions and conference for warehouse infrastructure developers, automation, material handling, storage, intralogistics, transport & logistics, supply chain technologies in Asia
once a year |
Bangkok (Thailand)
Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC)
07/02/2025 3 days |
SPORTS BUSINESS EXPO TOKYOAs Japan’s only trade show specialised in the sport business industry, the show offers direct access to a wide range of services for sports teams, audience, athletes and sports facilities, as well as the latest products using AI, VR and IT technologies
once a year |
Tokyo (Japan)
Tokyo International Exhibition Center (Tokyo Big Sight)
07/02/2025 3 days |
PRO-DAYSShow reserved for professional bicycle buyers
once a year |
Paris (France)
Paris Expo Porte de Versailles
07/06/2025 3 days |
MARKETING WEEK - TOKYOServing as a business matchmaking platform, Marketing Week brings together professionals in marketing, web directing, advertising, public relations, sales promotion, and marketing support services
twice a year |
Tokyo (Japan)
Tokyo International Exhibition Center (Tokyo Big Sight)
07/09/2025 3 days |
ASIA FASHION (THAILAND) SHOWAsia Fashion Series Show focuses on fashion related items like bags and luggage and clothes, shoes and attracts a diverse audience, including industry leaders, professionals, and buyers
once a year |
Bangkok (Thailand)
Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC)
07/10/2025 3 days |
ECOMMERCE FORUMThe ECommerce Forum brings key ECommerce and digital managers, together with leading solution providers for focused one-to-one meetings via pre-arranged itinerary of business meetings
twice a year |
London (UK - United Kingdom)
Hilton London Canary Wharf
07/10/2025 1 day |
LIFT EXPO KENYALift Expo Kenya is an international exhibition focused on elevators, escalators, and related technologies and accessories in Kenya
once a year |
Nairobi (Kenya)
07/15/2025 1 day |
FUTURE PRINTBrazilian International Trade show for the silkscreen, sign and textile digital printing
once a year |
São Paulo (Brazil)
Parque Anhembi
07/16/2025 4 days |
LICENSING EXPO SHANGHAILicensing Expo Shanghai aims to build business connections between IP owners and agents covering multiple categories including anime images, film and television, museums, culture and art, online literature, entertainment, games, publishing...
once a year |
Shanghai (China)
National Exhibition and Convention Center
07/16/2025 3 days |
LIGHTEXPO AFRICA - KENYAInternational Residential, Commercial & Industrial Lighting and Accessories Trade Exhibition
once a year |
Nairobi (Kenya)
Kenyatta International Conference Center
07/16/2025 3 days |
SERIGRAFIA SIGN FUTURETEXTILInternational Exhibition of Machinery and Products for Screen Printing & Signage
once a year |
São Paulo (Brazil)
Expo Center Norte
07/16/2025 4 days |
BD SUMMER FORUMThe Boutique Design Forum Series connects suppliers with leading decisionmakers -hospitality owners, developers, brands, interior designers, architects, and purchasing agents -through unique shared experiences
once a year |
Sonoma, CA (USA)
The Lodge at Sonoma, CA
07/21/2025 3 days |
ASI SHOW CHICAGORegional Networking Event & Exhibition for the Advertizing Industry Professionals in Chicago. ASI SHOW CHICAGO brings together suppliers, decorators and distributors within the advertising specialty industry
once a year |
Chicago, IL (USA)
McCormick Place
07/22/2025 3 days |
ONLINE RETAILER SYDNEYExhibition for e-commerce professionals. This event connects thousands of e-commerce, digital, marketing professionals and offers the best solutions, latest technologies and information
once a year |
Sydney (Australia)
ICC Sydney - International Convention Centre Sydney
07/23/2025 2 days |
REFRI AMERICASCaribbean and Latin American refrigeration/air conditioning industry expo and congress
once a year |
Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic)
07/23/2025 2 days |
ASEAN RETAIL SHOWASEAN Retail Show Is the perfect platform to launch new cutting-edge solutions/products in shaping the future of retail and e-commerce in Thailand and ASEAN countries
once a year |
Bangkok (Thailand)
Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC)
07/24/2025 4 days |
GIFTS WORLD EXPO - NEW DELHIIndia’s Biggest Exhibition On Gifting & Promotional Solutions. Gifting has become a means of expression in both personal and professional contexts, incorporated into our heritage and social customs as a means of expressing love, appreciation, and joy
once a year |
New Delhi (India)
Pragati Maidan
07/24/2025 3 days |
TRAFS - THAILAND RETAIL, FOOD & HOSPITALITY SERVICESThailand’s Largest International Show on Equipment and Supplies of Retail, Food, Bakery, Restaurants, Hotel, Catering and Hospitality Services
once a year |
Bangkok (Thailand)
Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC)
07/24/2025 4 days |
FRANCHISE AND LICENSE INDONESIA EXPO - SURABAYAThe Biggest and Most Comprehensive Franchise & License Expo in Indonesia. Showcase your brand and discover numerous potential buyers. And explore hundreds of local and international brands in one single place
twice a year |
Surabaya (Indonesia)
Grand City Convention & Exhibition Centre
07/25/2025 3 days |
CAPA AIRLINE AVIATION SUMMIT - AUSTRALIA PACIFICThis two-day summit, highly regarded as the key industry event for the region, offers thought leadership, valuable networking opportunities, and in-depth insight on the issues and trends that shape the local and global airline industry
once a year |
Cairns City, QLD (Australia)
Cairns Convention Centre
07/31/2025 2 days |
GIFTEX INDIAInternational Exhibition dedicated to Personal & Corporate Gifts & Stationery Sourcing in India
once a year |
Mumbai (India)
Nehru Centre
07/31/2025 3 days |
BCB SÃO PAULOBCB São Paulo is the most inspiring event in the cocktail market in South America. The event is the perfect venue for launching new products of the main brands of spirits, ingredients, accessories and services
once a year |
São Paulo (Brazil)
Ibirapuera Park
July 2025 (?) |
CHRISTMAS EXPOHoliday Lighting & Decorating Conference & Expo
once a year |
July 2025 (?) |
COSMETICA HANNOVERCOSMETICA Hannover is the meeting place for all beauty experts. Products for you daily work or high-class interior for you studio ? Hundreds of companies and brands offer their goods and are happy to advise you personally and competently
once a year |
Hannover (Germany)
Deutsche Messe Hannover
July 2025 (?) |
DIGITAL BANKING ASIA - INDONESIADigital Banking Asia is the event that connects, educates and inspires CxOs (Chief Experience Officer) from Banks, Fintech and Financial Services across Asia
once a year |
Jakarta (Indonesia)
July 2025 (?) |
FRANCHISE AND LICENSE INDONESIA EXPO - SURABAYAThe Biggest and Most Comprehensive Franchise & License Expo in Indonesia. Showcase your brand and discover numerous potential buyers. And explore hundreds of local and international brands in one single place
twice a year |
Surabaya (Indonesia)
Grand City Convention & Exhibition Centre
July 2025 (?) |
SAVM - VIETNAMSoutheast Asia Vending Machines & New Retail Industry Expo & Supermarket Equipment Expo
once a year |
Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam)
Sky Expo Vietnam International Exhibition & Convention Center
July 2025 (?) |
VISUAL IMPACT BRISBANETrade show dedicated to the print, graphics and signage industries in Australia
once a year |
Brisbane (Australia)
Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre
July 2025 (?) |